Dr Martin Strangwood PhD, CEng, MIMMM

Dr Martin Strangwood

School of Metallurgy and Materials
Associate Professor

Contact details

School of Metallurgy and Materials
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Martin Strangwood is an Associate Professor and runs the Phase Transformations and Microstructural Modelling Group. His research interests lie in the quantification of structures and properties for a range of materials, relating these to processing conditions, composition and eventual properties.

The physical relationships established are then used with thermodynamic and kinetic models to optimise processing and composition combinations. Much work has been carried out on various grades of steel, although aluminium-, titanium-, nickel- and copper-based alloys also feature. Processing steps investigated include casting (continuous, ingot and ESR), reheating, rolling, forging, heat treatment and welding. 

As well as structural metallic alloys various composites, polymers and ceramics have been studied. The polymers and polymer matrix composite applications are often related to sports such as golf, cricket, cycling, hockey, rowing and running. He has been invited to give many presentations on the use of materials in sports equipment. He has been consulted by a number of sports bodies.

He has published over 200 refereed papers and contributed 10 book chapters.

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  • PhD, Cambridge, 1987
  • MA Cambridge, 1988


Martin Strangwood gained his BA (later MA) in 1984 and his PhD in 1988 both from Cambridge University. His PhD was on Prediction and Assessment of Weldmetal Microstructures, an area that he continued for the following 3 years whilst at AEA Harwell working on a variety of projects including the Sizewell B safety case.

During his time at Harwell he also acted as a tutor for the Open University. He joined the School of Metallurgy and Materials at Birmingham in 1990 and has since supervised 53 PhDs and 8 Masters projects


  • PGA104 Materials in Golf
  • PGA204 Equipment Technology
  • MT2 MEDb Materials Engineering Design
  • MT3 COMa Control of Microstructure
  • MT3 HPMb High Performance Aerospace Materials
  • MT3 AMSb Advanced Materials in Sports
  • MT3 SLRb Sports Literature Reviews

Postgraduate supervision

  • D Ranga Stick-Ball-Surface Interactions in Hockey
  • C Slater Static and Dynamic Deformation of Carbon Fibre Composites in Golf Shafts
  • J L Huang Modelling Porosity Formation in EBWd Titanium-based Alloys
  • D Routledge Joining Process Optimisation for SMA-based Actuators
  • A J Davis Novel Composite Structures for Watersports Equipment
  • H Bayati Microstructural Features Contributing to Running Crack Arrest
  • A Kundu Effects of Combined Thermal and Mechanical Processing on Bimodal Grain Development
  • Xi Liu Quantification of Multi-phase Complex Ferrous Microstructures
  • G Roberts Use of KAM in Characterising Deformation in Steel Rails
  • R Punch Characterisation and Modelling of High Strength, High Toughness Strip Steel
  • J-P Tovee The Role of Precipitates on the Bauschinger Effect in High Strength Steel Pipes
  • G Carlisle Stiffness Variation Effects along Composite Hockey Sticks
  • P McNutt Development of Rapid Build DLF in Aerospace Alloys
  • J M Ranalli Thermal and Irradiation Effects on the Structure and Properties of Duplex Steel Overlays
  • C Karl Oxygen Ingress Rates and Effects on Fatigue in Ti-based Alloys
  • Guowei Zhang Relationship between HAZ and Weldmetal Structure across the Fusion Boundary in Al-based Alloys
  • Lei Zhou Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Response in Precipitation Hardened Systems
  • Yin-Len Chiu Development of Amorphous Brazes for Golf Drivers
  • J Roberts Characterisation and Modelling of Kickpoints in Composite Golf Shafts
  • Du Jinlong Interaction of Particle Size and Grain Size on DBTT in High Strength Steels
  • R Dally Modelling of Segregation and Microstructures in ESR Ingots



  • Optimisation of Steel Processing and Composition
  • Quantification of Microstructure
  • Non-destructive Microstructure Determination
  • Chemical Segregation during Processing
  • Dynamic Materials Properties for Sports Applications
  • Shape Memory Alloys


  • Characterising as-cast steels with a range of compositions from various casting processes in terms of spatial variation of composition and microstructure (optical and scanning electron microscopy)
  • Simulation of various processing both thermally and mechanically before quantification of the effects of these on microstructure and properties.
  • Apply new mathematical algorithms to digitised images to more accurately determine microstructures over larger scales.
  • Relate signals from electromagnetic sensors to microstructures to establish methods for non-destructively monitoring micorstructure.
  • Construct composite panels and structures by vacuum bagging and hot press, then characterise their structure and properties using testing machines, drop tests and gas cannon testing.



Strangwood, M., Davis, C. & Wang, F., (2017), Grain growth behaviour on reheating Al-Nb containing HSLA steel in the homogenised condition, Materials Science and Technology.

Strangwood, M. (2017), Influence of Niobium and Molybdenum on Mechanical; Strength and Wear Resistance of Microalloyed SteelsMaterials Research. 20, 4, p. 1029 - 1034.


