Student charter

Our student charter outlines what students should expect from the University and what the University should expect from it's students.

We aim to provide:

  • An enriching and accessible learning environment
  • A safe place on campus and in the local community, based on cooperation and mutual respect
  • A productive and inclusive support structure
  • A diverse range of opportunities for personal development beyond the curriculum.

The Charter, jointly developed by students and staff, outlines the standards and core principles of our learning community.

Vice-Chancellor and the President of the Guild of Students

Students will...

Learning environment

  • Be self-motivated, engage with the culture of learning and take responsibility for their educational goals*
  • Enjoy freedom of expression, whilst acknowledging others' right to expression.

Safe place

  • Be responsible citizens
  • Respect the environment
  • Have an awareness of safety regimes, including policies and procedures


  • Make themselves aware of the sources of support and guidance
  • Engage actively with all opportunities to provide feedback

Personal development

  • Take advantage of the social and extra-curricular opportunities
  • Develop employability skills through both curricular and non-curricular activities

The Guild** will...

Learning environment

  • Represent and lobby on behalf of the student body

Safe place

  • Hold free and fair elections within a democratic structure
  • Promote personal safety
  • Provide a platform for students with protected characteristics


  • Provide a source of advice and support on academic issues, welfare issues and formal University procedures

Personal development

  • Provide opportunities for social and personal development through societies and events

University of Birmingham will...

Learning environment

  • Make available appropriate, accessible learning resources to all
  • Provide relevant information relating to studies
  • Provide timely and useful feedback on assessments
  • Provide an accessible and fair legislative framework
  • Provide an environment within which students can enjoy freedom of expression

Safe place

  • Provide a safe and secure environment within which to study and socialise
  • Consider environmental impact
  • Ensure equality and diversity


  • Provide professional welfare services (including financial advice)
  • Ensure each student is aware of their personal tutor and/or supervisor***
  • Be committed to listening to student feedback and taking action as appropriate

Personal development

  • Support opportunities for development through sport and societies
  • Provide opportunities for work experience and volunteering
  • Provide enhanced transcripts to all graduates
  • Provide a high quality careers and enterprise
    education, information, advice and guidance service; and access to a broad
    range of employers, employment, and work experience and skills development

* The University terms this ‘reasonable diligence’

** For students studying at the University's overseas campus the responsibilities of the Guild of Students will be undertaken through the appropriate local student representation system.

***In the case of PGR programmes

Student engagement

Student engagement is defined as the range of ways in which students are active participants in shaping their learning experience. The University takes deliberate steps to engage all our students, individually and collectively, as partners in the assurance and enhancement of their educational experience.

Review and feedback

The Student Charter is reviewed regularly by the University Education Committee, which includes representation from the Guild of Students. If you have any comments, feedback or questions regarding the Student Charter please contact Student Services