Dr Adrian Campbell

Dr Adrian Campbell

International Development Department
Associate Professor
Convenor of Masters in Public Administration and Masters in Public Administration and Development

Contact details

Room 1115 (11th Floor East) Muirhead Tower
International Development Department
School of Government
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Adrian Campbell is an organizational theorist by background, with longstanding interests and experience in the associated fields of leadership and human resource management and he has researched, taught and consulted in these fields for over thirty years.  

He is a strong believer in organizational analysis (primarily the interaction between the three factors of structure, power and culture and the between rational and non-rational motivation) rather than the prevailing fashion for institutional analysis.

In thirty years of research and consultancy he has applied this approach in a range of sectors - initially in mining and high technology UK industry, later in UK local government and then most substantially in local and regional government in transitional countries (the latter continuously throughout the period 1991-2011). 

The experience of the contradictions involved in the reform of Russian federalism led him towards a preoccupation with the concept of empire which is now the main focus of his research.

The study of empire is approached in organizational terms, focusing on the interaction between vertical and horizontal structures of power.

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  • B.A. Modern Languages Joint Honours (French and Russian) (Bristol, 1982) Dissertation on Negritude and Decolonisation
  • PhD in Management (Brunel, 1986) Thesis on Technological Change and Coalmining Management


Employment History

  • Research Fellow at Henley Management College (1985-6),
  • Researcher at London Business School (1986-7)
  • Research Fellow, Aston Business School (1987-9)
  • Visiting Fellow at Wissenschaftzentrum (International Institute of Management) Berlin (1987)
  • Visiting British Council Fellow at the Institute for Professional Training at the Leningrad Engineering-Economics Institute (1991).
  • Lecturer at University of Birmingham since 1989, Senior Lecturer since 1994.
  • Department: INLOGOV (1989-86), IDD (since 1996). Associate of Centre for Russian and East European Studies (CREES) since 1991.


Adrian has overall responsibility for the Masters in Public Administration (MPA).

He convenes or jointly convenes six modules:

  • Public Management & Leadership (compulsory for MPA and Human Resources pathway of Development Management Msc)
  • Human Resources and the Global Challenge (compulsory for Human Resources pathway of Development Management Msc)
  • Making Policy (with Fiona Nunan)  (compulsory for MPA)
  • Public Sector Reform and Development (with Simon Delay) optional module
  • Public Management and Leadership (DL)   optional module
  • Public Sector Reform and Development (DL)  optional module

Additional student activities: Organised one-week field trips for MPA and Development management (HR) students in groups ranging from 10 to 35: Moscow (2005), Budapest (2006), Marrakesh (2007), Berlin (2008), Bucharest (2009), Istanbul (2010, 2011), Berlin (2012), Vienna (2013), Baku (2013), Istanbul (2014), Berlin (2014), Vienna (2015), St Petersburg (2016), Vienna (2016). The field trips consist of visits to governmental and other public agencies, including national, regional and local government, as well as visits to public administration research and teaching institutions.

External Examiner

  • Laureate MPA programme, University of Roehampton, 2015-17
  • PhD  Muhammad Shahzad, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester, 2014
  • Masters in Public Administration (MPA), London Metropolitan University   2007-2011
  • Masters in Public Administration (MPA), Urals Academy of Public Administration, Ekaterinburg  Russian Federation, 2007-11
  • PhD M.Aminova , Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Science, Vrije Universiteit, Brussels.  May, 2011. 

Postgraduate supervision

He has been lead supervisor for the following PhDs (year of graduation in brackets):

  • John Mwita (2004)
  • Fikret Radjabov (2009)
  • Alan Phelps (2010)
  • Molefe Phirinyane (2011)
  • Kashif Rathore (2012)
  • Alexander Kalgin (2014)
  • Amrit Rai (2015)
  • Ourathai Yosinta (2016)

He was co-supervisor for the following

  • Duncan Leitch (2014)
  • Tutik Rachmawati (2015)
  • Yogi Suwarno (2016)

He is currently the lead supervisor for the following PhD students:

  • Sabarinath Krishnan
  • Paul Lewis
  • Mohammad Roudo
  • Deny Junanto
  • Jungho Park

And co-supervisor for

  • Saban Acka


His main research interest is in the interaction between vertical and horizontal structures of power, primarily in government and especially in territorial/local government.

