Dr Martin Wilson BSc, PhD

Dr Martin Wilson

School of Psychology
MR Physicist

Contact details

School of Psychology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Wilson’s research focusses on the non-invasive detection of brain metabolism with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The goal of his work is to develop new techniques to explore the relationship between brain metabolism, function and health – with an emphasis on detecting early-stage disease processes.

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Ph.D., University of Birmingham

BSc (Hons) Physics, University of Warwick


Dr Wilson studied undergraduate Physics at the University of Warwick, before joining a childhood brain tumour research group at the University of Birmingham. There he developed acquisition and analysis methods for NMR and MR spectroscopy to discover clinical biomarkers. More recently he joined the Centre for Human Brain health as an MR Physicist and is currently researching how MR spectroscopy can be used to detect subtle neurometabolic differences between healthy individuals and early-stage disease.

Postgraduate supervision

Dr Wilson supervises PhD students interested in brain metabolism, neuroimaging with magnetic resonance and machine learning.


Dr Wilson is broadly interested in the connection between brain metabolism, function and health. He primarily works on the development of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) as a non-invasive tool for measuring metabolites in brain tissue. Improvements in analysis and acquisition methodology are expected to yield increased detail and precision in neurometabolic profiles – offering new insight into brain function. He is also interested in combining MRS with machine-learning to reveal novel disease biomarkers and metabolic pathways with therapeutic potential.


OCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2089-3956

Scopus Author ID : https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57196691806

Researcher ID : https://publons.com/researcher/1348805/martin-wilson/

Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RK7UQ8gAAAAJ&hl=en


Recent publications


Wilson, M 2025, 'Chemical shift and relaxation regularization improve the accuracy of 1H MR spectroscopy analysis', Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.30462

Dias, RP, Brock, K, Hu, K, Gupta, R, Martin, U, Peet, A, Wilson, M, Yu-Wai-Man, P, Wright, B, Mollan, S, Kulkarni, A, Meunier, I, Billingham, L, Nagy, Z, Rose, H, Koks, S, Zatyka, M, Astuti, D, Lynch, T, Morrison, KE, Barton, D, Cronier, S, Malpass, R, Evans, R, Malhi, A, Takhar, P, Lamb, A, Esteban-Bueno, G, Młynarski, W, Orssaud, C, Roubertie, A, Homer, V & Barrett, T 2025, 'Sodium valproate, a potential repurposed treatment for the neurodegeneration in Wolfram syndrome (TREATWOLFRAM): trial protocol for a pivotal multicentre, randomised double-blind controlled trial', BMJ open, vol. 15, no. 2, e091495. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2024-091495

Gill, SK, Rose, HEL, Wilson, M, Rodriguez Gutierrez, D, Worthington, L, Davies, NP, MacPherson, L, Hargrave, DR, Saunders, DE, Clark, CA, Payne, GS, Leach, MO, Howe, FA, Auer, DP, Jaspan, T, Morgan, PS, Grundy, RG, Avula, S, Pizer, B, Arvanitis, TN & Peet, AC 2024, 'Characterisation of paediatric brain tumours by their MRS metabolite profiles', NMR in biomedicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/nbm.5101

Garegrat, R, Londhe, A, Manerkar, S, Fattepur, S, Deshmukh, L, Joshi, A, Chandriah, S, Kariyappa, M, Devadas, S, Ethirajan, T, Srivasan, K, Kamalarathnam, C, Balachandran, A, Krishnan, E, Sahayaraj, D, Bandiya, P, Shivanna, N, Burgod, C, Thayyil, A, Alocious, A, Lanza, M, Muraleedharan, P, Pant, S, Venkateswaran, H, Morales, MM, Montaldo, P, Krishnan, V, Kalathingal, T, Joshi, AR, Vare, A, Patil, GC, Satyanathan, BP, Hapat, P, Deshmukh, A, Shivarudhrappa, I, Annayappa, MK, Baburaj, M, Muradi, C, Fernandes, E, Thale, N, Jahan, I, Shahidullah, M, Choudhury, SM, Dey, SK, Neogi, SB, Banerjee, R, Rameh, V, Alobeidi, F, Grant, E, Juul, SE, Wilson, M, Vita, ED, Pressler, R, Bassett, P, Shankaran, S & Thayyil, S 2024, 'Early and extended erythropoietin monotherapy after hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy: a multicentre double-blind pilot randomised controlled trial', Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition. https://doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2024-327107

