Recent publications
Elsdon-Baker, F & Lightman, B 2020, Identity in a Secular Age: Science, Religion, and public Perceptions . University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh.
Sharp, C, Hughes, R, Leicht, C & Elsdon-Baker, F 2024, 'Global Perceptions of Religious and Non-Religious Scientists: A Social Identity Perspective', Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
Catto, R, Shillitoe, R, Jones, S, Kaden, T & Elsdon-Baker, F 2023, 'The Social Imaginary of Science and Nonreligion: Narrating the Connection in the Anglophone West', Secularism and Nonreligion, vol. 12, 3.
Catto, R, Riley, J, Elsdon-Baker, F, Jones, SH & Leicht, C 2022, 'Science, religion, and nonreligion: engaging subdisciplines to move further beyond mythbusting', Acta Sociologica.
Leicht, C, Sharp, C, LaBouff, J, Zarzeczna, N & Elsdon-Baker, F 2021, 'Content matters: perceptions of the science-religion relationship', The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion.
Sharp, C, Leicht, C, Rios, K, Zarzeczna, N & Elsdon-Baker, F 2021, 'Religious diversity in science: stereotypical and counter-stereotypical social identities', Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
Jones, S, Elsdon-Baker, F, Catto, R & Kaden, T 2020, 'What science means to me: understanding personal identification with (evolutionary) science using the sociology of (non)religion', Public Understanding of Science, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 579-596.
Catto, R, Jones, S, Kaden, T & Elsdon-Baker, F 2019, 'Diversification and internationalization in the sociological study of science and religion', Sociology Compass, vol. 13, no. 8, e12721, pp. 1-13.
Elsdon-Baker, F 2019, 'In Defense of Publics: Projection, Bias, and Cultural Narratives in Science and Religion Debates', Zygon, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 618-633.
Jones, S, Catto, R, Kaden, T & Elsdon-Baker, F 2019, '‘That’s how Muslims are required to view the world’: race, culture and belief in non-Muslims’ descriptions of Islam and science', The Sociological Review, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 161-177.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Kaden, T, Jones, S, Catto, R & Elsdon-Baker, F 2020, Wissen als Explanandum: Die Perspektiven von Laien und Professionellen auf Wissenschaft und Religion. in B Schnettler, T Szydlik & H Pach (eds), Religiöse Kommunikation und weltanschauliches Wissen. Springer, Wiesbaden.
Carlisle, J, Hameed, S & Elsdon-Baker, F 2019, Muslim Perceptions of Biological Evolution: A Critical Review of Quantitative and Qualitative Research. in Science, Belief and Society: International Perspectives on Religion, Non-Religion and the Public Understanding of Science. Bristol University Press.
Elsdon-Baker, F & Mason-Wilkes, W 2019, The Sociological Study of Science and Religion in Context. in Science, Belief and Society: International Perspectives on Religion, Non-Religion and the Public Understanding of Science. Bristol University Press.
Elsdon-Baker, F 2020, Creating hardline ‘secular’ evolutionists: The influence of question design on our understanding of public perceptions of clash narratives between evolutionary science and belief. in Identity in a Secular Age: Science, Religion and Public Perceptions . University of Pittsburgh.
Other report
Dove, A, Elsdon-Baker, F, Krause, S, Thomson, I, Riley, J, Hall, A, Lean, T & Strahan, D 2023, Plastic: A Call to Action. University of Birmingham. <>
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