Melanie Roxby-Mackey MA, MSc Senior Digital Education Developer (College of Arts & Law) Contact details Telephone0121 414 AddressDigital Education TeamLibraries and Learning ResourcesUniversity of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TT UK I am a Digital Instructional Design Consultant based in the College of Arts and Law (CAL). My core responsibilities include: Working with academic staff across the College supporting innovative practice in research intensive teaching and alongside Professional Services colleagues in developing their use of technology Supporting the College’s Digital Humanities programmes Developing collaborative relationships with a range of internal and external partners to support the University’s wider digital education agenda Open all sections Feedback and office hours Tues AM, all day Wednesday, Thursday. Qualifications MA (Cantab) (1999); University of Cambridge, Cambridge MSc (1992); University of Southampton, Southampton Biography Working in IT in Higher Education in the arts, social sciences and humanities I’ve had the opportunity to develop teaching materials across a range of disciplines and to innovate and support a range of interdisciplinary Digital Humanities research programmes. Other activities I’m currently studying for my PhD in archaeology here in Birmingham. My interests lie in borders and landscapes of conflict, early medieval archaeology and the application of technology to archaeological research.