Dr Gaynor Miller BSc (Hons), PhD, FHEA

Gaynor Miller

Medicine and Health
Life Science Researcher Development Manager

Contact details

Training and Development Opportunities
Research & Knowledge Transfer
College of Medical and Dental Sciences
HSRC Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Miller started at the University of Birmingham in February 2019 after spending over 20 years as a researcher, the last 11 of which were as a lecturer in the Medical School at the University of Sheffield. She is also a member of the Coaching Academy at UoB and has an Institute of Leadership Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring.


  • ILM Level 7 Certificate in Executive Coaching and Mentoring, 2019
  • PgCertHE, University of Sheffield 2008
  • FHE, 2008
  • PhD in Gene Therapy, UCL, 1999,
  • BSc(Hons) in Genetics, University of Sheffield, 1992


Dr Gaynor Miller is the Researcher Development Manager for the Life Sciences. The focus of her role is to support clinical and non-clinical early (ECR) and mid-career researchers (MCR) in the life sciences; these academics face significant challenges in launching an independent career, successfully obtaining personal fellowships and then maintaining their career trajectory following on from externally‐funded Fellowships. Dr Miller is responsible for implementing and developing new internal support initiatives, focusing on provision at key career transition points, and across the research career lifecycle.

In addition to managing the PERCAT and ICAT offerings. She currently leads on the Fellowships and Grants academy which provides support for researchers taking their first steps towards independence e.g. CV review with someone with funding panel experience, 1d bespoke proposal writing workshops, interview skills training and support, grant clinics, Patient and Public engagement workshops and mock funder panels.

Following on from the support provided by the FGA Dr Millers recent work is on post award support for New Investigators which ties in nicely with the NIRSE programme of lunchtime seminars organised by Prof B Turner. This training programme will cover topics such as budget reporting and management, recruiting for success and how to develop a productive research team. Dr Miller has also set up the NEST mentoring scheme for ALL researchers in MDS following a successful pilot scheme.

Dr Miller is the UoB programme partner for the Broadening Horizons cross sector mentoring programme, designed to support, develop and empower early-career researchers who are interested in translational research for impact on health.

Dr Miller works closely with College of LES and has helped to develop their PERCAT programmes joining forces and sharing resources where possible.

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