Journal articles
Pera, M. and Bussu, S. (forthcoming). Towards democratisation of Public Administration: Public-Commons Partnerships in Barcelona. International Journal of the Commons.
Bianchi, I.; Pera, M.; Calvet-Mir, L.; Villamayor, S.; Ferreri, M.; Reguero, N.; Maestre-Andrés, S. (2022). Commons-led co-production: a strategy for the emancipatory politics of the commons. Territory, Politics and Governance.
Pera, M. and Bianchi, I. (2022). Governmentality, the local state and the commons: an analysis of Civic Management facilities in Barcelona. Social Inclusion, 10 (1).
Pera M. (2020) Potentialities and challenges of the relationship between social movements and commons in the city of Barcelona. Ecological Economics.
Pera M. (2019) La desobediencia civil en la campaña “La Obra Social de la PAH”. Arbor CSIC.
Kalogeraki S., Papadaki M. and Pera M. (2018) Exploring Social and Solidarity Economy in Greece, Spain and Switzerland. American Behavioural Scientist.
Book Chapters
Pera, M., Bianchi, I. and Salazar, Y., (2023) “Urban commons perspective to transform community management: The Citizen Assets Programme in Barcelona.” In: Bussu S. and Bua A. (Eds.). Reclaiming participatory governance: social movements and the reinvention of democratic innovations. London: Routledge.
Bianchi, I., Salazar, Y. and Pera, M. (2021) No olvidemos nunca quiénes somos ni por qué estamos aquí. Sobre Barcelona en Comú, movimientos sociales y cambio radical. In: Monge, C., Bergua, J.A., Minguijón, J. and Pac, D. (Eds.) Tras la indignación el 15M: miradas desde el presente. Barcelona: Gedisa.