International Relations and Security Theory research group

The research group provides a space for reflection on mainstream theories, as well as on new ways of theorising actors, identities, concepts, norms and types of power relations that shape global politics and security today.

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About us

The research group is focused on a broadly construed understanding of International Relations and Security theory. The group provides a space for reflection on mainstream theories, as well as on new ways of theorising actors, identities, concepts, norms and types of power relations that shape global politics and security today. The group holds regular meetings whereby members’ work-in-progress is showcased and debated.  It also organises ad hoc events with external speakers on cutting edge theoretical debates in IR/S.

For further information about the research group contact:


Reading group (occasional meetings on Wednesdays 1-2:30pm during term time).

Work presented by IRST members

Asaf Siniver: session on 9 February 2022. ‘From mediation to arbitration: Conflict resolution and territorial disputes’. 

Patrick Porter: session on 24 November 2021. ‘Thucydides lives in Asia: The power transition trap is real’. 

Robert Ralston: session on 10 November 2021. ‘Enemies Within: Declinism, Racism, and Xenophobia’.

George Kyris: session on 14 November 2018. Paper, ‘ Sovereignty, Conflict and the International Community’

Kevork Oskanian: session on 21 March 2018. Paper, ‘Mind the Gap: Securitisations between State and Society

Nicholas Wheeler: session on 9 March 2016. Chapter – ‘Individual and Collective identities of trust'  - from his upcoming book Trusting Enemies.

Rita Floyd: session on the 18 May 2016. Introduction to her book manuscript ‘The Morality of Security: A Theory of Just Securitization’.

Marco Vieira: session on 16 November 2016. Paper submitted to Millennium, ‘Re-Imagining the Self of Ontological Security: The Case of Brazil’s Ambivalent Postcolonial Subjectivity’.

Adam Quinn: session on 8 March 2017. ISA Baltimore paper, ‘Killing norms softly: US targeted killing, secrecy and the assassination ban’.


May 2018: The 'Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Service of Countering Violent Extremism: Prevention at the Limits of Security’ in association with the Gender and Feminist Theory Group and ICCS. Speaker: Professor Laura Shepherd (University of Sydney). 

May 2018: One day workshop, Critical Narrative Approaches to International Relations and Security Studies. Keynote Speaker: Professor Elizabeth Dauphinee (York University/Canada). 

November 2017: Podcast: What's the Purpose of International Relations? Views of the Discipline. Speaker: Prof. Justin Rosenberg (Sussex); Discussants: Prof. Nicholas Wheeler (ICCS) and Dr. Megan Daigle (POLSIS); Chair: Dr. Marco Vieira (POLSIS).

February 2017Podcast: The Disappearance of the Battlefield in the Age of Global Targeting, Speaker: Dr Antoine Bousquet (Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Birkbeck College, London).

June 2016: One day workshop, in association with the Asia Research group, on ‘Ontological security: theoretical advances and Asian cases’

January 2016: Expert Panel on ‘Locating the non-western ‘subject’ in world politics’ with Ayse Zarakol ( Cambridge), Gurminder Bhambra (Warwick), Ces Moore and Marco Vieira.

May 2015: Expert panel on ‘Emancipation without agenda? The recovery of non-western subjecthood and its implications to the study of world politics (Podcast)’ with Olivia Rutazibwa (Portsmouth), Mustapha Kamal Pasha (Aberystwyth), Vidya Kumar (Birmingham), Philipp Lottholz (Birmingham), Marco Vieira (Birmingham).


Academic members:

NameJob titleSchool or DepartmentEmailTelephone
Dr Nicholas BarkerTeaching FellowDepartment of Political Science and International
Dr Mwita ChachaAssociate Professor in International RelationsDepartment of Political Science and International 414 3910
Dr May DarwichAssociate Professor in International Relations of the Middle EastDepartment of Political Science and International (0) 121 414 7535
Professor Jonathan FisherProfessor of Global Security International Development (0)121 414 5012
Professor Julie GilsonProfessor in Asian Studies and the EnvironmentDepartment of Political Science and International (0)121 414 3305
Dr George KyrisAssociate Professor in International PoliticsDepartment of Political Science and International (0)121 415 8616
Professor Patrick PorterProfessor of International Security and StrategyDepartment of Political Science and International
Dr Adam QuinnAssociate Professor in American and International PoliticsDepartment of Political Science and International (0)121 414 5313
Dr Robert RalstonLecturerDepartment of Political Science and International
Professor Asaf SiniverProfessor of International SecurityDepartment of Political Science and International (0)121 414 6386
Dr Marco VieiraAssociate Professor in International RelationsDepartment of Political Science and International (0)121 414 6265
Dr Mark WenmanAssociate Professor in Political Theory
Director of Education for the College of Social Sciences (0)121 414 6520
Professor Nicholas J. WheelerProfessor of International RelationsDepartment of Political Science and International (0)121 414 6215
Dr Kailing XieLecturer/Assistant Professor in International DevelopmentInternational Development (0)121 678 1000

PhD doctoral researchers:

  • Bruno Carvalo
  • Hana Mosavie
  • Daniel Munday
  • Darren Murphy
  • Koffi Sawyer
  • Patrick Vernon

For further information about the research group contact: Dr Marco Vieira, Email:

Social and Political Theory research group is part of the Department of Political Science and International Studies.