Recent publications
Sayol, F, Wayman, JP, Dufour, P, Martin, TE, Hume, JP, Jørgensen, MW, Maru, N, Sanglas, A, Soares, F, Cooke, R, Mendenhall, C, Margolis, J, Illera, JC, Lemoine, R, Benavides Rios, E, Lapiedra, O, Triantis, K, Pigot, AL, Tobias, JA, Faurby, S & Matthews, T 2024, 'AVOTREX: a global dataset of extinct birds and their traits', Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Cardoso, P, Guillerme, T, Mammola, S, Matthews, T, Rigal, F, Graco-Roza, C, Stahls, G & Carvalho, JC 2024, 'Calculating functional diversity metrics using neighbor-joining trees', Ecography.
Zhao, Y, Mendenhall, C, Matthews, T, Wang, D, Li, W, Liu, X, Tang, S, Han, P, Wei, G, Kang, Y, Wu, C, Wang, R, Zeng, D, Frishkoff, LO & Si, X 2024, 'Land-use change interacts with island biogeography to alter bird community assembly', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 291, no. 2018, 20232245.
Liu, D, Esquivel-Muelbert, A, Acil, N, Astigarraga, J, Cienciala, E, Fridman, J, Kunstler, G, Matthews, TJ, Ruiz-Benito, P, Sadler, JP, Schelhaas, M-J, Suvanto, S, Talarczyk, A, Woodall, CW, Zavala, MA, Zhang, C & Pugh, T 2024, 'Mapping multi-dimensional variability in water stress strategies across temperate forests', Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 8909.
Matthews, R & Matthews, T 2024, 'Military mimicry: the art of concealment, deception, and imitation', Defence and Security Analysis.
Soares, F, Lima, RFD, Rodrigues, A, Cardoso, P, Matthews, T & Palmeirim, J 2024, 'Patterns and drivers of taxonomic and functional changes in oceanic island bird assemblages', Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Dovrolis, N, Gazouli, M, Rigal, F, Whittaker, RJ, Matthews, TJ, Georgiou, K, Theodoropoulos, G & Triantis, KA 2024, 'Power-law scaling in intratumoral microbiota of colorectal cancer', Gut Pathogens, vol. 16, no. 1, 34.
Matthews, TJ, Triantis, KA, Wayman, JP, Martin, TE, Hume, JP, Cardoso, P, Faurby, S, Mendenhall, CD, Dufour, P, Rigal, F, Cooke, R, Whittaker, RJ, Pigot, AL, Thébaud, C, Jørgensen, MW, Benavides Rios, E, Soares, FC, Ulrich, W, Kubota, Y, Sadler, J, Tobias, JA & Sayol, F 2024, 'The global loss of avian functional and phylogenetic diversity from anthropogenic extinctions', Science, vol. 386, 6717.
Wayman, JP, Sadler, J, Martin, TE, Graham, L, White, HJ, Tobias, JA & Matthews, T 2024, 'Unravelling the complexities of biotic homogenization and heterogenization in the British avifauna', Journal of Animal Ecology.
Matthews, T, Wayman, JP, Whittaker, RJ, Cardoso, P, Hume, JP, Sayol, F, Proios, K, Martin, TE, Baiser, B, Borges, PAV, Kubota, Y, dos Anjos, L, Tobias, JA, Filipa, S, Si, X, Ding, P, Mendenhall, CD, Sin, YCK, Rheindt, FE, Triantis, KA, Guilhaumon, F, Brotons, L, Battisti, C, Chu, O, Rigal, F & Watson, DM 2023, 'A global analysis of avian island diversity–area relationships in the Anthropocene', Ecology Letters, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 965-982.
Haelewaters, D, Matthews, T, Wayman, JP, Cazabonne, J, Heyman, F, Quandt, CA & Martin, TE 2023, 'Biological knowledge shortfalls impede conservation efforts in poorly studied taxa: a case study of Laboulbeniomycetes', Journal of Biogeography.
Matthews, T 2023, 'Evolution: The rise and fall of island dwarfs and giants', Current Biology, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. R684-R686.
Aspin, T, Khamis, K, Matthews, T, Williams, G, Windsor, FM, Woodward, G & Ledger, M 2023, 'Extra terrestrials: drought creates niche space for rare invertebrates in a large-scale and long-term field experiment', Biology Letters, vol. 19, no. 11, 20230381.
Review article
Mansfield, I, Reynolds, SJ, Lynch, I, Matthews, TJ & Sadler, JP 2024, 'Birds as bioindicators of plastic pollution in terrestrial and freshwater environments: A 30-year review', Environmental Pollution, vol. 348, 123790.
Benavides Rios, E, Sadler, J, Graham, L & Matthews, T 2024, 'Species distribution models and island biogeography: challenges and prospects', Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 51, e02943.
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