Dr Fiona Terry-Chandler

Dr Fiona Terry-Chandler

Department of History
Honorary Research Fellow

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I am a social, gender and cultural historian focusing on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. I also specialize in the relationship between history and heritage.

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Former Senior Lecturer in History at Wolverhampton University, I have a background in classroom teaching.


Women and industrialization, The Birmingham Metal and Hardware Trades, Gender and Skill in the Nineteenth Century, The Condition of England Debate, The Impact of teaching gender-inclusive history upon children’s perceptions of gender, The CPGB and World War Two, the relationship between history and the heritage industry, Cinema and Heritage, Compulsory Industriousness in the nineteenth-century West Midlands.


  • Home Economics: Female Breadwinners in the Birmingham Hardware Trades, 1780-1870. (forthcoming, 2022).
  • ‘Neat-handed women? The gendered construction of skill in the Birmingham hardware trades (1780-1870). (forthcoming, 2022).
  • ‘Women’s History and Children’s Perceptions of Gender’, Teaching History, 56, (July 1989), pp. 20-24.
  • ‘Introduction to Birmingham Women’s History’ in Carl Chinn (ed.), Birmingham: Bibliography of a City, (The University of Birmingham Press, 2003), pp.126-145.
  • ‘Compulsory Industriousness: Working Conditions and Exploitation in Birmingham during the Industrial Revolution’, Midland History, 44 (1), 2019, pp.71-84.
  • ‘Vanished Circumstance: Titanic, heritage, and film’, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 6 (1), 2000, pp.67-76.
  • ‘Heritage and History: A Special Relationship?, Midland History, 24, (1), 1999, pp.188-216.
  • ‘Gender and ‘The Condition of England Debate in the Birmingham Writings of Charlotte Tonna and Harriet Martineau’, Midland History, (30, (1), 2005, pp.53-66.