Professor Jenny Phillimore

Jenny Phillimore, Senior Lecturer, IASS

Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology
Professor of Migration and Superdiversity

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT, United Kingdom

Jenny Phillimore is Professor of Migration and Superdiversity. She is a world leading scholar in refugee integration, superdiversity and access to social welfare with a particular focus on public health.  Jenny is also an expert on Community Sponsorship.

She managers teams of researchers focusing on access to health, education, employment, training, and housing integration with a particular focus on integration and organisational change in the UK and EU.

Jenny is a Fellow of the RSA and of the Academy of the Social Sciences. She has advised local, regional, national and European Government. Jenny led the ESRC/Norface funded UPWEB project which is developing a new concept of welfare bricolage to explore how residents in superdiverse areas address health concerns. 

Currently she leads the international SEREDA project which aims to understand the incidence and nature of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) experienced by women, men and child refugees who have fled conflict in the Levant Region.

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  • PhD Urban and Regional Studies, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham (1998)
  • MSc (Distinction), Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham (1995)
  • BSc (Hons) Environmental Science (First Class), Coventry University (1994)


Jenny is currently module Co-ordinator for the New Migration and Superdiversity undergraduate module.

Postgraduate supervision

  • South to south refugee humanitarianism (2024) (Kirsty Hearn)
  • Intersectionality Between Threat Assessment and Refugees’ Personal Experiences of Violence (2026) Olivia Petie
  • Superdiversity and child mistreatment PhD (2022) (Rafiyah Khan)
  • Refugee integration a design approach PhD (2022) (Allaa Barri)
  • Critical humanitarianism and the Community Sponsorship Programme PhD (2023) (Natasha Nicholls)
  • Comparing refugee integration outcomes across resettlement programmes PhD (2023) (Gabriella D'Avino)
  • Governance and migration. Danish Research Council Studentship PhD (2011) (Belisa Marochi)
  • Housing needs of Pakistani Muslim women experiencing domestic violence. ESRC/ODPM Case Studentship PhD (2011) (Zahira Latif)
  • Identity and citizenship in second generation Philiponos. Ford Foundation International (2013) (Mark Llangco)
  • Analysing unemployment benefit equality for internal migrant workers PhD (2014) (Ziaolin Yang)
  • Exploring the nature of representation in an era of superdiversity (2016) (Asif Alfridi)
  • Role of media in migration policy making process (2017) (Szymon Parniekwski)
  • Decision-making processes of return migrants participating in voluntary returns programmes (2018) (James Lukano Omuson)
  • Remittance strategies of Malawian migrants in the UK (2019) (Harry Ntata)
  • Palliative care provision for migrant children and their families (2020) (Marie Clancy)
  • Refugee children and integration (2020) (Ozlem Young)
  • Enterprise as a route for refugee integration (2020) (Kristina Stoewe)
  • Resilience and refugee women's experiences of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) (2021) (Sara Alsaraf)
  • Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in the refugee crisis (2021) (Sandra Pertek)
  • Restorative justice and sexual and gender based violence in refugee crises (2022) (Sian Thomas)


New migration and superdiversity; migrant integration and settlement; organisational adaptation and migrant welfare needs; small scale refugee, migrant and ethnic third sector activity; innovative qualitative research methods; refugee and migrant health and migrant maternity; community research methodology; sexual and gender based violence (SGBV).


The SEREDA Project is a major new research initiative that is being undertaken across the United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden and Turkey by a multi-country research team from the University of Birmingham, University of Melbourne, Uppsala University and Bilkent University.  The Project uses a social constructivist framework to understand the incidence and nature of SGBV experienced by women, men and child refugees who have fled conflict in the Levant Region.  

Find out more about the SEREDA Project

Community Sponsorship

Launched in 2016, Community Sponsorship is a British scheme wherein communities raise funds and establish a core group to support a refugee family to resettle in the UK.   

Find out more about the Community Sponsorship Scheme

Other activities

  • Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences and British Sociological Association
  • Fellow of the RSA
  • Member if the European Migration Network
  • Member if the Runnymede Trust Academic Network


Humphris, R., Phillimore, J., Bradby, H. (forthcoming) After encounters: Revealing patients’ unseen work through their pathways to care.  Journal of Migration and Integration

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Brand, T., Padilla, B. and Pemberton, S., 2021. Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe’s Superdiverse Neighbourhoods. Routledge.

Phillimore, J. Pertek, S., Akyuz, S., Darkal, H., Hourani, J., McKnight, P., Ozcurumez, S., Taal, S. (2021)  “We are Forgotten”: Forced Migration, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, and Coronavirus Disease-2019. Violence Against Women. 

Phillimore, J. and Cheung, S.Y., 2021. The Violence of Uncertainty: empirical evidence on how asylum waiting time undermines refugees’ health. Social Science & Medicine, 

Phillimore, J., Reyes-Soto, M., D’Avino, G. and Nicholls, N., 2021. “I have Felt so Much Joy”: The Role of Emotions in Community Sponsorship of Refugees. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, pp.1-11. 

