Dr Daniel Jones MSci PhD

Dr Daniel Jones

School of Mathematics

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Daniel has published papers in the area of tropical linear algebra (a.k.a. max-plus algebra) including: special cases of the generalised eigenproblem; links between two-sided systems and the assignment problem and tropical matrix roots. He also has research in fire propagation in urban areas using techniques of: cellular automata, convex analysis and min-plus algebra.

He enjoys teaching and is enthusiastic about encouraging younger people to pursue Mathematics at the University level through talks at schools and applicant visit days.

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  • PhD in Management Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 2017
  • MSci in Mathematics, University of Birmingham, 2013


Daniel Jones is a Lecturer in the School of Mathematics. Daniel completed his PhD in Management Mathematics in the School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham in 2017, studying ‘max-plus algebra’. He then went on to complete a year of post-doctoral research at the École polytechnique, Paris, France where he explored the behaviour of fire propagation in urban areas.

Daniel’s main research interest is in max-plus algebra (also called tropical linear algebra) – mainly the study of two-sided linear systems and the generalised eigenproblem. His work to date includes: polynomial solution methods of two-sided systems in special cases; a link between two-sided systems and the assignment problem; tropical roots of matrices and, more recently, convex analysis and its link with fire propagation.


Semester 2

LH Game Theory and Multicriteria Decision Making (Jinan)


Research Themes

  • Fire propagation in urban areas
  • Tropical matrix roots
  • Two-sided max-linear systems and the assignment problem
  • Special cases of the generalised max-plus eigenproblem

Research Activity

My main research interests are two-sided max-linear systems in tropical (max-plus) algebra and tropical matrix roots. I also have interests in cellular automata and their connection with the spread of fire in urban environments.


Recent publications


Leek, R, Meyer, JC & Jones, D 2025, 'Reflections on six years of computer-aided assessment at the Jinan–Birmingham Joint Institute', Teaching Mathematics and its Applications.

Jones, D 2021, 'Matrix roots in the max-plus algebra', Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 631, pp. 10-34. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2021.08.008

Jones, D, Meyer, JC & Huang, J 2021, 'Reflections on remote teaching', MSOR Connections, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 47-54. https://doi.org/10.21100/msor.v19i1.1137

Jones, D 2018, 'On two-sided Max-Linear equations', Discrete Applied Mathematics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2018.06.011

Butkovic, P & Jones, D 2016, 'On special cases of the generalized max-plus eigenproblem', S I A M Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 1002–1021. https://doi.org/10.1137/15M1041031

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