Recent publications
Kamal, AKI, Batty, LC & Bartlett, R 2023, 'Optimisation of seed germination and seedling emergence of sesbania cannabina (retz.) Poir.', Bangladesh Journal of Botany, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 1015-1023.
Seniyat, LA, Batty, L & Renshaw, JC 2022, 'Presence of Priority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Chromium, Copper and Lead in Two selected Brownfield Sites in United Kingdom', Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2013-2019.
Batty, L & Reilly, K 2022, 'Understanding barriers to participation within undergraduate STEM laboratories: towards development of an inclusive curriculum', Journal of biological education.
Thornhill, I, Friberg, N, Batty, L, Thamia, V & Ledger, ME 2021, 'Leaf breakdown rates as a functional indicator were influenced by an invasive non-native invertebrate in urban ponds', Ecological Indicators, vol. 124, 107360.
Cooke, J, Araya, Y, Bacon, KL, Bagniewska, JM, Batty, LC, Bishop, TR, Burns, M, Charalambous, M, Daversa, DR, Dougherty, LR, Dyson, M, Fisher, AM, Forman, D, Garcia, C, Harney, E, Hesselberg, T, John, EA, Knell, RJ, Maseyk, K, Mauchline, AL, Peacock, J, Pernetta, AP, Pritchard, J, Sutherland, WJ, Thomas, RL, Tigar, B, Wheeler, P, White, RL, Worsfold, NT & Lewis, Z 2021, 'Teaching and learning in ecology: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and solutions', Oikos, vol. 130, no. 1, pp. 15-28.
Afegbua, SL & Batty, LC 2019, 'Effect of plant growth promoting bacterium; Pseudomonas putida UW4 inoculation on phytoremediation efficacy of monoculture and mixed culture of selected plant species for PAH and lead spiked soils', International Journal of Phytoremediation, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 200-208.
Afegbua, S & Batty, L 2018, 'Effect of single and mixed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination on plant biomass yield and PAH dissipation during phytoremediation', Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
Lynch, S, Batty, L & Byrne, P 2018, 'Environmental risk of severely Pb-contaminated riverbank sediment as a consequence of hydrometeorological perturbation', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 636, pp. 1428-1441.
Thornhill, I, Batty, L, Hewitt, M, Friberg, NR & Ledger, M 2018, 'The application of graph theory and percolation analysis for assessing change in the spatial configuration of pond networks', Urban Ecosystems, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 213-225.
Lynch, S, Batty, L & Byrne, P 2017, 'Critical control of flooding and draining sequences on the environmental risk of Zn-contaminated riverbank sediments', Journal of Soils and Sediments, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 2691–2707.
Thornhill, I, Batty, L, Friberg, N, Death, R & Ledger, M 2017, 'Local and landscape scale determinants of biodiversity and conservation value of macroinvertebrate assemblages in ponds across an urban land-use gradient', Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1065–1086.
Chigbo, C & Batty, L 2015, 'Chelate-assisted phytoremediation of Cu-pyrene-contaminated soil using Z. mays', Water Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 226, no. 3, 74.
Kincey, M, Batty, L, Chapman, H, Gearey, B, Ainsworth, S & Challis, K 2014, 'Assessing the changing condition of industrial archaeological remains on Alston Moor, UK, using multisensory remote sensing', Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 45, pp. 36-51.
Woodley, E, Barr, S, Batty, L, Bickerstaff, K, Darvill, C, Ferdous, R, Holmes, N, Jon, I, Lynch, K, Martin, J, Marvell, A, McDougall, D, Pitt, H, Singleton, A, Souch, C & Yorke, L 2024, 'The future of geography field course pedagogy in UK higher education', Geo: Geography and Environment, vol. 11, no. 2, e00158.
Review article
Downey, H, Amano, T, Cadotte, M, Cook, CN, Cooke, SJ, Haddaway, NR, Jones, JPG, Littlewood, N, Walsh, JC, Abrahams, MI, Adum, G, Akasaka, M, Alves, JA, Antwis, RE, Arellano, EC, Axmacher, J, Barclay, H, Batty, L, Benítez-López, A, Bennett, JR, Berg, MJ, Bertolino, S, Biggs, D, Bolam, FC, Bray, T, Brook, BW, Bull, JW, Burivalova, Z, Cabeza, M, Chauvenet, ALM, Christie, AP, Cole, L, Cotton, AJ, Cotton, S, Cousins, SAO, Craven, D, Cresswell, W, Cusack, JJ, Dalrymple, SE, Davies, ZG, Diaz, A, Dodd, JA, Felton, A, Fleishman, E, Gardner, CJ, Garside, R, Ghoddousi, A, Gilroy, JJ, Gill, DA, Gill, JA, Glew, L, Grainger, MJ, Grass, AA, Greshon, S, Gundry, J, Hart, T, Hopkins, CR, Howe, C, Johnson, A, Jones, KW, Jordan, NR, Kadoya, T, Kerhoas, D, Koricheva, J, Lee, TM, Lengyel, S, Livingstone, SW, Lyons, A, McCabe, G, Millett, J, Strevens, CM, Moolna, A, Mossman, HL, Mukherjee, N, Muñoz-Sáez, A, Negrões, N, Norfolk, O, Osawa, T, Papworth, S, Park, KJ, Pellet, J, Phillott, AD, Plotnik, JM, Priatna, D, Ramos, AG, Randall, N, Richards, RM, Ritchie, EG, Roberts, DL, Rocha, R, Rodríguez, JP, Sanderson, R, Sasaki, T, Savilaakso, S, Sayer, C, Sekercioglu, C, Senzaki, M, Smith, G, Smith, RJ, Soga, M, Soulsbury, CD, Steer, MD, Stewart, G, Strange, EF, Suggitt, AJ, Thompson, RRJ, Thompson, S, Thornhill, I, Trevelyan, RJ, Usieta, HO, Venter, O, Webber, AD, White, RL, Whittingham, MJ, Wilby, A, Yarnell, RW, Zamora-Gutierrez, V & Sutherland, WJ 2021, 'Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management', Ecological Solutions and Evidence, vol. 2, no. 1, e12032.
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