This interest derived originally from his doctoral research nearly thirty years ago on the relations between functional and lateral management teams in difficult environments.

The main area in which this research was pursued was the relationship between central, regional and local governments in developing and transitional countries, in which he was engaged over a twenty-year period.

Over the last four years he has been researching the ways in which vertical and horizontal dimensions both complicate and help to clarify the study of empires both historically and in the present.

He is currently focusing on the relationship between modes of internal territorial organization of powerful states and their favoured mode of external geopolitical influence.   

Other activities


  • IDD Admissions Tutor from 2015/6
  • Director of Master in Public Administration since its inception in 2009
  • Director of Public Service MBA (International), 2005-8
  • School of Public Policy MBA Co-ordinator  2005-7
  • Director of Masters in Public Administration and Development (distance learning) since its inception in 2005. 
  • IDD Welfare Tutor 2010-present
  • Short Courses: Organised more than 50 short courses and study tours between  1992 and 2012, the most recent being for the Ho Chi Minh Academy of Public Administration

Project Management and Consultancy

Most of my administration has been related to donor-funded projects in transitional countries, of which I directed several, in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. All of the projects for which I had lead responsibility were funded by DfID, although as a consultant I worked on projects funded by other agencies. All the project work was contracted through the University of Birmingham.

The main DfID-funded  projects (i.e. those worth more than £0.5m) that I directed were

  • Economic Development Strategy for Lviv Region, Ukraine  2.5m, 2003-8.
  • Russia- Advice to the City of Ekaterinburg, 0.7m  1999-2003
  • Ukraine - Local and Regional Institutional Strengthening (1.5m) 1999-2002
  • Kazakhstan- Support to MPA programme at KIMEP, Almaty (0.6m)  1996-9

In terms of administration and consultancy the following table lists on my activities for the University in transitional countries. 

Work in Transitional Countries 1991-2016

Russian Federation 2016   Strategy presentation for City of Ekaterinburg

Kazakhstan  2015 

Kazakhstan Regional Development project (EU),

Development of training case studies

Russian Federation


Invited speaker at Moscow Urban Forum


Comments on draft law on local administration for Council of Europe



Expert on DFID project inn support of Regional Development

Russian Federation


Director of British Council-funded Bridge project, establishing links between University of Birmingham and Higher School of   Economics, Moscow.

Russian Federation


External Examiner for MPA programme, Urals Academy of Civil   Service, Ekaterinburg



Training course on performance management for senior civil servants. Convened training course also for Government of Romanian Cabinet   Secretariat



Co-convened training course on decentralisation for UNDP officials and staff at Bratislava HQ.



Expert on institutions in DFID Regional Development Project



 Co-author of report   on Ukraine Regions and European Integration, UK Foreign Office Global Opportunities Fund.
  (research in Lviv and Crimea)



Management Training Course for Ministry of Finance (DFID), and study tour for Finance Ministry delegation.



Institutional expert, evaluation of DFID programmes for Russian Federation during period 2001-6

Russian Federation and Kazakhstan


Evaluation on Moscow Public Science Foundation for LGI (Open Society Institute)

Russian Federation


Short term expert on Public Management Education on EU/Tacis Project on Management Education in Kaliningrad Region including   training, study tour organisation, training materials.

Russian Federation


Expert for Council   of Europe/Venice Commission on evaluation of draft Chechen Constitution. Expert for Council of Europe on series of training seminars on local government legislation for Chechen politicians and local officials.



