Dr Grace Wood PhD

Dr Grace Wood

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
Research Fellow

Contact details

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Grace wood is a researcher in the field of participatory research and urban environments, with a specific focus on citizen science and co-production. Her research focuses on employing citizen science to co-produce research with older adults and community stakeholders to promote age-friendly cities. She presents a portfolio of interdisciplinary and public engagement research, with interests in strengthening citizen science co-production methods, collaborative governance and producing user-friendly dissemination of academic research.

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  • PhD in Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences. University of Birmingham, UK

  • MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.

  • BSc (Hons) Conservation Ecology. University of Worcester, UK.


Grace joined the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham in June 2019. Since joining, she has completed a PhD on optimising urban environments to promote active and healthy ageing using a citizen science method to actively engage older adults and community stakeholders. She now works as a research fellow for the SMART Schools Study. Previously, she completed an MSc at Manchester Metropolitan University, focusing her dissertation on planning accessible urban parks for older adults with and without dementia. 

Grace’s PhD research has received the following awards and grants: 

  • The Alice Roberts PGR Award for Excellence in Public Engagement 2022. Public Engagement Team, University of Birmingham (September 2022) - Awarded for the ‘Improving Your Local Area’ public engagement study.
  • Light of Understanding Award 2022. Public Engagement Team, University of Birmingham (September 2022) - Commended for the ‘Improving Your Local Area’ study.
  • Centre for Urban Wellbeing Animated Video Fund. Centre for Urban Wellbeing, University of Birmingham (March 2022) - Awarded £6000 to produce an animated video of the ‘Improving Your Local Area’ study.
  • Public Engagement with Research Funding Scheme. Public Engagement Team, University of 

Postgraduate supervision

Grace is co-supervising MSc, MRes and MPhil students.


Grace’s research interests include participatory and community-based community research, with a specific focus on strengthening citizen science co-production and co-creation methods. Alongside this, her interests include age-friendly cities, promoting healthy ageing and intergenerational activities in urban environments, collaborative governance and user-friendly dissemination of academic research.


Wood GER,  Pykett J, Banchoff A, King AC, Stathi A, Improving Your Local Area Citizen Scientists and Community Stakeholders. Employing citizen science to enhance active and healthy ageing in urban environments. Health & Place 2022; 79: 102954 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102954

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