Recent publications
Divjak, D & Milin, P 2023, Ten Lectures on Language as Cognition: A Multi-Method Approach. Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Linguistics, vol. 28, Brill.
Grose-Hodge, M, Dabrowska, E & Divjak, D 2024, 'Beyond accuracy: Fluency and complexity in the spoken output of bilingual and monolingual preadolescents', Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 328-356.
Sun, H, Divjak, D & Milin, P 2025, 'Introducing Fluency Measures to the Elicited Imitation Task', Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, vol. 4, no. 1, 100176.
Sun, H, Čolović, P, Milin, P & Divjak, D 2024, 'L1 listeners’ evaluations of LX speech: the role of listener expectations and personality traits', Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Divjak, D, Testini, I & Milin, P 2024, 'On the nature and organisation of morphological categories: verbal aspect through the lens of associative learning', Journal of Morphology.
Romain, L, Milin, P & Divjak, D 2024, 'Order Effects in Second Language Learning', Language Learning.
Divjak, D, Sun, H & Milin, P 2024, 'Physiological responses and cognitive behaviours: Measures of heart rate variability index language knowledge', Journal of Neurolinguistics, vol. 69, 101177.
Romain, L, Hanzlikova, D, Milin, P & Divjak, D 2024, 'Ruled by construal? Framing article choice in English', Constructions and Frames, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-29.
Romain, L & Divjak, D 2024, 'The types of cues that help you learn: Pedagogical implications of a computational simulation on learning the English tense/aspect system from exposure', Pedagogical Linguistics.
Milin, P & Divjak, D 2024, 'When there’s more than one elephant in the room: Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of language', Cognitive Psychology Bulletin, vol. 1, no. 9, pp. 7-15.
Milin, P, Tucker, BV & Divjak, D 2023, 'A learning perspective on the emergence of abstractions: The curious case of phone(me)s', Language and Cognition.
Ez-zizi, A, Divjak, D & Milin, P 2023, 'Error‐Correction Mechanisms in Language Learning: Modeling Individuals', Language Learning, vol. 74, no. 1.
Divjak, D, Romain, L & Milin, P 2023, 'From their point of view: The article category as a hierarchically structured referent tracking system', Linguistics.
Divjak, D & Milin, P 2023, Using computational cognitive modeling in usage-based linguistics. in M Díaz-Campos & S Balasch (eds), The Handbook of Usage-Based Linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 307-324.
Madabushi, HT, Romain, L, Milin, P & Divjak, D 2023 'Construction Grammar and Language Models' arXiv.
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