Short term expert on Action Donbass project (DFID), organisation of two study tours (for Governor and Deputy Governor of Lugansk Region)



Contract Director, DFID project ‘Economic Development of Lviv Region’, (2.5m GBP). Support to development and implementation of a   regional development strategy, involving re-organisation of regional administration to support strategic approach. Study tour for Ministry of Economy.



Expert for Council of Europe, evaluating draft legislation on local government reform, the status of Sevastopol and the reform of   housing services and utilities.

Russian Federation


Expert for the Council of Europe and Presidential Administration on a regular basis commenting on a major continuing programme   of legislation on federal relations (including local and regional government reform) in collaboration with the Russian Federal Commission on the Division   of Powers between Levels of State Authority in the Russian Federation (Kozak   and Shuvalov Commissions).

Russian Federation


Director of UK DFID-funded project ‘Russia-Advice to the   City of Ekaterinburg (RACE)’.  (O.7m   GBP). The project involved support to the design and implementation of a European-style city development strategy, establishing a broad-based   partnership organisation and supporting 13 strategic social/economic/environmental pilot projects.

Russian Federation


Director of British Council funded (55,000 GBP) ‘Support or strategic development of closed cities, with emphasis on e-governance’, working closely with the Association of Closed Territorial Formations.



Director of DFID-funded project ‘Local and Regional Government Institutional Development Programme’ (LARGIS), (1.6m GBP), involving support to reform in inter-budgetary relations, regional development and local services in Kharkiv and Lviv regions.

Russian Federation


Director, UK Foreign Office-funded programme (140k GBP), ‘Russian Regional Scholarships, involving UK-based practical training in regional development for young officials from Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk   Regions and Saint Petersburg.

Russian Federation


Course Director, DFID Russian Public Administration Development Programme (250k GBP), involving practical training in   centre-local relations for senior legal and economic officials from 18 regions of the Federation.



Director of DFID project ‘Support to MPA programme to KIMEP’. (0.8m GBP) Involved re-design and delivery of MPA programme for total of 120 students. 



Expert on project support to the Academy of State and Social Construction. Prepared recommendations on improvements to training for management of communal services.

Russian Federation


Expert on DRN-led evaluation of TACIS programmes for EU Evaluation Unit. Provided analysis and recommendations regarding programmes in Public Administration.



Expert on TACIS project of Public Administration in Ukraine. Provided training courses on public administration at Khmelnitsky Regional Academy of State Administration

Russian Federation


Expert on TACIS ‘Municipal Management’ Project, contributing to training of trainers for local government

Russian Federation


Expert on Institutional aspects for World Bank funded project ‘Regeneration of Historic Centre of St Petersburg’

Russian Federation


Co-director of DFID-funded project Decentralisation in Moscow (Zamoskverechye District) (250k GBP). Involved training and   institutional support for local development and improved local services and   consultation.

Russian Federation


Co-organiser of UK Know How Find study tour for State Duma Commission on Local Self-Government.

Russian Federation

1995 and 1997

Co-organiser (with St Petersburg ‘Strategy’ Center) of two training courses, funded by EU Bistro and Democracy Programmes,  for NGO activists and young politicians


1994 and 1997

Expert for UNDP. In 1994 carried out research on local   government at district and village levels. Designed large-scale project to support local government economic and   social development in pilot districts. The project received funding and was   subsequently implemented by UNDP in 1995-7. Took part in evaluation of   Moldova’s local government reform legislation by UNDP and Council of Europe   in 1997.



Expert on EU TACIS project ‘Strengthening Public Administration in Ukraine. Delivered courses on public administration in   Kyiv, Nikolayev, Dnepropetrovsk.



Director of Studies on DFID-funded Municipal Institutional Development Programme (250k GBP), providing courses for mayors and municipal   officials, in collaboration with the Federation of Municipalities. Also co-convenor   of 1993 Know How Fund Sinaia Seminar for Romanian Mayors.

Russian Federation


Co-investigator on two successive ESRC projects on Military Conversion in St Petersburg, and Military Conversion – Regional Aspects (Nizhny Novgorod, Sverdlovsk and St Petersburg) (with CREES  – Centre for Russian and East European   Studies)

Russian Federation


Expert on World Bank mission on Municipal Finance, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod.

