Recent publications
Davies, SP, Ronca, V, Wootton, GE, Krajewska, NM, Bozward, AG, Fiancette, R, Patten, DA, Yankouskaya, K, Reynolds, GM, Pat, S, Osei-Bordom, DC, Richardson, N, Grover, LM, Weston, CJ & Oo, YH 2024, 'Expression of E-cadherin by CD8+ T cells promotes their invasion into biliary epithelial cells', Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 853.
Kennedy, JI, Davies, SP, Hewett, PW, Wilkinson, AL, Oo, YH, Lu, W-Y, El Haj, AJ & Shetty, S 2024, 'Organ-on-a-chip for studying immune cell adhesion to liver sinusoidal endothelial cells: the potential for testing immunotherapies and cell therapy trafficking', Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, vol. 12, 1359451.
Moakes, RJA, Davies, SP, Stamataki, Z & Grover, LM 2021, 'Formulation of a Composite Nasal Spray Enabling Enhanced Surface Coverage and Prophylaxis of SARS-COV-2', Advanced Materials.
Melidis, L, Hill, HJ, Coltman, NJ, Davies, SP, Winczura, K, Chauhan, T, Craig, JS, Garai, A, Hooper, CAJ, Egan, RT, McKeating, JA, Hodges, NJ, Stamataki, Z, Grzechnik, P & Hannon, MJ 2021, 'Supramolecular Cylinders Target Bulge Structures in the 5' UTR of the RNA Genome of SARS-CoV-2 and Inhibit Viral Replication**', Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) , vol. 60, no. 33, pp. 18144-18151.
Wiggins, BG, Pallett, LJ, Li, X, Davies, SP, Amin, OE, Gill, US, Kucykowicz, S, Patel, AM, Aliazis, K, Liu, YS, Reynolds, GM, Davidson, BR, Gander, A, Luong, TV, Hirschfield, GM, Kennedy, PTF, Huang, Y, Maini, MK & Stamataki, Z 2021, 'The human liver microenvironment shapes the homing and function of CD4+ T-cell populations', Gut.
Davies, SP, Mycroft-West, CJ, Pagani, I, Hill, HJ, Chen, Y-H, Karlsson, R, Bagdonaite, I, Guimond, SE, Stamataki, Z, De Lima, MA, Turnbull, JE, Yang, Z, Vicenzi, E, Skidmore, MA, Khanim, FL & Richardson, A 2021, 'The hyperlipidaemic drug fenofibrate significantly reduces infection by SARS-CoV-2 in cell culture models', Frontiers in Pharmacology, vol. 12, 660490.
Davies, SP, Terry, LV, Wilkinson, AL & Stamataki, Z 2020, 'Cell-in-Cell Structures in the Liver: A Tale of Four E’s', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 11, 650.
Davies, SP, Reynolds, GM, Wilkinson, AL, Li, X, Rose, R, Leekha, M, Liu, YS, Gandhi, R, Buckroyd, E, Grove, J, Barnes, NM, May, RC, Hubscher, SG, Adams, DH, Huang, Y, Qureshi, O & Stamataki, Z 2019, 'Hepatocytes delete regulatory T cells by enclysis, a CD4+ T cell engulfment process', Cell Reports, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 1610-1620.e4.
Davies, SP, Reynolds, GM & Stamataki, Z 2018, 'Clearance of Apoptotic Cells by Tissue Epithelia: A Putative Role for Hepatocytes in Liver Efferocytosis', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 9, 44.
Bhogal, R, Weston, C, Velduis, S, Henri GD, L, Reynolds, G, Davies, S, Luu, N-T, Alfaifi, M, Shepherd, E, Boteon, Y, Wallace, L, Oo, YH, Adams, D, Mirza, DF, Mergentel, H, Muirhead, G, Stephenson, B & Afford, S 2018, 'The ROS-Mitophagy Signalling Pathway regulates liver endothelial cell survival during ischaemia-reperfusion injury', Liver Transplantation.
Patten, D, Hussein, E, Davies, S, Humpreys, P & Collett, A 2017, 'Commensal-derived OMVs elicit a mild proinflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells', Microbiology, vol. 163, pp. 702-711.
Triantafyllou, E, Pop, OT, Possamai, LA, Wilhelm, A, Liaskou, E, Singanayagam, A, Bernsmeier, C, Khamri, W, Petts, G, Dargue, R, Davies, SP, Tickle, J, Yuksel, M, Patel, VC, Abeles, RD, Stamataki, Z, Curbishley, SM, Ma, Y, Coen, M, Woollard, KJ, Quaglia, A, Wendon, J, Thursz, MR, Adams, DH, Weston, CJ, Antoniades, CG & Wilson, ID 2017, 'MerTK expressing hepatic macrophages promote the resolution of inflammation in acute liver failure', Gut.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Wiggins, BG, Aliazis, K, Davies, SP, Hirschfield, G, Lalor, PF, Reynolds, G & Stamataki, Z 2017, In Vitro and Ex Vivo Models to Study T Cell Migration Through the Human Liver Parenchyma. in GE Rainger & HM Mcgettrick (eds), T-Cell Trafficking: Methods and Protocols. vol. 1591, Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer, pp. 195-214.
Review article
Aghabi, YO, Yasin, A, Kennedy, JI, Davies, SP, Butler, AE & Stamataki, Z 2021, 'Targeting Enclysis in Liver Autoimmunity, Transplantation, Viral Infection and Cancer', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 12, 662134.
Patel, AM, Liu, YS, Davies, SP, Brown, RM, Kelly, DA, Scheel-toellner, D, Reynolds, GM & Stamataki, Z 2021, 'The Role of B Cells in Adult and Paediatric Liver Injury', Frontiers in immunology, vol. 12, 729143.
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