Dr Bruno Bertini

Dr Bruno Bertini

School of Physics and Astronomy
Associate Professor

Contact details

Physics East
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Bruno Bertini is an Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics. His research work is centred around quantum statistical mechanics, quantum many-body dynamics, and quantum chaos.


  • DPhil in Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, 2015
  • Diploma di Licenza in Fisica, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 2012
  • MSc in Theoretical Physics, University of Pisa, 2012
  • BSc in Physics, University of Pisa, 2010


After completing his undergraduate studies in Pisa, Italy, Bruno obtained his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2015. He then had two stints as a postdoctoral research associate, the first one (2015-2017) at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA, Trieste, Italy) and the second one (2017-2020) at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), before moving back to Oxford in 2020 being awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. In 2021 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham. Bruno joined Birmingham as an Associate Professor in 2024.


Bruno is interested in doctoral supervision. Please enquire via email.


The main theme of Bruno’s research revolves around the study of out-of-equilibrium quantum matter. Specifically, his main goal is to identify the general principles governing the dynamics of quantum many-body systems. Bruno chose to work in this field because he believes it poses some of the most interesting questions of modern theoretical physics: it explores new emergent dynamical phenomena as well as long-standing gaps in our fundamental understanding of Nature. This quest also led him to consider aspects of quantum integrability and many-body quantum chaos.

Bruno’s research is mainly analytical and combines ideas from statistical mechanics, quantum information, quantum integrability, and random matrix theory.


Recent publications


Li, J, Jack, RL, Bertini, B & Garrahan, JP 2025, 'Efficient post-selection in light cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits', Physical Review B, vol. 111, no. 2, 024309. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.111.024309

Foligno, A, Calabrese, P & Bertini, B 2025, 'Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Charged Dual-Unitary Circuits', PRX Quantum, vol. 6, no. 1, 010324. https://doi.org/10.1103/PRXQuantum.6.010324

Bertini, B, Klobas, K, Kos, P & Malz, D 2025, 'Quantum and Classical Dynamics with Random Permutation Circuits', Physical Review X, vol. 15, no. 1, 011015. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.15.011015

Bertini, B, Klobas, K, Collura, M, Calabrese, P & Rylands, C 2024, 'Dynamics of charge fluctuations from asymmetric initial states', Physical Review B, vol. 109, no. 18, 184312. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.184312

Rylands, C, Klobas, K, Ares, F, Calabrese, P, Murciano, S & Bertini, B 2024, 'Microscopic Origin of the Quantum Mpemba Effect in Integrable Systems', Physical Review Letters, vol. 133, no. 1, 010401. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.010401

Foligno, A, Kos, P & Bertini, B 2024, 'Quantum Information Spreading in Generalized Dual-Unitary Circuits', Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, no. 25, 250402. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.250402

Gibbins, M, Jafarizadeh, A, Gammon-Smith, A & Bertini, B 2024, 'Quench dynamics in lattices above one dimension: The free fermionic case', Physical Review B, vol. 109, no. 22, 224310. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.224310


Bertini, B, De Fazio, C, Garrahan, JP & Klobas, K 2024, 'Exact Quench Dynamics of the Floquet Quantum East Model at the Deterministic Point', Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, no. 12, 120402. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.120402

Bertini, B, Kos, P & Prosen, T 2024, 'Localized Dynamics in the Floquet Quantum East Model', Physical Review Letters, vol. 132, no. 8, 080401. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.080401


Krajnik, Ž, Klobas, K, Bertini, B & Prosen, T 2025 'Fluctuations of stochastic charged cellular automata' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2502.02509

Li, J, Jack, RL, Bertini, B & Garrahan, JP 2024 'Efficient post-selection in light-cone correlations of monitored quantum circuits' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2408.13096

Foligno, A & Bertini, B 2024 'Entanglement of Disjoint Intervals in Dual-Unitary Circuits: Exact Results' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2408.16750

Foligno, A, Calabrese, P & Bertini, B 2024 'Non-equilibrium dynamics of charged dual-unitary circuits' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.21786

Bertini, B, Klobas, K, Kos, P & Malz, D 2024 'Quantum and Classical Dynamics with Random Permutation Circuits' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.11960

Riddell, J & Bertini, B 2024 'Rationally independent free fermions with local hopping' arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2404.12100

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