Phillimore, J., Morrice, L., Kabe, K., Hashimoto, N., Hassan, S. and Reyes, M., 2021. Economic self-reliance or social relations? What works in refugee integration? Learning from resettlement programmes in Japan and the UK. Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1), pp.1-19.

Hall, K., Phillimore, J., Grzymala-Kazlowska, A., Vershinina, N., Ögtem-Young, Ö. and Harris, C., 2020. Migration uncertainty in the context of Brexit: resource conservation tactics. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp.1-19. 

Clancy, M., Taylor, J., Bradbury-Jones, C., Phillimore, J. (2020) A systematic review exploring palliative care for families who are forced migrants.  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 

Samkange-Zeeb, F., Borisova, L., Padilla, B., Bradby, H., Phillimore, J., Zeeb, H. and Brand, T. (2020) Superdiversity, migration and use of internet-based health information – results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in 4 European countries.  BMC Public Health

Bradby, H., Lindenmeyer, A., Padilla, B., Phillimore, J. & Brand, T. (2020) If there were doctors who could understand our problems, I would already be better’:  dissatisfactory healthcare and marginalisation in superdiverse neighbourhoods.  Sociology of Health and Illness

Phillimore, J. (2020) Refugee Integration Opportunity Structures: shifting the focus from refugees to context.  Journal of Refugee Studies

Phillimore, J., Brand, T., Bradby, H. and Padilla, B., (2019) Healthcare bricolage in Europe’s superdiverse neighbourhoods: a mixed methods study. BMC Public Health, 19(1), p.1325.

Phillimore, J. and Grzymala-Kazlowska, A., (2019) Superdiversity and Its Relevance for Central and Eastern European Migration Studies. The Case of Polish Migrants in the UK. Central and Eastern European Migration Review, 8(2), pp.39-59.

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H. & Brand, T., (2019) Superdiversity, population health and healthcare: opportunities and challenges in a changing world.  Public Health DOI:10.1016/j.puhe.2019.01.007

Bradby, H., Phillimore, J., Padilla, B & Brand, T. (2019) Making gendered healthcare work visible: overlooked labour in four diverse European settings.  Social Inclusion 7 (2) 33-43

Wessendorf, S. and Phillimore, J., (2019). New migrants’ social integration, embedding and emplacement in superdiverse contexts. Sociology, p.0038038518771843.

Brand, T., Samkange-Zeeb, F., Knecht, M., Bradby, H., Padilla, B., Pemberton, S., Phillimore, J. and Zeeb, H., 2018. 5.2-O7 Unmet needs for healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods: results from the UPWEB study. The European Journal of Public Health, 28(suppl_1), pp.cky047-169.

Pemberton, S., Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Padilla, B., Lopes, J., Samerski, S. and Humphris, R., 2018. Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods. Health & place. S1353-8292(18)30565-3. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2018.12.003.

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Doos, L., Padilla, B., Samerski, S. (2018) Health providers as bricoleurs: an examination of the adaption of health ecosystems to superdiversity in Europe.  Journal of European Social Policy.  10.1177/0958928718795994

Phillimore, J., Bradby, H., Knecht, M., Padilla, B. and Pemberton, S., (2018). Bricolage as conceptual tool for understanding access to healthcare in superdiverse populations. Social Theory & Health, pp.1-22.

Phillimore, J. Sigona, N. & Tonkiss, K. Editors (2017) Multilevel governance of superdiversity in Europe.  Special Issue of Policy and Politics  

Grzymala-Kazlowska, A. & Phillimore, J. Editors (2017) Introduction: rethinking integration.  New perspectives on adaption and settlement in the era of superdiversity.  Journal and Ethnic and Migration studies. 

Phillimore, J., Humphris, R. & Khan, K. (2017) Reciprocity for new migrant integration: resource conservation, investment and exchange.  Journal of Ethnic and Migration

Cheung, S. & Phillimore, J. (2016) Gender and refugee integration: a quantitative analysis of integration and social policy outcomes.  Journal of Social Policy. 

Lindenmeyer, A., Redwood, S., Griffith, L, Teladia, Z. & Phillimore, J. (2016) Experiences of primary care professionals providing healthcare to recently arrived migrants: a qualitative study.  BMJ OPen doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012561

Lindenmeyer, A., Redwood, S., Griffith, L., Ahmed, S. & Phillimore, J.  (2016) Recent migrants' perspectives on antibiotic use and prescribing: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice

Pemberton, S. & Phillimore, J. (2016) Migrant place-making in superdiverse neighbourhoods: Moving beyond ethno-national approaches.  Urban Studies DOI: 10.1177/0042098016656988

Bakker, L., Cheung, S. & Phillimore, J. (2016) The Asylum-Integration Paradox: Comparing Asylum Support Systems and Refugee Integration in The Netherlands and the UK International Migration DOI: 10.1111/imig.12251

