Dr Tim Henrichsen

School of Government
Research fellow

Tim Henrichsen is a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Government, Centre for Data Science and Social Sustainability (CDS3).


  • PhD in Political Science, European Politics and International Relations, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, 2020. 
  • MA in Empirical Political and Social Research, University of Stuttgart, 2016. 
  • BA in Social Sciences, Ruhr-University Bochum, 2013.


Before joining the Centre for Data Science and Social Sustainability in April 2024, Tim worked as a research fellow at the University of Warwick, investigating the evolution and diffusion of frames in political debates. Previously, he pursued his doctoral research at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy, where he focused on the contagion effect of Eurosceptic parties in Italy.


Before joining the Centre for Data Science and Social Sustainability in April 2024, Tim worked as a research fellow at the University of Warwick, investigating the evolution and diffusion of frames in political debates. Previously, he pursued his doctoral research at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy, where he focused on the contagion effect of Eurosceptic parties in Italy.


Leifeld, P., Henrichsen, T., Buckton, C., Fergie, G., & Hilton, S. (2022). Belief system alignment and cross-sectoral advocacy efforts in policy debates. Journal of European Public Policy, 29:8, 1225-1248. 

Hilton, S., Buckton, C. H., Henrichsen, T., Fergie, G., & Leifeld, P. (2020). Policy congruence and advocacy strategies in the discourse networks of minimum unit pricing for alcohol and the soft drinks industry levy. Addiction, 115:12, 2303-2314. 

Zajak, S. and Henrichsen, T. (2019). “Verantwortungszuschreibungen in transnationalen Feldern. Eine Diskurs-Netzwerkanalyse zu den Fabrikunglücken in Bangladesch“. In: Fuhse, J. and Krenn, K.. (eds.), Netzwerke in gesellschaftlichen Feldern, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 145–169.

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