Liu, J., Wilson, J., Strangwood, M., Davis, C. L., Peyton, A. & Parker, J. (2015), Electromagnetic evaluation of the microstructure of Grade 91 tubes/pipesInternational Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping. 132-133, p. 65-71 7 p.


Zhou, L., Liu, J., Hao, X., Strangwood, M., Peyton, A. & Davis, C. (2014), Quantification of the phase fraction in steel using an electromagnetic sensorNDT & E International. 67, p. 31-35.

Zheng, S., Davis, C. & Strangwood, M. (2014), Elemental segregation and subsequent precipitation during solidification of continuous cast Nb–V–Ti high-strength low-alloy steels, Materials Characterization. 95, p. 94-104 11 p.


Slater, C. & Strangwood, M. (2013), Modeling the effects of pore arrays on the electrical and mechanical properties of copperJournal of Materials Research. 28, 17, p. 2539-2544.

Huang, J., Turner, R., Gebelin, J. C., Warnken, N., Strangwood, M. & Reed, R. C. (2013), The effect of hydrogen on porosity formation during electron beam welding of titanium alloys, ASM Proceedings of the International Conference: Trends in Welding Research. DebRoy, T., David, S. A., DuPont, J., Koseki, T. & Bhadeshia, H. K. (eds.). ASM International, p. 868-875 8 p.


Punch, R., Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. (2012), Origin and propagation of splits in high-strength low-alloy strip steel, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 43, 12, p. 4622-4632 11 p.

Huang, J., Gebelin, J-C., Strangwood, M., Reed, R. & Warnken, N. (2012), Coupled thermodynamic/kinetic model for hydrogen transport during electron beam welding of titanium alloy, Materials Science and Technology. 28, 4, p. 500-508 9 p.

Huang, J. L., Warnken, N., Gebelin, J., Strangwood, M. & Reed, R. C. (2012), On the mechanism of porosity formation during welding of titanium alloys, Acta Materialia. 60, 6-7, p. 3215-3225.

Liu, J., Hao, X., Zhou, L., Strangwood, M., Davis, C. & Peyton, A. J. (2012), Measurement of microstructure changes in 9Cr-1Mo and 2.25Cr-1Mo steels using an electromagnetic sensor, Scripta Materialia. 66, 6, p. 367-370 4 p.

Kostryzhev, A. G., Punch, R., Davis, C. & Strangwood, M. (2012), Acoustic emission monitoring of split formation during Charpy impact testing of high strength steel, Materials Science and Technology. 28, 2, p. 240-242 3 p.

Huang, J., Warnken, N., Gebelin, J-C., Strangwood, M. & Reed, R. (2012), Hydrogen Transport and Rationalization of Porosity Formation during Welding of Titanium Alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 43A, 2, p. 582-591 10 p.


Slater, C., Davis, C. & Strangwood, M. (2011), Compression set of thermoplastic polyurethane under different thermal-mechanical-moisture conditions, Polymer Degradation and Stability. 96, 12, p. 2139-2144 6 p.

Kostryzhev, A., Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. (2011), Bauschinger Effect in Microalloyed Steels: Part II. Influence of Work Softening on Strength Development During UOE Line-Pipe Forming, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 42A, 10, p. 3170-3177 8 p.

Kundu, A., Davis, C. & Strangwood, M. (2011), Grain Size Distributions after Single Hit Deformation of a Segregated, Commercial Nb-Containing Steel: Prediction and Experiment, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 42A, 9, p. 2794-2806 13 p.

Wang, L., Strangwood, M., Balint, D., Lin, J. & Dean, T. (2011), Formability and failure mechanisms of AA2024 under hot forming conditions, Materials Science and Engineering A. 528, 6, p. 2648-2656 9 p.


Kundu, A., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2010), Modeling of Grain Size Distributions during Single Hit Deformation of a Nb-containing Steel, Metall. Mater. Trans A, 41A(4): 994-1002.

Hao, X.J., Yin, W., Strangwood, M., Peyton, A. J., Morris, P. F. & Davis, C. L., (2010), Modelling the Electromagnetic Response of Two-phase Steel Microstructures, NDT & E International, 43: 305-315.

Attallah, M.M., Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. L., (2010), Influence of the heating rate on the initiation of primary recrystallization on a deformed Al-Mg alloy, Scripta Mater., 63(4): 371-374.

Kostryzhev, A. G., Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. L., (2010), Bauschinger Effect in Microalloyed Steels: Part 1. Dependence on Dislocation-Particle Interaction, Metall & Mater. Trans A, 41A(6): 1399-1408.

Kundu, A., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2010), Grain Structure Development during Reheating and Deformation of Niobium-microalloyed Steels, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 25: 125-132.

Wang, L., Strangwood, M., Balint, D., Lin, J. & Dean, T. A., (2010), Formability and Failure Mechanisms of AA2024 under Hot Forming Conditions, Mats Sci. Engg A, 528(6): 2648-2656.

