Dr Haifaa Jawad

Dr Haifaa Jawad

Department of Theology and Religion
Honorary Senior Lecturer

Contact details

ERI Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Broadly speaking, my research interests lie within Islamic studies and Middle Eastern politics and history. My research interests and writings cover areas such as the socio-political study of Islam, Modern and contemporary Islamic thought, Women in Islam, Feminism and Islam, Islam in Britain, especially New Muslims, Islam and the West, Islamism, Islamic beliefs and practices, Islam and other religions, Euro-Arab relations, Middle Eastern politics and history. I also have special interests in Islamic spirituality and Ethics, and the perennial philosophy, especially the works of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Apart from my academic works, I also contribute to the media on contemporary Islamic and Middle Eastern issues. Currently, I am working on the Universal principles of the Quran related to gender relationship. The traditional Islamic perspective informs my research work.  

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  • BA. MA. University of Baghdad
  • PhD, Exeter University
  • F.A.E.T.C. (Further and Adult Education Teacher's Certificate), Worthing, West Sussex.
  • Head of School’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Department of Theology and Religion, School of Historical Studies, University of Birmingham
  • Dean of College’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, New England College, Arundel, West Sussex.


  • Arabic (native)
  • English (fluent)


Since 2001, I have been a member of the Department of Theology and Religion. I have also held a number of visiting positions and fellowships: In 2019, I secured research fellowship from Istanbul Sehir University, Turkey. In 2017, I held a Visiting Senior Scholar Status, Centre for Islamic Studies, Istanbul, Turkey. In 2013, I held a Visiting Senior Lecturer Status, the Institute of the Ismaili Studies, London. Between 2007 – 2009, I was a Visiting Senior Lecturer, Trinity College, Dublin. In 2005, I was the American University of Beirut/Fulbright Commission Visiting Professor at the University of Alabama, US. In 1998, I was a Visiting Lecturer at Lancaster University and in 1992 was a Visiting Lecturer at the Muslim College, London. Before joining the department, I held academic positions as Lecturer, Westhill College (1993-1999), Assistant Professor, New England College (American University) (1990-1993), and Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, Exeter University (1986).

Postgraduate supervision

I am happy to supervise students under the following headings:

Modern and Contemporary Islamic thought
Current supervision
Sareh Ardeshir Larijany: Thesis title: “Mutahhari’s principles of thought on women’s public life”
Nur Saadah Binti Khair: Thesis title: The Use and Abuse of 'Anti-Women' Hadith: A Critical Study Between Traditional and Liberal Women's Movements.
Sadia Ali: Thesis title: Muslim feminists negotiating their space online.
Ghazala Qadri: Thesis title: A Women's Right to a Khula in Pakistan: Marital Relief or Marital Pain?
Zuraimy Mohamed Noordin: Thesis Title: Women’s leadership Role in higher Education in Malaysis.
Mashitah Sabdin: Thesis title: Perceptions of Non-Muslims in Higher Learning Institutions in Malaysia about Islam and Muslims
Khawla Al-Mulla: Thesis title: Intellectual currents in Saudi Arabia
Salha Nassr Aseere: Thesis title: The position of Islam on domestic violence against women with particular reference to Saudi Arabia
Ayse Elmali: Thesis title: Interfaith Marriages: Perspectives from Muslim women experiencing marriage to non-Muslims -The case of Birmingham
Owed Nahee: Thesis title: The Religious life in Najran.
Khalid al-jifiry: Thesis title: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence in Bin Bayyah's Thought
Iman Al-Rajaibi: Thesis tilte: Aesthetics in the Quran


My main areas of research are the socio-political study of Islam, Modern and Contemporary Islamic thought, Women in Islam, inter-religious relations, Middle East history and politics. I have also personal interest in Islamic Spirituality and Ethics and the philosophy of Seyyed Hossein Nasr.

Other activities

  • Associate editor, Journal of the Study of Islam and Christian Muslim Relations.
  • Associate editor, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, USA (2007 to 2016)
  • Member of the board, Centre for Christian-Muslim Studies, Oxford.
  • Member of the editorial board, Journal of Gender and Religion (on-line), Brill, (2010 – 2015)
  • Member of the editorial board, Open Theology (on-line Quarterly), UK, (2007 – 2010)
  • Member, British Association for Islamic Studies, UK.
  • Member of the Council (governing body), British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, Durham, (2000-2003)
  • External advisor, Al-Maktoum College of higher education, Dundee, (2018-2020)
  • External examiner, Cambridge A Level Islamic Studies, (2016-2017)
  • External advisor, Birmingham City Council, Islamic studies program, (2016-2017)
  • External examiner, St Mary’s University College, London, (2010-2014)Leeds Metropolitan University, (2009-2011)


Current research

Universal principles of the Qur’an with specific reference to Gender issues, chapter for a book on the Universal principles of the Quran, forthcoming. 

Digital media



Peer reviewed, book chapters and short monographs

Contributions to some media outlets: briefings and interviews


  • 2017, The historical context of Islam, BBC TV,
  • 2015, Personal Profile, Liberty Media, October 2015
  • 2006, The Israeli attacks on Lebanon, (briefing) Sky News
  • 2002, Why some young Muslims go to war, Midlands Today


  • 2017, Women in Saudi Arabia, Sputnik Radio, Edinburgh
  • 2017, Tolerance in Islam, Voice of Islam Radio
  • 2017, Islam and animals, BBC West Midlands 
  • 2011, Women, Islamism and Resistance in the Arab World, BBC West Midlands
  • 2009, The Israeli attacks on Gaza, BBC West Midlands
  • 2007, Muslim fundamentalists controlling mosques in Britain, BBC West Midlands
  • 2006, Muslim perspectives on death, BBC radio four
  • 2006, The Israeli attacks on Gaza and Lebanon, BBC West Midlands
  • 2004, The future relations between Islam and the Western World, Radio Tehran

Print media:

  • 2010, Why British women convert to Islam? Daily Mail
  • 2007, Public Reaction to Veiling in Britain, Danish Newspaper
  • 2006, Women Converts to Islam”, the Times Magazine
  • 2006, Muslim Women and Face Veiling in Britain, Newsweek
  • 2005, Women and Conversion to Islam, Christian Science Monitor
  • 2005, Radical Islam in Europe, the Focus, German Magazine
  • 2004, Social Cohesion: Breaking Down Barriers, Building Bridges, New Statement/Fellow’s Associates Report
  • 2004, Islam and Other Religions, Tuscaloosa News, Alabama, US
  • 2004, The Assassination of the Spiritual Leader of Hamas, Herald News, Alabama, US
  • 2003, Unity within Diversity, Christian Movement Magazine, Birmingham, UK
  • 1996, The Iraqi Opposition Groups and America, Al-Mustakillah, (Arabic Newspaper), Middlesex, London

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