Professor Alison Condliffe

Alison Condliffe

Medicine and Health
Scientific Advisory Board
Professor of Respiratory Medicine

Contact details

Inflammation and Ageing
College of Medical and Dental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Condliffe is a Clinical Academic Respiratory Physician who undertakes translational research focusing on aberrant pulmonary inflammation and immunity.  Her PhD in neutrophil biology was undertaken at the University of Edinburgh and followed by a Wellcome Fellowship hosted at the Babraham Institute (Inositide Laboratory) in Cambridge.

She has a longstanding interest in the role of phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) in regulating innate and adaptive immunity. Her contributions to this field include delineating the roles of Pi3K isoforms and their regulatory subunits in neutrophil priming and activation, and initial description and characterisation of the Activated PI3K Delta Syndrome (APDS), a severe combined immunodeficiency due to gain-of-function mutations in the PI3K delta isoform. Her research also encompasses host-pathogen interactions, with a current focus on the effects of physiological and pathological hypoxia on immune cell function.