Recent publications
COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium 2022, 'SARS-CoV-2 testing in the community: testing positive samples with the TaqMan SARS-CoV-2 mutation panel to find variants in real time', Journal of Clinical Microbiology, vol. 60, no. 4, e0240821.
Ferguson, J, Leon, KC, Pentland, I, Stockton, J, Günther, T, Grundhoff, A, Beggs, A, Roberts, S, Noyvert, B & Parish, JL 2021, 'The chromatin insulator CTCF regulates HPV18 transcript splicing and differentiation-dependent late gene expression', PLoS Pathogens, vol. 17, no. 11, e1010032.
Ferguson, J, Dunn, S, Best, A, Mirza, J, Percival, B, Mayhew, M, Megram, O, Ashford, F, White, T, Moles-Garcia, E, Crawford, L, Plant, T, Bosworth, A, Kidd, M, Richter, A, Deeks, J & McNally, A 2021, 'Validation testing to determine the sensitivity of lateral flow testing for asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 detection in low prevalence settings: testing frequency and public health messaging is key', PLoS Biology, vol. 19, no. 4, e3001216.
D'Arienzo, V, Ferguson, J, Giraud, G, Chapus, F, Harris, J, Wing, P, Claydon, A, Begum, S, Zhuang, X, Balfe, P, Testoni, B, McKeating, JA & Parish, J 2020, 'The CCCTC-binding factor CTCF represses hepatitis B virus Enhancer I and regulates viral transcription', Cellular Microbiology, vol. 2020, e13274.
Dobrica, MO, Varghese, CS, Harris, JM, Ferguson, J, Magri, A, Arnold, R, Várnai, C, Parish, JL & McKeating, JA 2023 'CTCF regulates hepatitis B virus cccDNA chromatin topology' bioRxiv.
Ferguson, J, Leon, KC, Pentland, I, Stockton, J, Günther, T, Beggs, A, Roberts, S, Noyvert, B & Parish, JL 2021 'The chromatin insulator CTCF regulates HPV18 transcript splicing and differentiation-dependent late gene expression' bioRxiv.
Review article
Varghese, CS, Parish, JL & Ferguson, J 2022, 'Lying low-chromatin insulation in persistent DNA virus infection', Current Opinion in Virology, vol. 55, 101257.
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