Murray, AJ, Humpston, CS, Wilson, M, Rogers, JC, Zia Ul Haq Katshu, M, Liddle, PF & Upthegrove, R 2024, 'Measurement of brain glutathione with magnetic Resonance spectroscopy in Schizophrenia-Spectrum disorders: - A systematic review and Meta-Analysis', Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, vol. 115, pp. 3-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2023.09.017

Kohe, S, Bennett, C, Burté, F, Adiamah, M, Rose, H, Worthington, L, Scerif, F, MacPherson, L, Gill, S, Hicks, D, Schwalbe, EC, Crosier, S, Storer, LCD, Loudusamy, A, Mitra, D, Morgan, PS, Dineen, R, Avula, S, Pizer, B, Wilson, M, Davies, N, Tennant, D, Bailey, S, Williamson, D, Arvanitis, T, Grundy, RG, Clifford, SC & Peet, A 2024, 'Metabolite profiles of medulloblastoma for rapid and non-invasive detection of molecular disease groups', EBioMedicine, vol. 100, 104958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104958

Zhao, T, Grist, JT, Auer, DP, Avula, S, Bailey, S, Davies, NP, Grundy, RG, Khan, O, MacPherson, L, Morgan, PS, Pizer, B, Rose, HEL, Sun, Y, Wilson, M, Worthington, L, Arvanitis, TN & Peet, AC 2024, 'Noise suppression of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy improves paediatric brain tumour classification', NMR in biomedicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/nbm.5129

Demler, VF, Sterner, EF, Wilson, M, Zimmer, C & Knolle, F 2024, 'The impact of spectral basis set composition on estimated levels of cingulate glutamate and its associations with different personality traits', BMC Psychiatry, vol. 24, no. 1, 320 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-024-05646-x

Demler, VF, Sterner, EF, Wilson, M, Zimmer, C & Knolle, F 2023, 'Association between increased anterior cingulate glutamate and psychotic-like experiences, but not autistic traits in healthy volunteers', Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 12792. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-39881-1

Foley, EM, Griffiths, L, Murray, A, Rogers, J, Corsi-Zuelli, F, Hickinbotham, H, Warwick, E, Wilson, M, Kaser, M, Murray , GK, Deakin, B, Jadon, D, Suckling, J, Barnes, N, Upthegrove, R & Khandaker, GM 2023, 'Protocol for the Psychosis Immune Mechanism Stratified Medicine (PIMS) trial: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial of single-dose tocilizumab in patients with psychosis', BMJ open, vol. 13, no. 3, e067944. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067944

Vella, O, Bagshaw, AP & Wilson, M 2023, 'SLIPMAT: A pipeline for extracting tissue-specific spectral profiles from 1H MR spectroscopic imaging data', NeuroImage, vol. 277, 120235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120235

Craven, AR, Bhattacharyya, PK, Clarke, W, Dydak, U, Edden, RA, Ersland, L, Mandal, S, Mikkelsen, M, Murdoch, JB, Near, J, Rideaux, R, Shukla, D, Wang, M, Wilson, M, Zöllner, HJ, Hugdahl, K & Oeltzschner, G 2022, 'Comparison of seven modelling algorithms for γ-aminobutyric acid-edited proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy.', NMR in biomedicine, vol. 35, no. 7, e4702. https://doi.org/10.1002/nbm.4702

Wu, B, Bagshaw, A, Hickey, C, Kühn, S & Wilson, M 2022, 'Evidence for distinct neuro-metabolic phenotypes in humans', NeuroImage, vol. 249, 118902. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.118902

Conference contribution

Zhao, T, Avula, S, Bailey, S, Burling, S, Jaspan, T, MacPherson, L, Mitra, D, Morgan, PS, Pizer, BL, Shen, R, Wilson, M, Worthington, L, Arvanitis, T, Peet, A & Apps, J 2024, A multi-layer binary model with adaptive metabolite selection for multi-type brain tumour classification. in Proc Intl Magn Reson Med., 6117, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.


Soher, BJ, Clarke, WT, Wilson, M, Near, J & Oeltzschner, G 2022, 'Community‐organized resources for reproducible MRS data analysis', Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 88, no. 5, pp. 1959-1961. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.29387

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