Sheaves, B., Johns, L., Griffith, L., Isham, L., Kabir, T., & Freeman, D. (2020). Why do patients with psychosis listen to and believe derogatory and threatening voices? 21 reasons given by patients. Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 48(6), 631-645
Sheaves, B., Johns, L., Černis, E., Griffith, L., McPin Hearing Voices Lived Experience Advisory Panel, & Freeman, D. (2021). The challenges and opportunities of social connection when hearing derogatory and threatening voices: A thematic analysis with patients experiencing psychosis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 94(2), 341-356.
Isham, L., Griffith, L., Boylan, A. M., Hicks, A., Wilson, N., Byrne, R., ... & Freeman, D. (2021). Understanding, treating, and renaming grandiose delusions: A qualitative study. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 94(1), 119-140.
Griffith, L., (2014). That’s Not a Religious Thing, That’s a Cultural Thing. The Cultural Politics of Reproduction: Migration, Health and Family Making, p.77.
Griffith, L. and Glasby, J., (2015). “When we say ‘urgent’ it means now…” Health and social care leaders’ perceptions of each other’s roles and ways of working. Journal of Integrated Care, 23(3), pp.143-152.
Weich, S, Griffith, L, et al. (2012). ‘Experiences of acute mental health care in an ethnically diverse inner city: qualitative interview study’. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Vol 47, Issue: 1, pp 119-128
Griffith, L (2009) 'Complaints, sensitivities and responsibility: an ethnographic investigation into the debates around the care of Bangladeshi mothers in the East End'. International Migration Vol 46 Issue 5 pp 143-165
Griffith, L (2009) 'Practitioners, postnatal depression, and translation: an investigation into the representation of Bangladeshi mothers in the East End.' Anthropology and Medicine Vol. 16, Issue 3, pp267-278
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