Dr Marie Ulrike Jaros MA, PhD

Dr Marie Ulrike Jaros

Department of History
Visiting scholar

Contact details

Department of History
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I am researching the Kingdom of Sicily in the high and late Middle Ages. Another focus of my research is Historical Auxiliary Sciences, especially diplomatics, sphragistics and chronology. I am currently working on the way stranded whales were dealt with in non-whaling societies (Flanders, Dutch and German coasts) up to 1600.

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  • Visiting scholar, University of Birmingham
  • PhD, Medieval History, Universität Leipzig
  • MA, Medieval and Early Modern History, Historical Auxiliary Sciences, and Sociology, Universität Leipzig / Universtà degli studi di Palermo


After my studies in Leipzig and Palermo, I worked at various scientific institutions: Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Leipzig University, Saxon Academy of Sciences, University and State Library Halle. For my doctoral thesis on the Kingdom of Sicily, I had several research stays in Italy, including at the German Historical Institute in Rome. I am in Birmingham from March 2024, where I will be a Visiting Scholar for one year.