Russian Federation


Co-lead researcher on UK Economic and Social Research   Council (ESRC) - funded project on Territorial Decentralisation (90k). Research in St Petersburg and Moscow. (with CREES – Centre for Russian and East European Studies)

Russian Federation


Visiting Fellowship at the Leningrad Engineering-Economics Institute (British Council)


A.Campbell (2016) Hinkley project offers a lesson in how not to deal with China, The Conversation, 16 September, 2016. https://theconversation.com/hinkley-c-power-project-offers-a-lesson-in-how-not-to-deal-with-china-6357

Campbell (2016) Decentralization and Localism: beyond Saxons and Normans? In Regional Innovations  1:2016. Pages 5-12

Campbell (2016) ‘Imperialism' and 'Federalism': The Ambiguity of State and City in Russia, in U.Sadioglu and K. Dede(eds.) Handbook of Research on Comparative Politics and Reformation in Local Governments, Hershey, IGI Global, pp.354-373

Campbell, A. (2016) ‘The Whale and the Bear will never meet’ – but they did: Reflections on the Rivalry of the British and Russian Empires.  In Britansky Mir: opyt politicheskogo, sotsial’nogo I kul’turnogo razvitiya’: materiali mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, 24-5 Marta, Sankt Peterburg, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Pages  81-90.

Campbell, A. (2015) ‘He’s back – but the power struggle around Vladimir Putin continues behind the scenes’, The Conversation, March 18th. http://theconversation.com/hes-back-but-the-power-struggle-around-vladimir-putin-continues-behind-the-scenes-38868

 Campbell, A. (2015) ‘In death, Boris Nemtsov embodies the hope of a better Russia’,  The Conversation, March 2nd. http://theconversation.com/in-death-boris-nemtsov-embodies-the-hope-of-a-better-russia-38242

Campbell, A., & Coulson, A. (2006). Into the mainstream: Local democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. Local Government Studies, 32(5), 543-561.

Campbell, A. (2006). State versus society? Local government and the reconstruction of the Russian state. Local Government Studies, 32(5), 659-676.

Campbell, A. (2007). The great chessboard: Federalism and localism in Putin's Russia. Local Government Studies, 33(5), 761-772.

Denezhkina, E. and Campbell, A. (2009) The struggle for power in the Urals, in C.Ross and A.Campbell (eds.) Federalism and local politics in Russia, London, Routledge, 207-226

Campbell, A. (2009) Vertical or triangle? Local, regional and federal government in the Russian Federation after Law 131, in C.Ross and A.Campbell (eds.) Federalism and local politics in Russia, London, Routledge, 263-283

Nunan, F., Campbell, A., & Foster, E. (2012). Environmental mainstreaming: the organizational challenges of policy integration. Public Administration and Development, 32(3), 262-277.

Campbell, A.  (2013) East, West Rome’s Best? The ‘imperial turn’ Global Discourse, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1, 34–47. Also published in R.Foster. M.Johnson and M. Edward (eds.)  The Crisis of the Twenty-First Century: Empire in the Age of Austerity,  Abingdon, Routledge, 2014 .  Pages 34-47.


Campbell, A., Sorge, A. and Warner, M. (1989) Microelectronic product applications in Great Britain and West Germany: Strategies, competence, and training. Avebury, Aldershot.

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1992)  New technology, skills and management: human resources in the market economy. Routledge, London,

Edited Books

Batley, R. and Campbell, A. (1992) The political executive: politicians and management in European local government, Routledge, London

Coulson, A. and Campbell, A. (2008) Local government in Central and Eastern Europe: the rebirth of local democracy. Routledge, London

Ross, C. and Campbell, A.  (2009) Federalism and Local Politics in Russia, Routledge, London.

