Recent publications
Ripanti, F 2022, Unforgettable Encounters: Understanding Participation in Italian Community Archaeology. Access Archaeology, Archaeopress, Oxford. <>
Tully, G, Anés, LD, Thomas, S, Olivier, A, Benetti, F, Mena, AC, Arnau, AC, Rizner, M, Möller, K, Karl, R, Matsuda, A, Martín Civantos, JM, Brogiolo, GP, Cívicos, NC, Ripanti, F, Bautista, JS & Schivo, S 2022, 'Evaluating Participatory Practice In archaeology: Proposal for a standardized approach', Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 103-119.
Benetti, F, Möller, K & Ripanti, F 2022, 'Working with communities: Public participation from the archaeologists’ perspective', Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 287-303.
Ripanti, F 2019, 'Toward an Intermediate Level: Making the Most of Evaluation in Italian Community Archaeology', Public Archaeology, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 65-86.
Zanini, E, Giorgi, E, Mariotti, S, Marotta, N & Ripanti, F 2019, 'Uomini e cose a Vignale: bilancio di un decennio di archeologia pubblica, condivisa e (forse) sostenibile', Il Capitale culturale, vol. Supplemento 9, pp. 473-525.
Ripanti, F 2018, 'Review: Exploring public archaeology', Archeostorie Journal of Public Archaeology, vol. 2, pp. 167-169.
Ripanti, F & Mariotti, S 2018, '“The God of Time is Heritage of Mine”: An Emotional Approach to Public Outreach in Vignale (Italy)', Advances in Archaeological Practice, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 199-211.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Ripanti, F 2022, Facing the Unexpected: Allures, Anxieties, and Faults of Investigating Community Participation in Massaciuccoli Romana (Italy). in S Atalay & A McCleary (eds), The Community-Based PhD. Complexities and Triumphs of Conducting CBPR. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 77-90. <>
Ripanti, F, Papantoniou, G, Vionis, A & Lanitis, A 2025, Lasting impressions: archaeology and community engagement in the Xeros River Valley (Cyprus). in CAM Gardner & SC Higgins (eds), Ancient Pasts for Modern Audiences: Public Scholarship and the Mediterranean World. 1st edition edn, Routledge, pp. 251-274. <>
Ripanti, F & Boschetti, M 2021, Voci dentro e fuori campo. La partecipazione pubblica attraverso le parole degli stakeholders. in M Vidale, S Bergamini, G Osti, VG Prillo, C Reggio & F Trevisan (eds), I Pilastri della Terramara. Alle radici di economia società e ambiente nel territorio di Bondeno. vol. 2 - Prima e Dopo lo Scavo, Edizioni Antilia, Padova, pp. 559-578. <>
Ripanti, F & Osti, G 2020, The multiverse of fiction: exploring interpretation through community archaeology. in RE Witcher & D Van Helden (eds), Researching the archaeological past through imagined narratives. A necessary fiction. Routledge, Abingdon-New York, pp. 128-147.
Ripanti, F 2018, Raccontare storie di archeologia al museo. in C Dal Maso (ed.), Racconti da museo. Storytelling d'autore per il museo 4.0. Le vie maestre, Edipuglia, Bari, pp. 53-67. <>
Book/Film/Article review
Ripanti, F 2022, 'Archaeology, Heritage, and Wellbeing: Authentic, Powerful, and Therapeutic Engagement with the Past: Edited by Paul Everill and Karen Burnell. Pp. 302. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2022. £29 (e-book). ISBN: 9781032021652', Public Archaeology, vol. 21, no. 1-4, pp. 151-154.
Conference contribution
Avouri, E, Cliffen, H, Joncic, N, Osti, G, Pritchard, D, Ripanti, F & Toumpouri, M 2021, VR in the Time of Social Distancing: New Multidisciplinary-Inspired Directions for Virtual Exhibitions. in ICAMT Online Conference 2020: Architecture & Exhibit Design: New Challenges for Museums. ICAMT, pp. 139-147, ICAMT Online Conference 2020, 7/10/20. <>
Frapiccini, N & Ripanti, F 2018, Ascoltare il tempo: i racconti del museo archeologico nazionale delle Marche. in F Pignataro, S Sanchirico & C Smith (eds), MUSEUM.DIÀ II° CONVEGNO INTERNAZIONALE DI MUSEOLOGIA Chronos, Kairòs e Aion. Il tempo dei musei Atti dell’Incontro Internazionale di Studi. E.S.S. Editorial Service System, Roma, pp. 265-286.
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