David Bomark

David Bomark

Department of Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology
Research Fellow

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

David Bomark is a Research Fellow in the Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology, working on the project Border Crossings: Charity and Voluntarism in Britain’s mixed economy of health care since 1948.

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MSc in Sociology, University of Glasgow, 2017
BA in History of Art, Stockholm University, 2015


David Bomark is a mixed methods researcher, now working as Research Fellow on the project Border Crossings: Charity and Voluntarism in Britain’s mixed economy of health care since 1948.

Before joining the project, he worked as a researcher on the NIHR funded project Public Values, Universal Basic Income and Health at Glasgow Caledonian University. His PhD, which he undertook at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, explored new ways of understanding volunteering by comparing it to other activities people take part in, using the concept of Associational Life.

David’s work is situated broadly in the voluntary sector, currently looking at how charitable health service providers have fared alongside the creation of the NHS in 1948. Previous work has been concerned with the individualisation and informalisation of society and how it has impacted on how people engage in volunteering and other types of associational life.