Slater, C.S., Otto, S. R. & Strangwood, M., (2010), The Quasi-static and Dynamic Testing of Damping in Golf Club Shafts Fabricated from Carbon Fibre Composites, Procedia Engineering, 2(2): 3361-3366.

Ranga, D. & Strangwood, M., (2010), Finite Element Modelling of the Quasi-static and Dynamic Behaviour of Solid Sports Balls based on Component Material Properties, Procedia Engineering, 2(2): 3287-3292.


Hao, X. J., Yin, W., Strangwood, M., Peyton, A. J., Morris, P. F. & Davis, C. L., (2009), Characterisation of Decarburisation of Steels using a Multi-frequency Electromagnetic Sensor: Experiment and Modelling, Metall. Mater. Trans, 40A(4): 745-756.

Chakrabarti, D., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2009), Effect of Bimodal Grain Size Distribution on the Scatter in Toughness, Metall. Mater. Trans A, 40A(4): 780-795.

Kostryzhev, A. G., Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. L., (2009), Bauschinger Effect in Nb- and V-alloyed Line-pipe Steels, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 36(3): 186-192.

Chakrabarti, D., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2009), Effect of Deformation and Nb Segregation on Grain Size Bimodality in HSLA Steel, Mats Sci. Tech., 25(8): 939-946.

Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2009), Segregation Behaviour in Nb-microalloyed Steels, Mat. Sci. Tech., 25(9): 1126-1133.

Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. L., (2009), Development of Texture from the HAZ to Weldmetal across the Fusion Boundary, in Haldar, A., Suwas, S. & Bhattacharjee, D. (eds) Proc. Intl. Conf. on Microstructure and Texture in Steels and Other Materials, London: Springer, pp 345-359.


Strangwood, M., (2008), Sporty Polymers, Materials World, 16(6): 26-27.

Davis, C. L., Strangwood, M., Potter, M., Dixon, S. & Morris, P. F., (2008), Prediction of Elastic Modulus + Anisotropy using X-ray and Electron Backscattered Diffraction Texture Quantification and Ultrasonic (Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer) Measurements in Aluminium Sheets, Metall. Mater. Trans, 39A(3): 679-687.

Chakrabarti, D., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2008), Development of Bimodal Grain Structures in Nb-containing High Strength Low Alloy Steels during Slab Reheating, Metall. Mater. Trans, 39A(8): 1963-1977.

Wallace, E. S., Kingston, K., Strangwood, M. & Kenny, I., (2008), Golf Science, in Reilly, T. (ed) Science and Sports: Bridging the Gap, Maastricht: Shaker Publishing, Maastricht, pp 94-106.

Cornish, J. E. M., Otto, S. R. & Strangwood, M., (2008), Modelling the Oblique Impact of Golf Balls, in Estivalet, M. & Brisson, P. (eds) The Engineering of Sport 7, vol. 1, Paris: Springer, pp 669-675.

Ranga, D., Cornish, J. E. M. & Strangwood, M., (2008), The Role of Materials and Construction on Hockey Ball Performance, in Estivalet, M. & Brisson, P. (eds) The Engineering of Sport 7, vol. 1, Paris: Springer, pp 457-464.

Thompson, S. J., Doel, A. P., Brooks, D. & Strangwood, M., (2008), Towards a large, lightweight mirror for AO – Development of a 1 m Ni-coated CFRP mirror, in Advanced Optical and Mechanical Technologies in Telescopes and Instrumentation, Parts 1 – 3, Proc SPIE, 7018, 1839.


Yin, W., Peyton, A. J., Strangwood, M. & Davis, C. L., (2007), Exploring the Relationship between Ferrite Fraction and Morphology and the Electromagnetic Properties of Steel, J. Mat. Sci., 42: 6854-6861.

Chakrabarti, D., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2007), Characterisation of Bimodal Grain Structures in HSLA-Steel, Materials Characterization, 58: 423-428.

Attallah, M. M., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2007), The Influence of the Base Metal Microstructure on the Microstructural Development in Aluminium Alloys Friction Stir Welds, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 12: 361-369.

Bose-Filho, W. W., Carvalho, E. L. M. & Strangwood, M., (2007), Effects of Alloying Elements on the Microstructure and Inclusion Formation in HSLA Multipass Welds, Materials Characterization, 58: 29-39.

Attallah, M. M., Davis, C. L. & Strangwood, M., (2007), Microstructure-microhardness Relationships in Friction Stir Welded AA5251, J. Mat. Sci., 42: 7299-7306.

Strangwood, M., (2007), Computational Modelling of Materials for Sports Equipment, in Subic, A. (ed) Materials in Sports Equipment vol 2, Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Ltd., pp 3-34.

Widmann, H. G., Davis, A. J., Otto, S. R. & Strangwood, M., (2007), Advanced Materials in Golf Driver Head Design, in Fuss, F. K., Subic, A. & Ujihashi, S. (eds) The Impact of Technology on Sport II, London: Taylor & Francis, pp 247-252.

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