Journal Articles (refereed)

Campbell (2016) Decentralization and Localism: beyond Saxons and Normans? In Regional Innovations  1:2016. Pages 5-12

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1985) Changes in the Balance of Power in the British Mineworkers' Union: an Analysis of National Top-office Elections, 1974-84. British Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume 23, Issue 1,  pages 1–24, March 1985

Campbell, A., & Warner, M. (1985). Leadership in the miners' union: Arthur Scargill's rise to power'. Journal of General Management, 10(3), 4-22.

Campbell, A. (1986) 'Der innere Feind' : eine Rückschau auf den britischen Bergarbeiterstreik 1984/85 - 'The internal enemy ' : a retrospect to the British miners' strike 1984/85’. Prokla : Probleme des Klassenkampfs  Vol. 16. 2, pages  133-153

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1987)  New technology, innovation and training: an empirical study of selected British firms. New Technology, Work and Employment Volume 2, Issue 2, March. pages 86-99.

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1988) "Strategic choice, organisational changes, and training policies: case studies in high technology firms." Journal of General Management, 14(2): 56-77

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1988) Workplace relations, skills-training and technological change at plant-Level. Relations industrielles, 43(1).

Campbell, A., & Warner, M. (1988). Microelectronics, skill shortages and training strategies: A study of selected British companies in the high-technology sector. Journal of General Management, 13(4), 5-32.

Campbell, A., Sorge, A. and Warner, M. (1989) Microelectronics applications, product strategies and competence needs in Great Britain and West Germany. Human Systems Management 8.2 . 155-166.

Campbell, A., & Warner, M. (1989). Training practices and product strategy in high technology enterprises. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2(1), 38-48.

Campbell, A., Sorge, A., & Warner, M. (1990). Technological change, product strategies and human resources: defining Anglo-German differences. Journal of General Management, 15(3), 39-54.

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1991) New technology, skills-training and union involvement. Business and Economics Review 6:37-44.

Campbell, A. (1992). Democracy versus efficiency. The conflict between representative and executive rule in Russian local government 1991-92. Administrative Studies, 4, 210-218.

Campbell, A. (1992). The restructuring of local government in Russia. Public Money & Management, 12(4), 19-24.

Campbell, A. (1993). Local government policymaking and management in Russia. Policy Studies Journal, 21(1), 133-142.

Warner, M., Denezhkina, E. and Campbell, A. (1994) How Russian managers learn. Journal of General Management, 19(4): 69-88

Campbell, A., & Coulson, A. (2006). Into the mainstream: Local democracy in Central and Eastern Europe. Local Government Studies, 32(5), 543-561.

Campbell, A. (2006). State versus society? Local government and the reconstruction of the Russian state. Local Government Studies, 32(5), 659-676.

Campbell, A. (2006)Mestnoye samoupravleniye v Rossii: udet lu sblizheniye s Evropoi?    Institutionali’niy, pravovoi I ekonomicheskiy federalism v Rossisskoi Federatsii. Ezhekvartal’niy Byulleten’   no. 5 (June) 58-64

Campbell, A. (2007). The great chessboard: Federalism and localism in Putin's Russia. Local Government Studies, 33(5), 761-772.

Nunan, F., Campbell, A., & Foster, E. (2012). Environmental mainstreaming: the organizational challenges of policy integration. Public Administration and Development, 32(3), 262-277.

Campbell, A.  (2013) East, West Rome’s Best? The ‘imperial turn’ Global Discourse, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 1, 34–47

Chapters in Books

Campbell, A. (2016) ‘The Whale and the Bear will never meet’ – but they did: Reflections on the Rivalry of the British and Russian Empires.  In Britansky Mir: opyt politicheskogo, sotsial’nogo I kul’turnogo razvitiya’: materiali mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, 24-5 Marta, Sankt Peterburg, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Pages  81-90.

