Nicholas is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow currently undertaking an ESRC-funded project based on his doctoral research. In addition to completing a DPhil at the University of Oxford (Nuffield College), he has studied and held visiting positions at the Peace Research Institute Oslo, the Caucasus Research Resource Centre (Tbilisi), Yale University, Central European University, the University of London, and the University of Bristol. He has worked as a research assistant at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict and he is a member of the ECPR Research Network Statehood, Sovereignty and Conflict.
Nicholas has conducted field research in Georgia, Abkhazia, Serbia and Kosovo, and archival research at the United Nations. He is one of the founders and co-organisers of the Workshop on Conflict Dynamics, an annual workshop organised by and for early career researchers. Outside of academia, he has worked for a political polling company, as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, and has worked for a local peacebuilding NGO in Georgia as part of a European Voluntary Service project.