Griffiths, B.J. & Staudigl, T. (2022). Why and how should I track eye-movements during iEEG recordings? psyArXiv.
Griffiths, B.J., Zaehle, T., Repplinger, S., Schmitt, F. C., Voges, J., Hanslmayr, S., & Staudigl, T. (2022). Rhythmic interactions between the mediodorsal thalamus and prefrontal cortex precede human visual perception. bioRxiv.
Griffiths, B.J. (*), Martin-Buro, M.C., Staresina, B.P., & Hanslmayr, S. (2021). Disentangling the roles of neocortical alpha/beta and hippocampal theta/gamma activity in human episodic memory. NeuroImage, 242, 118454.
Griffiths, B.J. (*), Martin-Buro, M.C., Staresina, B.P., Hanslmayr, S., & Staudigl, T. (2021). Alpha/beta power decreases during episodic memory formation predict the magnitude of alpha/beta power decreases during subsequent retrieval. Neuropsychologia, 153, 107755.
Griffiths, B. J. (*), Fuentemilla, L. (2020). Event conjunction: How the hippocampus integrates episodic memories across event boundaries. Hippocampus, 30(2), 162-171. doi: 10.1002/hipo.23161.
Griffiths, B. J., Mayhew, S. D., Mullinger, K. M., Jorge, J., Charest, I., Wimber, M., & Hanslmayr, S. (2019). Alpha/beta power decreases track the fidelity of stimulus-specific information. eLife, 8, e49562. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49562.
Griffiths, B. J., Parish, G., Roux, F., Michelmann, S., van der Plas, M., Kolibius, L. D., Rollings, D., Sawlani, D., Chelvarajah, R., Gollwitzer, S., Kreiselmeyer, G., Hamer, H., Staresina, B., Wimber, M., & Hanslmayr, S. (2019). Directional coupling of slow and fast hippocampal gamma with neocortical alpha/beta oscillations in human episodic memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1914180116.
Lifanov, J., Griffiths, B. J., Linde-Domingo, J., Ferreira, C. S., Wilson, M., Mayhew, S. D., Charest, I., & Wimber, M. (2019). Representational similarity analyses in simultaneous EEG-fMRI measurements reveal the spatio-temporal trajectories of reconstructed episodic memories. Proceedings of the Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. doi: 10.32470/CCN.2019.1156-0
Salvidegoitia M. P., Jacobsen, N., Bauer, A.R., Griffiths, B. J., Hanslmayr, S., & Debener, S. (2018). Out and about: subsequent memory effect captured in a natural environment with smartphone EEG. Psychophysiology, 1-15.
Michelmann, S., Treder, M. S., Griffiths, B., Kerren, C., Roux, F., Wimber, M., Rollings, D., Sawlani, D., Chelvarajah, R., Gollwitzer, S., Kreiselmeyer, G., Hamer, H., Bowman, H., Staresina, B., & Hanslmayr, S. (2018). Data-driven re-referencing of intracranial EEG based on independent component analysis (ICA). Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 307, 125-137.
Griffiths, B., & Beierholm, U. (2017). Opposing effects of reward and punishment on human vigor. Scientific Reports, 7, 1-7.
Griffiths, B., Mazaheri, A., Debener, S., & Hanslmayr, S. (2016). Brain oscillations track the formation of episodic memories in the real world. NeuroImage, 143, 256-266.
McKeown, D., Holt, J., Delvenne, J-F., Smith, A., & Griffiths, B. (2014). Active versus passive maintenance of visual non-verbal memory. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21(4), 1041.
(*) denotes lead author
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