Phillimore, J. (2015) 'Migrant maternity in an era of superdiversity: new migrants' access to, and experience of, antenatal care in the West Midlands, UK,' Social Science & Medicine, Available online 25 November 2015, ISSN 0277-9536,

Phillimore, J. (2015) Embedded integration and organisational change in housing providers in the UK.  Social Policy and Society.  DOI: 10.1017/S1474746415000639

Phillimore, J. & McCabe, A. (2015) Small scale civil society and social policy: importance of experiential learning, insider knowledge and diverse motivations in shaping community action.  Voluntary Sector Review 6 (2) 

Phillimore, J. (2015) Delivering maternity services in an era of superdiversity: the challenges of novelty and newness Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies  

Karnilowicz, W., & Phillimore, J. (2014) Community Research within a Social Constructionist Epistemology: Implications for ‘Scientific Rigour’ Community Development DOI: 10.1080/15575330

Soteri-Proctor, A., Phillimore, J. & McCabe, A. (2014) Grassroots civil society at crossroads: staying on the path to independence or turning onto the UK Government's route to localism? Development in Practice 23 (8)

Cheung, S.Y. and Phillimore, J. (2014) ‘Refugees, Social Capital and Labour Market Integration in the UK’, Sociology, DOI: 10.1177/0038038513491467

Phillimore, J. (2013) Housing, home and neighbourhood in the era of superdiversity: some lessons from the West Midlands.  Housing Studies 28 (5) 682-700

Phillimore, J. (2012) Implementing integration in the UK; lessons for theory, policy and practice.  Policy and Politics 

Newall, D., Phillimore, J., & Sharpe, H. (2012) Migration and maternity in the age of superdiversity.  The Practising Midwife 15 (1) pp20-22.

Phillimore, J. (2011) Approaches to welfare provision in the age of super-diversity: the example of health provision in Britain’s most diverse city.  Critical Social Policy Volume 31 Issue 1 pp5-29

Phillimore, J. (2011) Monitoring for equality?  Asylum seekers and refugees’ retention and achievement in ESOL.  International Journal of Inclusive Education 15 (3) 317-330

Teasdale, S., McKay, S., Phillimore, J. and Teasdale, N.  (2011) Exploring gender and social entrepreneurship: women's leadership, employment and participation in the third sector and social enterprises. Voluntary Sector Review, Vol 2, no 1:  57-76

Phillimore, J. (2011) Refugees, acculturation and integration.  Journal of Social Policy 40 (3) pp.575-593.

Goodson, L. & Phillimore, J.  (2010) Community Research Methodology: Working with New Migrants to Develop a Policy Related Evidence Base.  Social Policy and Society 9 (4) pp: 489-501

Phillimore, J. & Goodson, L. (2010) Failing to adapt: institutional barriers to RCOs engagement in transformation of social welfare.  Social Policy and Society 9 (2) pp1-12.

Phillimore, J., Goodson L. (2008) Making a Place in the Global City - The Relevance of Indicators of Integration, Journal of Refugee Studies 21: 305-325

Goodson, L., & Phillimore, J. (2008) Social capital and integration: the importance of social relationships and social space to refugee women. International Journal of Diversity 7 (6) pp: 181-194.

Phillimore, J. (2007) "Feeling better about myself": An examination of the strengths and weaknesses of a tool developed to explore the impact of dyslexia support on the self-esteem and motivation to learn of dyslexic young offenders.  Journal of Educational Enquiry, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 83-99

Phillimore, J., Goodson L. (2006). Problem or Opportunity? Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Employment and Social Exclusion in Deprived Urban Areas, Urban Studies, 43, 10, 1-22. ISBN: 0042-0980. Publication: 40084.

Authored Books

Phillimore, J. (2015) Migration and social policy.  Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press.

Phillimore, J. & Goodson, L. (2008) New migrants in the UK: education, training, employment, policy and practice.  Trentham 213 pages.

Edited Books

McCabe, A. & Phillimore, J. (2017) Getting below the radar: understanding community groups and activities in the UK.  Bristol: Policy Press.

Phillimore, J. (2015) Migration and Social Policy.  Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Goodson, L. & Phillimore, J. (Editors) (2012).  Community research for community participation.  Bristol: Policy Press.

Phillimore, J., Goodson, L. (Editors) (2004) Qualitative Research in Tourism: Ontologies, Epistemologies, Methodologies and Methods, London, Routledge, 324 pages (145 citations 2012)

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New migration; superdiversity; integration; cohesion; asylum seekers; refugees; migrant welfare; refugee and migrant health and maternity; sexual and gender based violence (SGBV).

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Communities and Cohesion

Professor Phillimore is interested in a number of fields including new migration and superdiversity; migrant integration and settlement; organisational adaptation and migrant welfare needs; small scale refugee, migrant and ethnic third sector activity; and innovative qualitative research methods.  She also looks at refugee and migrant health and migrant maternity.

Policy experience

Jenny has advised Governments around the world on refugee integration.  She is a co-author of the UK’s Integration Indicators.