Dr Mary Zhang

Dr Mary Zhang

School of Social Policy and Society
Associate Professor
125th Anniversary Fellow

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Mary joined the University of Birmingham as a 125th Anniversary Fellow and Associate Professor of International Social Policy in 2024, having previously held academic posts at the Universities of Bristol and Oxford. Her work receives funding from ESRC, IDRC, NERC, UKRI, and UNICEF, producing high-quality articles, book chapters, and policy reports, which became an important part of the Research Excellence Framework impact case study. Her work has been disseminated worldwide through diverse channels, including the Science Summits at the United Nations General Assembly. Her teaching covers cutting-edge theories and practices in Social Policy and Research Methodology. She also offers capacity-building training for international non-governmental organisations’ statistical officers and data managers.


Mary utilises an interdisciplinary approach to explore three overarching themes: (1) poverty and social exclusion, (2) gender inequality, and (3) climatic vulnerability and adaptation. She employs a range of advanced and innovative quantitative and qualitative methods. Of the three research themes, she primarily investigates inequality and marginality resulting from poverty and social exclusion, focusing on developing scientifically rigorous measures of multidimensional poverty applicable in low- and middle-income countries. The second area of her research concerns gender inequality. Within this realm, she examines gender inequalities in sustainable development, precarious self-employment, and the care economy and transformation. Her third research area explores climatic vulnerability and adaptation, revealing the protective factors that can enhance vulnerable groups’ ecological, social, and mental resilience and sustainable development.


  • Poverty and social exclusion
  • Gender inequality
  • Sustainable development
  • Climatic vulnerability
  • Advanced statistical and modelling approaches
  • Social survey