Campbell (2016) ‘Imperialism' and 'Federalism': The Ambiguity of State and City in Russia, in U.Sadioglu and K. Dede(eds.) Handbook of Research on Comparative Politics and Reformation in Local Governments, Hershey, IGI Global, pp.354-373

Campbell, A., Currie, W. and Warner, M. (1989) "Innovation, skills and training: micro-electronics and manpower in the United Kingdom and West Germany." In Hirst, P. and Zeitlin, J. (eds.): Reversing industrial decline? Industrial structure and policy in Britain and her competitors. Oxford: Berg, pp.133-154

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1989) "Organizations for new forms of operation." In Wild, R. (ed.): International handbook of production and operations management. London: Cassell, pp.567-583

Campbell, A., & Warner, M. (1990).  Managing Advanced Manufacturing Technology. In Warner, M., Wobbe, W. and Brodner, P. (eds.) (1990) New technology and manufacturing management: strategic choices for flexible production systems. Chichester: Wiley

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1990) Management roles and skills for new technology, in R.Wild (ed.), Technology management, London, Cassell,  111-121.

Campbell, A., Sorge, A. and Warner, M. (1990) "Manufacturing products with microelectronics: sectoral strengths and the social construction of actors in Britain and Germany." In Appelbaum, E. and Schettkat, R. (eds.): Labor market adjustments to structural change and technological progress. New York: Praeger, pp.163-179

Campbell, A., & Warner, M. (1991). Training Strategies and Microelectronics in the Engineering Industries of the UK and Germany. International Comparisions of Vocational Education and Training for Intermediate Skills. London: Falmer, 146-58.

Campbell, A. and Warner, M. (1992) "Management roles, skills, and structures for advanced manufacturing technology." In Phillips, F.Y. (ed.): Thinkwork: working, learning, and managing in a computer-interactive society. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, pp.99-113

Warner, M. and Campbell, A. (1993) "German management." In Hickson, D. (ed.): Management in Western Europe: society, culture and organization in twelve nations. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp.89-108

Campbell, A. (1995) Local government in Romania, in A.Coulson (ed.) Local Government in Eastern Europe: establishing democracy at the grassroots, Aldershot, Edward Elgar 76-101

Campbell, A. (1995) Regional power in the Russian Federation, in A.Coulson (ed.) Local Government in Eastern Europe: establishing democracy at the grassroots, Aldershot, Edward Elgar 145-170

Campbell, A. (1995) Regional and local government in Ukraine, in A.Coulson (ed.) Local Government in Eastern Europe: establishing democracy at the grassroots, Aldershot, Edward Elgar 115-127

Campbell, A. (1995) Power and structure in Nizhnii Novgorod, St Petersburg and Moscow, in A.Coulson (ed.) Local Government in Eastern Europe: establishing democracy at the grassroots, Aldershot, Edward Elgar 238-263

Campbell, A. (1996). City government in Russia.  In P.Hanson and J.Gibson (eds.) Transformation from below: local power and the political economy of post-communist transitions (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 1996), 37-55

Campbell, A. (1996). Local government and the centre in Romania and Moldova'. In P.Hanson and J.Gibson (eds.) Transformation from below: local power and the political economy of Post-Communism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 73-112.

Campbell, A. (1997) Russia, the reinvention of local government, in N.Ben-Elia (ed.) Strategic changes and organizational reorientations in local government: a cross-national perspective. London, Macmillan.  Pages 135-157.

Campbell, A. (1997) Fayol, Henri In Sorge, A. and Warner, M. (eds.) International  encyclopaedia of business and management. London, International Thomson Business Press 597-602.

Campbell, A. (1997) Maslow, Abraham in Warner, M. (ed.)International encyclopaedia of business and management. London, International Thomson Business Press, 651-4.

Campbell, A. (1998) Etzioni, Amitai in Warner, M. (ed.) The IEBM handbook of management thinking. London,International Thomson Business Press, 180-3.

Campbell, A. (1998) Foucault, Michel in Warner, M. (ed.) The IEBM handbook of management thinking. London: International Thomson Business Press, 220-4.

Campbell, A. (2000) Management in Romania in M.Warner (ed.) The IEBM Regional Encyclopedia of Business and Management: Europe.  London, Thomson Learning, 319-28.

