Dr Davinia Fernández-Espejo PhD

Dr Davinia Fernández-Espejo

School of Psychology
Associate Professor

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School of Psychology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Davinia Fernández-Espejo’s main goal is to understand how the brain supports consciousness and what goes wrong for patients to become entirely unaware after severe brain injury. She uses techniques such as MRI (structural and functional), tDCS, and behavioural approaches in both healthy volunteers and patients with a disorder of consciousness to test hypotheses about the role of different brain structures in the clinical deficits they present. This research is directly translated into the development of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers to be used in clinical settings, as well as the development of novel treatment approaches.

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PhD in Biomedicine (Universitat de Barcelona)
MSc in Neuroscience (Universitat de Barcelona)


Most recently, Dr Fernández-Espejo has been Module Leader for Applications of Brain Imaging in Cognitive Neuroscience


Highlight publications

Calzolari, S, Jalali, R & Fernández-Espejo, D 2023, 'Characterising stationary and dynamic effective connectivity changes in the motor network during and after tDCS', NeuroImage, vol. 269, 119915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119915

Norton, L, Kazazian, K, Gofton, T, Debicki, D, Fernandez-Espejo, D, Peelle, J, Thenayan, EA, Young, GB & Owen, AM 2022, 'Functional neuroimaging as an assessment tool in critically ill patients', Annals of Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ana.26530

Calzolari, S, Boneva, S & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022, 'Investigating the shift between externally and internally oriented cognition: a novel task-switching paradigm', Neuroscience of Consciousness, vol. 2022, no. 1, niac016. https://doi.org/10.1093/nc/niac016

Aloi, D, Jalali, R, Tilsley, P, Miall, RC & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022, 'tDCS modulates effective connectivity during motor command following; a potential therapeutic target for disorders of consciousness', NeuroImage, vol. 247, 118781. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118781

Fernandez-Espejo, D, Rossit, S & Owen, A 2015, 'A Thalamocortical Mechanism for the Absence of Overt Motor Behavior in Covertly Aware Patients', JAMA Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamaneurol.2015.2614

Recent publications


Edlow, BL, Boerwinkle, VL, Annen, J, Boly, M, Gosseries, O, Laureys, S, Mukherjee, P, Puybasset, L, Stevens, RD, Threlkeld, ZD, Newcombe, VFJ, Fernandez-Espejo, D & Curing Coma Campaign and  its Contributing Members 2023, 'Common Data Elements for Disorders of Consciousness: Recommendations from the Working Group on Neuroimaging', Neurocritical Care. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12028-023-01794-2

Aloi, D, Jalali, R, Calzolari, S, Lafanechere, M, Miall, RC & Fernández-Espejo, D 2023, 'Multi-session tDCS paired with passive mobilisation of the thumb modulates thalamo-cortical coupling during command following in the healthy brain', NeuroImage, vol. 274, 120145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120145

Norton, L, Graham, M, Kazazian, K, Gofton, T, Weijer, C, Debicki, D, Fernandez-Espejo, D, Al Thenayan, E & Owen, AM 2023, 'Use of functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess cognition and consciousness in severe Guillain-Barré syndrome', International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, vol. 23, no. 2, 100347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijchp.2022.100347

Coulborn, S & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022, 'Prefrontal tDCS is unable to modulate mind wandering propensity or underlying functional or effective brain connectivity', Scientific Reports, vol. 12, no. 1, 18021. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22893-8

Coulborn, S, Taylor, C, Naci, L, Owen, AM & Fernández-Espejo, D 2021, 'Disruptions in effective connectivity within and between default mode network and anterior forebrain mesocircuit in prolonged disorders of consciousness', Brain Sciences, vol. 11, no. 6, 749. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11060749

Coulborn, S, Bowman, H, Miall, RC & Fernández-Espejo, D 2020, 'Effect of tDCS Over the Right Inferior Parietal Lobule on Mind-Wandering Propensity', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 14, 230. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2020.00230

Other contribution

Fernández-Espejo, D, Aloi, D, Rocchetta, AID, Hoad, D, Greenwood, R, Playford, ED & Cruse, D 2020, Exploring the neural, behavioural, and clinical effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with a Prolonged Disorder of Consciousness; protocol for a double-blind randomised crossover feasibility study.. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-15515/v1


Calzolari, S, Jalali, R & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022 'Characterising stationary and dynamic effective connectivity changes in the motor network during and after tDCS' bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.09.27.509681

Coulborn, S & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022 'DLPFC-tDCS unable to modulate mind-wandering propensity nor underlying functional or effective brain connectivity' bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.05.26.493632

Calzolari, S, Boneva, S & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022 'Investigating the shift between externally and internally oriented cognition; a novel task-switching paradigm' PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3wkbe

Aloi, D, Jalali, R, Calzolari, S, Lafanechere, M, Miall, RC & Fernández-Espejo, D 2022 'Multi-session tDCS paired with passive mobilisation increases thalamo-cortical coupling during command following' bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.22.517479

Coulborn, S, Taylor, C, Naci, L, Owen, AM & Fernández-Espejo, D 2021 'Disruptions in effective connectivity within and between default mode network and anterior forebrain mesocircuit in prolonged disorders of consciousness' medRxiv, pp. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.10.21255204, https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11060749

Aloi, D, Jalali, R, Tilsley, P, Miall, RC & Fernández-Espejo, D 2021 'tDCS modulates effective connectivity during motor command following; a potential therapeutic target for disorders of consciousness' bioRxiv, pp. 1-34. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.09.430392

Review article

Fischer, D, Newcombe, V, Fernandez-Espejo, D & Snider, SB 2022, 'Applications of advanced MRI to disorders of consciousness', Seminars in neurology, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 325-334. https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1892-1894

Aloi, D, Della Rocchetta, AI, Ditchfield, A, Coulborn, S & Fernández-Espejo, D 2021, 'Therapeutic Use of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in the Rehabilitation of Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness', Frontiers in neurology, vol. 12, 632572. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2021.632572

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