Rammohan Khanapurkar PhD

Rammohan Khanapurkar

PhD Researcher
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

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Rammohan is a doctoral researcher at the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences (GEES), supported by MGS ESRC DTP. He is exploring intergenerational transition of educational and rehabilitation spaces and its entangled materialities with the memories of East Bengal Partition refugees. Broadly, his interdisciplinary and intersectional research interests interact with historical geographies, alternative educational spaces of the Global South, more-than-human geographies and identities of migrant, minority and deprived communities.

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  • MA Education and International Development- UCL Institute of Education


Children's Geographies and Memories of War and Displacement

The Bangladesh liberation war in 1971 resulted in creating new citizenry and identities for people displaced by the cataclysmic event.

The PhD research will explore the interactions between war memories of displaced people, and those constituted since then - and still visible - in the materialities of school environments. The research will analyse how the spaces of schools (re)construct intergenerational narratives of war, displacement and citizenship. It will further locate collective memories generated by the States in the spaces of schools.                                     

The qualitative research draws from the interdisciplinary framework of children's geographies and memory studies.