Dr Sarah Jane Veevers PhD

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Honorary Research Fellow

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Jane Veevers is a research sedimentologist working on the Silurian succession of the Welsh Basin. Her work includes detailed lithostratigraphical analysis, chemostratigraphical correlation and sequence stratigraphical analysis of dominantly clastic successions in Pembrokeshire, and mixed clastic-carbonate sequences in the Welsh Borderland.


2007 – PGCE Secondary Geography, Open University
2006 – PhD “Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphical studies in the Silurian of the Welsh Basin”, University of Birmingham
2000 – BSc Hons Geology, University of Wales, Aberystwyth


Jane has previously taught sedimentary geology at undergraduate level, co-supervised final year BSc and MSc projects, and contributed to the undergraduate geology fieldwork programme including trips to Pembrokeshire, The Wrekin, Wren’s Nest and Assynt.

Other activities

Jane is a member of the Ludlow Research Group (LRG) and the IGCP project 591: The Early to Middle Palaeozoic Revolution.