Amy Luck

Department of History
Research Assistant

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Amy Luck is a public historian who specialises in understanding, quantifying, and sharing the value and impact of cultural heritage, particularly on wellbeing and mental health.

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  • (Ongoing) PhD, Heritage and Wellbeing, University of Birmingham 
  • MA Public History and Heritage, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • BA History, Manchester Metropolitan University


After completing a BA in History and MA in Public History and Heritage, Amy has spent nearly a decade collaborating with a wide variety cultural and heritage groups, organisations and projects across the UK to support them evaluate the impact of their work, including National Museum Wales, Federation of Museums and Art Galleries of Wales, British Commercial Vehicle Museum, Elizabeth Gaskell’s House, Audley End House and Gardens (English Heritage), IWM Duxford, The Holburne Museum, American Museum & Gardens, Wessex Archaeology, The Salisbury Museum, Art Care, Anxiety UK, Dulwich Picture Gallery, Wiltshire Creative, Merchant Adventurers’ Hall and Northern Heartlands. 

Amy has also supported international research projects investing the impact of cultural heritage in the USA, India and Palestine and is a regular attendee and contributor to international networks and conferences, including the International Federation for Public Historians (IFPH), National Council on Public History (NCPH) and European Archaeological Association (EAA).


Amy is a public historian currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Birmingham, funded by the AHRC, which seeks to investigate and understand how and why engaging with heritage mayimpact an individual’s mental health and wellbeing, whether different demographic groups may experience different impacts and whether different types of heritage may result in different impacts. 

Amy also supports a large number of consultancy-based research projects, supporting heritage organisations and social prescribing projects including the Creative Arts Partnership, Well-City Salisbury and Pathways to Wellbeing to assess the impact of their organisations and programmes on their visitors/participants.