Professor David Dunn

Professor David Dunn

Department of Political Science and International Studies
Professor in International Politics

Contact details

Department of Political Science and International Studies
School of Government
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham,
B15 2TT, United Kingdom
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PhD War Studies (Kings College London)

MSc International Studies (Southampton University)

BA Political Theory and Institutions (Liverpool University)

Postgraduate supervision

David Dunn has diverse research interests that fit largely within the areas of US foreign and security policy, strategic and security studies, and diplomacy and statecraft. He has written extensively on the use of force, transatlantic relations and summit diplomacy. He has also published on the security impact of drone technology.


Recent publications


Wheeler, N & Dunn, D 2024, Drones, Force and Law: European Perspectives. Elements in International Relations, 1 edn, Cambridge University Press. <>


Wyatt, C & Dunn, D 2019, 'Seeing things differently: nang, tura, zolm, and other cultural factors in Taliban attitudes to drones', Ethnopolitics, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 201-217.

Dunn, D & Webber, M 2017, 'The UK, the European Union and NATO: Brexit’s Unintended Consequences', Global Affairs, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 471-480.

Dunn, D & Wolff, S 2013, 'Drone Use In Counter Insurgency and Counter Terrorism: Policy or Policy Component?', Journal of the Royal United Services Institute.

Dunn, D & McClellend, M 2013, 'Shale Gas and the Revival of America Power: Debunking Decline', International Affairs, vol. 89, no. 6, pp. 1411-1428.

Dunn, D 2011, 'UK–US Relations After the Three Bs – Blair, Brown and Bush', Defence and Security Analysis, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5-18.

Dunn, D 2009, 'Assessing the Debate, Assessing the Damage: Transatlantic Relations after Bush', British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 4-24.

Dunn, D 2009, 'Commanding neither Respect nor Support: George W. Bush and the Creation of US Africa Command', Contemporary Security Policy, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 35-38.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Dunn, D 2017, The Iraq Syndrome Revisited: America's Use Force Debate Under Obama. in The Art of Creating Power: Freedman on Strategy. Hart Publishing.

Dunn, D 2016, Shifting sands: the Shale revolution, US energy independence, and the geopolitical consequences. in The USA and Canada 2017. Routledge.

Dunn, D & Avenell, E 2016, US-UK Special Relationship. in Oxford Bibliographies: Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Oxford University Press.


Dunn, D & Avenell, E 2016, Crisis Diplomacy. in The Sage Handbook of Diplomacy. SAGE Publications, pp. 462-475.

Lock-Pullan, R & Dunn, D 2016, Summit Diplomacy. in The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy . SAGE Publications, London, pp. 231-241.

Dunn, D & McClelland, M 2015, The Resilience of American power: The US energy revolution and its geopolitical implications in the twilight of the Obama era. in USA and Canda 2016. Europa Publications.

Dunn, D 2013, Transatlantic Relations and US Foreign Policy Under Obama. in I Parmer, LB Miller & M Ledwidge (eds), New Directions in US Foreign Policy. 2 edn, Routledge.

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US foreign and security policy; American politics; security studies – including arms control, nuclear strategy and strategic studies; European security including transatlantic relations and NATO; British foreign and security policy; diplomacy including summit meetings and public diplomacy

Alternative contact number available for this expert: contact the press office


International security, US foreign and security policy, US politics, Diplomacy especially international summitry