Recent publications
Cavus, M, Ayan, H, Bell, MC, Oyebamiji, O & Dissanayake, D 2025, 'Deep Charge-Fusion Model: Advanced Hybrid Modelling for Predicting Electric Vehicle Charging Patterns with Socio-Demographic Considerations', International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.
Cotet , C, Bosehans, G & Dissanayake, D 2025, 'Exploring the factors shaping attitudes and intentions towards automated buses: Empirical evidence from Northeast England', Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 123, 104024.
Burke, ME, Bell, M & Dissanayake, D 2024, '9 to 5 or a new‐normal? Cluster analysis of pre and post pandemic vehicle and cycle diurnal flow profiles', IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Kavta, K, Bösehans, G, Bell, MC, Liao, F, Correia, GHDA & Dissanayake, D 2024, 'Assessing the spatial transferability of mode choice models: A case of shared electric mobility hubs (eHUBS) in Amsterdam and Manchester', Transport Policy, vol. 156, 101-111.
Campisi, T, Kuşkapan, E, Çodur, MY & Dissanayake, D 2024, 'Exploring the influence of socio-economic aspects on the use of electric scooters using machine learning applications: A case study in the city of Palermo', Research in Transportation Business & Management, vol. 56, 101172.
Liao, F, Dissanayake, D & Homem de Almeida Correia, G 2024, 'Modelling the complementarity and flexibility between different shared modes available in smart electric mobility hubs (eHUBS)', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 190, 104279.
Liao, F, Vleugel, J, Bösehans, G, Dissanayake, D, Thorpe, N, Bell, M, van Arem, B & Homem de Almeida Correia, G 2024, 'Mode substitution induced by electric mobility hubs: Results from Amsterdam', Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, vol. 129, 104118.
Zamzuri, MDHM, Ali, F, Jusoh, RM, Amran, MFM & Dissanayake, D 2025, 'Selection of the Best Students’ Leader in UPNM using Analytic Hierarchy Process Method', Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 28-38.
Bosehans, G, Bell, M & Dissanayake, D 2024, 'Shared mobility - Novel insights on mode substitution patterns, trip and user characteristics', Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research, vol. 2, 100029.
Wedagama, DMP, Binti Ubaidillah, NZ & Dissanayake, D 2024, 'Transportation Mode Choice Models for Domestic Tourists in Bali', Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, vol. 15, pp. 1441-1452.
Bösehans, G, Kavta, K, Bell, MC & Dissanayake, D 2023, 'Exploring the potential of shared electric vehicles from e‐mobility hubs as an alternative for commute and food shopping trips', IET Intelligent Transport Systems.
Tavakoli Kashani, A, Rakhshani Moghadam, M, Taheri, A, Müller, G & Dissanayake, DA 2023, 'How does the safety performance of different vehicle types and weights affect the severity of a driver’s injury?', International Journal of Crashworthiness.
Bösehans, G, Bell, M, Thorpe, N & Dissanayake, D 2023, 'Something for every one? - An investigation of people's intention to use different types of shared electric vehicle', Travel Behaviour and Society, vol. 30, pp. 178-191.
Conference contribution
Bankole, SO, Donaldson, D, Dissanayake, D & Ferranti, E 2023, Electric Mobility in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Preparedness from the Consumer Point of View. in 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica., 10363275, IEEE Power Engineering Society Conference and Exposition in Africa, PowerAfrica, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2023 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, PowerAfrica 2023, Marrakech, Morocco, 6/11/23.
Review article
Makahleh, HY, Ferranti, EJS & Dissanayake, D 2024, 'Assessing the Role of Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Areas: A Systematic Review of Literature', Future Transportation, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 321-348.
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