Dr Benjamin Wakerley PhD FRCP

Dr Benjamin Wakerley

Department of Metabolism and Systems Science
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Consultant Neurologist
Director of Birmingham Headache Centre

Contact details

Metabolic Neurology
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Wakerley is a leading consultant neurologist and expert in headache. He is also an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Department of Metabolism and Systems Science (MSS).

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  • FRCP, Royal College of Physicians, London, 2019
  • MRCP (Neurology), Royal College of Physicians, London, 2012
  • PhD in Molecular Immunology, Imperial College, London, 2009
  • MRCP, Royal College of Physicians, London, 2003
  • MBBS, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, 2001
  • BSc in Neuroscience (1st class), University College London, London, 1997


Dr Wakerley completed a BSc in Neuroscience at University College London in 1997 before graduating from Imperial College School of Medicine in 2001. He attained MRCP in 2003 and in 2009 completed his PhD in molecular immunology which was funded by an MRC clinical training fellowship.

Dr Wakerley completed his neurology registrar training in Oxford and Singapore before being appointed a consultant in 2014.

In 2021 he joined the neurology team in Birmingham and became an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Birmingham within Metabolic and Systems Research. He now leads the tertiary referral complex headache service at University Hospitals Birmingham.

Postgraduate supervision

Dr Wakerley is currently co-supervising a PhD student looking at migraine in pregnancy.


Dr Wakerley’s current research interests include: migraine in pregnancy and medication-overuse headache.

Other activities

Membership of professional bodies

  • GMC 6028684
  • Royal College of Physicians
  • Association of British Neurologists
  • British Association for the Study of Headache (BASH) – Education Officer (2022 – present)

Clubs and societies

  • Chairman of the Oxford Headache Symposium

Public Engagement

  • Dr Wakerley has given several talks for the Migraine Trust –



  • Founder of Neuroscience, Education and Research on Medication-Overuse Headache (NEMO) – a group for patients with medication-overuse headache

Patents and commercialisation

  • Founder Ceftronics Limited and the CEFREF mobile headache app
  • Patent (P003712GB00 - ‘Electronic Recordal Device’ – granted 2022
  • Dr Wakerley regularly teaches on headache to acute physicians, neurology trainees, consultants and general practitioners. He has also given lectures nationally and internationally on headache


Recent articles

Phillips K, Davison J and Wakerley B (2022) Headache in pregnancy: a brief practical guide. Br J Gen Pract 72(725):593-594.

Thaller M, Mytton J, Wakerley BR, Mollan SP and Sinclair AJ (2022) Idiopathic intracranial hypertension: Evaluation of births and fertility through the Hospital Episode Statistics dataset. BJOG 129(12):2019-2027.

Thaller M, Wakerley BR, Abbott S, Tahrani AA, Mollan SP and Sinclair AJ (2022) Managing idiopathic intracranial hypertension in pregnancy: practical advice. Pract Neurol 22(4):295-300.

Mollan SP, Wakerley BR, Alimajstorovic Z, Mitchell J, Ottridge R, Yiangou A, Thaller M, Gupta A, Grech O, Lavery G, Brock K and Sinclair AJ (2021) Intracranial pressure directly predicts headache morbidity in idiopathic intracranial hypertension. J Headache Pain 22(1):118.

Chong YJ, Mollan SP, Logeswaran A, Sinclair AB and Wakerley BR. (2021) Current Perspective on Retinal Migraine. Vision (Basel) 5(3):38.

Yiangou A, Mitchell JL, Nicholls M, Chong YJ, Vijay V, Wakerley BR, Lavery GG, Tahrani AA, Mollan SP and Sinclair AJ (2022) Obstructive sleep apnoea in women with idiopathic intracranial hypertension: a sub-study of the idiopathic intracranial hypertension weight randomised controlled trial (IIH: WT). J Neurol 269(4):1945-1956.

Mollan SP, Chong YJ, Grech O, Sinclair AJ and Wakerley BR (2021) Current Perspectives on Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension without Papilloedema. Life (Basel) 11(6):472.

Elliot L, Frew E, Mollan SP, Mitchell JL, Yiangou A, Alimajstorovic Z, Ottridge RS, Wakerley BR, Thaller M, Grech O, Singhal R, Tahrani AA, Harrison M, Sinclair AJ and Aguiar M (2021) Cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery versus community weight management to treat obesity-related idiopathic intracranial hypertension: evidence from a single-payer healthcare system. Surg Obes Relat Dis 17(7):1310-1316.

Song Y, Zhang Y, Yuki N, Wakerley BR, Liu C, Song J, Wang M, Feng X, Hao Y and Wang Y (2021) Guillain-Barré syndrome in Eastern China: A study of 595 patients. Eur J Neurol 28(8):2727-2735.

Grech O, Mollan SP, Wakerley BR, Fulton D, Lavery GG and Sinclair AJ (2021) The Role of Metabolism in Migraine Pathophysiology and Susceptibility. Life (Basel) 11(5):415.

Links to publications