Dr Daniel Herring MSci PhD

Dr Daniel Herring

School of Mathematics
Research Fellow in Industrial Mathematics

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Daniel is a Research Fellow in Industrial Mathematics at the School of Mathematics.

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  • MSci in Natural Sciences, University of Exeter, 2017
  • PhD in Computer Science, University of Birmingham, 2023


Daniel completed an MSci in Natural Sciences from the University of Exeter in 2017, where his project involved optimisation methods for model fitting to EEG data of Alzheimer's patients. He then moved to Birmingham to complete his PhD in Computer Science as part of the Priestley Scholarship Award jointly with the University of Melbourne, where he spent most of 2019. His thesis contributed in several areas within evolutionary computation for dynamic multi-objective optimisation problems.

He was recently appointed as a Research Fellow in Industrial Mathematics in Professor Fabian Spill's group.


Research Themes

  • Multi-objective optimisation, both continuous and combinatorial problems and especially those with dynamic characteristics.
  • Machine learning classification algorithms and their novel applications.
  • Evolutionary Machine Learning.
  • Applications of optimization methods in energy, infrastructure and health.

Research Activity

Daniel's current work is centred around several different projects including multi-objective perspectives on building  occupancy optimisation and classification algorithms for analysis of dissociation in young people. Upcoming projects include working on predictive algorithms for clean-air turbulence and in graph-based analysis of information transmission in social networks.

He has previously presented work at a number of international computer science conferences including GECCO and CEC.