Dr Lily Beesley PhD

Dr Lily Beesley

School of Metallurgy and Materials
Assistant Professor in Space Engineering

Contact details

School of Metallurgy and Materials
Elms Rd
B15 2SE

Lily is an Assistant Professor in the School of Metallurgy and Materials. Her research focuses on Space Situational Awareness, Space Sustainability, and Space Surveillance, aiming to enhance the safety and longevity of space.

Lily also teaches Space Engineering at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels (LI Space Systems Engineering and Design and LM Spacecraft Mechanical Design). She also supervises postgraduate and PhD students.

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  • PhD in Physics, University of Durham
  • MPhys in Physics, University of Cardiff


Lily obtained her PhD from the Centre for Advanced Instrumentation at the University of Durham, where she worked under the supervision of Professor James Osborn and Professor Gordon Love. Her research focused on measuring, modelling, and mitigating atmospheric optical turbulence for satellite-to-ground Free Space Optical Communications. She has presented her work at both national and international conferences and workshops and has collaborated with the European Space Agency (ESA).

Lily co-leads Birmingham’s Space Research Group, where her current research interests lie in Space Situational Awareness, utilising both optical and radar capabilities, as well as Space Sustainability to promote the responsible use of space.

In addition to her research, Lily teaches Space Engineering at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, delivering LI Space Systems Engineering and Design and LM Spacecraft Mechanical Design.


  • Module lead for Space Systems Engineering and Design and Spacecraft Mechanical Design

Postgraduate supervision

  • Instrumentation for space surveillance
  • Space surveillance and situational awareness
  • Space sustainability
  • Satellite ablation


  • Space situational awareness and instrumentation for space surveillance
  • Orbital analysis and determination
  • Free-space optical communications
    • modelling of satellite to ground FSOC links
    • measuring optical turbulence in novel environments specific to free-space optical communications
    • optical turbulence mitigation


Recent publications


Beesley, LF, Griffiths, R, Hartley, K, Farley, OJD, Quatresooz, F, Rodriguez-Gomez, A, Comeron, A, Townson, M, Alaluf, D & Osborn, J 2025, 'A demonstration of 24-hour continuous optical turbulence monitoring in a city', Optics Express, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 10140-10149. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.543144

Beesley, LF, Osborn, J, Wilson, R, Farley, OJD, Griffiths, R & Love, GD 2024, 'Exploring atmospheric optical turbulence: observations across zenith angles', Applied Optics, vol. 63, no. 16, pp. E48-E53. https://doi.org/10.1364/ao.519063

Conference contribution

Westerby-Griffin, L, Osborn, J, Farley, OJD, Griffiths, R & Love, GD 2023, Atmospheric optical turbulence analysis in London’s financial district. in H Hemmati & BS Robinson (eds), Proceedings Volume 12413, Free-Space Laser Communications XXXV., 124131F , Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 12413, SPIE, SPIE LASE, San Francisco, California, United States, 28/01/23. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2648907

Westerby-Griffin, L, Osborn, J, Farley, OJD, Griffiths, R & Love, GD 2023, Atmospheric optical turbulence measurements at varying elevation angles. in H Hemmati & BS Robinson (eds), Proceedings Volume 12413, Free-Space Laser Communications XXXV., 124131G, Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 12413, SPIE, SPIE LASE, San Francisco, California, United States, 28/01/23. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2649231

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