Campbell, A. (2000) Deyaki aspekti mistsevogo samovryaduvanniya u Velikiy Britaniy in Koval’chuk, B. et al. (eds) Problemi malikh mist Ukraini. Lviv, Derzhavnist. Pp 178-181.

Denezhkina, E. and Campbell, A. (2009) The struggle for power in the Urals, in C.Ross and A.Campbell (eds.) Federalism and local politics in Russia, London, Routledge, 207-226

Campbell, A. (2009) Vertical or triangle? Local, regional and federal government in the Russian Federation after Law 131, in C.Ross and A.Campbell (eds.) Federalism and local politics in Russia, London, Routledge, 263-283

Published Consultancy Reports

Campbell, A. (1989) Industrial Relations in Small and Medium-Sized Firms: the case of the United Kingdom. In P.Auer and H. Fehr-Duda (eds.) Industrial relations in small and medium-sized firms: evidence from six countries: Final Report. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1989,.  ISBN 92-826-0109-9. Pages  251-287.

Campbell, A. (1990) The corporate centre: private sector models? Local Government Training Board.

Campbell, A. Sinclair, C., Howl, D. and Kennaby, D. (1991) The role of the centre: the need for review. Local Government Management Board, Luton.

Campbell, A. (1992) The Battleground Model of Workforce Adjustment: United Kingdom in P. Auer (ed.) Workforce Adjustment Patterns, Workforce adjustment patterns in four countries: experiences in the steel and automobile industry in France, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1992.  Pages.  243-281.

Leach, S., Clarke, M., Campbell, A., Davis, H. and Rogers, S. (1994) More than the sum of its parts. Managing services: leading communities. Report of an LGMB sponsored research project.

Davey, K. and Campbell, A. (1996) Eastern Europe, in D.Pasteur (ed.) Other people’s local government, Local Government Management Board.  15-18

Prince, L., Campbell, A. and Nanton (1997) Training for health and safety enforcement, contract research report 155/1997. HSE Books. 

Gaster, L. and Campbell, A. (1999) At the local level. How local government works in Russia and the UK. Case studies in decentralisation and local democracy. Know How Fund, Moscow City Government. ISBN 0-7044-85117.

Campbell, A. (2000) Public Administration and Social Protection chapter  of  DRN consulting An evaluation of the Tacis country programme in Russia. Volume 2, Horizontal and sectoral issues. Brussels, European Union.  ec.europa.eu/.../evaluation/evaluation.../tacis/951500_annex_en.pdf.   pages 34-64

Campbell, A. and Green, L.T. (2004) Making Choices about Sub-national Engagement in Large Countries for Poverty Reduction and Growth, Department for International Development

Brunat, E., Campbell, A., Soos, C. and Rekunov, I. (2007) Programmy podgotovki magistrov gosudarstvennogo upravleniya (MPA) in E.Brunat et al. (eds.) Kaliningrad Oblast: towards regional MBA/MPA programmes, Book 2.  Kaliningrad, Kant State University Publishing House, 3-15

Thomson, B., Campbell, A., Shishkin, S. and Onischenko, V. (2007) Evaluation of DFID country programmes: country study Russia 2001-5. DfID Evaluation Report, June.

Official Documents  (A. Campbell named as contributor).

European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission)   Opinion on the Draft Constitution of the Chechen Republic, Opinion no. 231/2003. CDL-AD (2003) 2. Strasbourg, 17 March 2003. Adopted by the  Venice Commission at its 54th Plenary Meeting  (Venice, 14-15 March 2003)

Ekaterinburg City Administration, Strategic Plan of Ekaterinburg, adopted by Ekaterinburg city Duma 10 June, 2003.

Council of Europe Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Directorate of Democratic Institutions Consolidated appraisal report on the draft law on local self-government in the Chechen Republic.  PCRED/DGI/EXP(2005) 50. Strasbourg, 20 September 2005

Council of Europe Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Directorate of Democratic Institutions Appraisal Report on “The national programme of reform and development of the housing and municipal economy for 2007-11” of Ukraine. CEAD 20460. Strasbourg, 29 November, 2007.

