Lissauer D, Piper K, Goodyear O, Kilby MD, Moss PAH. Fetal-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T cell responses develop during normal human pregnancy and exhibit broad functional capacity. Journal of Immunology, (2012), June 8 (e pub ahead of print).
Wilson A, Gallos I, Plana N, Lissauer D, Khan KS, Zamora J, MacArthur C, Coomarasamy A. Effectiveness of strategies incorporating training and support of Traditional Birth Attendants on maternal and perinatal outcomes: a meta-analysis. BMJ (2011),343:d7102
Lissauer D, Chaudhary M, Pachnio A, Moss P, Kilby M. Cytomegalovirus sero-positivity dramatically alters the maternal CD8+ T cell repertoire and leads to the accumulation of highly differentiated memory cells during human pregnancy. Human Reproduction (2011), 26(12):3355-3365.
Wilson A, Lissauer D, Thangaratinam S, Khan K, MacArthur C, Coomarasamy A. A comparison of clinical officers with medical doctors on caesarean section outcomes in the developing world: A meta-analysis of controlled studies. BMJ (2011), 342:d2600.
Lissauer D, Piper KP, Moss PA, Kilby MD. Fetal microchimerism: the cellular and immunological legacy of pregnancy. Expert Rev Mol Med. (2009), 11: 33.
Lissauer D, Piper KP, Moss PAH, Kilby MD. Persistence of fetal cells in the mother: friend or foe? BJOG. (2007), 114 (11):1321-5.
Junying J, Herrmann K, Davies G, Lissauer D, Bell A, Timms J, Reynolds GM, Hubscher SG, Young LS, Niedobitek G, Murray PG. Absence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in the tumor cells of european hepatocellular carcinoma. Virology (2003), 306(2): 236-43.
*Murray PG, *Lissauer D, Junying J, Davies G, Moore S, Bell A, Timms J, Rowlands D, McConkey C, Reynolds GM, Ghataura S, England D, Caroll R, Young LS. Reactivity with a monoclonal antibody to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 defines a subset of aggressive breast cancers in the absence of the EBV genome. Cancer Research (2003); 63(9): 2338-43. (*Joint first authors)
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