Union of Cities and Local Government Global Observatory Report on Decentralisation, Barcelona, 2008 (for the Eurasia Chapter).

Council of Europe Directorate General of Democracy and Political Affairs, Directorate of Democratic Institutions. Appraisal of the concept paper and draf law on the administrative-territorial reform of Ukraine. DPA/LEX 1/2009.  Strasbourg. February, 2009

Official commentaries for the Council of Europe for internal publication 

A. Campbell ‘Comments on local self-government legislation of Kaluga and Tambov Regions’, presented at  round table on regional legislation in the field of division of powers between levels of public authority, Ministry of Economy and Development, Moscow, 13 April, 2005

A. Campbell ‘Comments on Novosibirsk Regional legislation on local self-government, Council of Europe/Presidential Administration working group , Alexander House, Moscow, 1 February, 2005.

A. Campbell, ‘Comments on the draft Federal Law on Amendments to Articles 2,11,83, 84 and 85 of the Federal Law ‘On the General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation’. Council Of Europe. December, 2004.

A. Campbell, 'Comments on the Draft Law on Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation', presented at Joint Working Group on Sectoral Legislation in the fields of Education, Health and Social Policy, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 7-8 June, 2004. 

A. Campbell 'The New Federalism: Declaration or Reality?" presented at round table of same title, Gorbachev Foundation, Moscow, 2 February, 2004.

A. Campbell ‘Comments on the Amendments to the Budget Code and Tax Codes, and the Law on Municipal property of the Russian Federation, presented at working group on Russian Federal reforms, Strasbourg, December, 2003.

A. Campbell ‘Comments on local self-government and state administration in Ukraine’, published proceedings of conference of Presidential Foundation for Local Self Government, Verkhovnaya Rada, Kyiv, June, 2003.

A. Campbell and E. Denezhkina, Comments on the ‘Analytical conclusions on the draft strategic plan  of Ekaterinburg up to 2015’ prepared by the Deputy Chair of the Oblast Government and delivered to the City Duma of Ekaterinburg on 23 April, 2003’. Published on API web-site (in Russian).  28 April, 2003.

A. Campbell ‘Comments on the draft Law on ‘General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation’, Council of Europe, 29 October, 2002.

A. Campbell. ‘Comments on the draft Russian Federation law ‘On the Militia’, Strasbourg, May, 2002.

A. Campbell ‘Comments on the Concept of Federal Legislation in the Field of Environmental Security’ Presented at Conference on the Division of Competences between Levels of Government, organised by the Federal Commission on the Distribution of Powers between Levels of Power in the Russian Federation, and the Council of Europe, Tauride Palace, St Petersburg, 22-3 April, 2002.

A. Campbell and E. Denezhkina ‘Comments on the Federal Law ‘On in the Sanitary-Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation’, Council of Europe, December, 2001.

Other publications

Campbell, A. (2016)  Hinkley project offers a lesson in how not to deal with China, The Conversation, 16 September, 2016. https://theconversation.com/hinkley-c-power-project-offers-a-lesson-in-how-not-to-deal-with-china-6357

Campbell, A. (2015) ‘In death, Boris Nemtsov embodies the hope of a better Russia’,  The Conversation, March 2nd. http://theconversation.com/in-death-boris-nemtsov-embodies-the-hope-of-a-better-russia-38242

Campbell, A. (2015) ‘He’s back – but the power struggle around Vladimir Putin continues behind the scenes’, The Conversation, March 18th. http://theconversation.com/hes-back-but-the-power-struggle-around-vladimir-putin-continues-behind-the-scenes-38868

Conference papers and presentations not listed – have been a regular contributor to the CREES conference, to the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES), the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) conferences at the Harriman Institute and conferences of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).

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Empires and imperialism; Russia, China and the West