Dr Eva Momtaz BA, MA, PhD

Department of English Literature
Research Fellow

Contact details

Arts Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I am a Research Fellow for the 'Empathy, Narrative, and Cultural Values' (ENCV) project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). This involves investigating how cultural values shape the way people connect with narratives in education and health. My previous research delved into understanding how modern Muslim readers engage with Milton’s work, offering valuable insights into cross-cultural literary appreciation. I am actively involved with outreach for the wider BAME community and am a keen advocate for inclusive research.


BA, MA, PhD (University of Birmingham)


I completed my BA in English Literature (2016), MA in Literature and Culture (2018), and PhD (2023) at the University of Birmingham.

Postgraduate supervision

Find out more - our PhD English Literature  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


As a Research Fellow, I explore the complex interplay of narrative perception and empathy within South Asian Muslim communities in the West Midlands. By delving into how cultural values influence individuals' engagement with narratives in educational and health contexts, I aim to help deepen our understanding of multicultural interpretative practices. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to the development of more inclusive and effective pedagogical and health communication strategies.

My previous work focused on the modern-day reception of John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Specifically, I examined the encounter of British-Asian Muslim women with the Christian epic and explored how questions concerning religion, politics, gender, and morality raised by Paradise Lost related to the complex challenges facing modern British Muslimahs, in both reclaiming cultural narratives and reshaping social norms.

In both my current role and my previous research, I am committed to highlighting the nuanced intersections of culture, identity, and narrative interpretation. By bridging these two areas of study, I aim to foster a more comprehensive understanding of how cultural values influence individual experiences and perceptions, ultimately contributing to the promotion of inclusivity and cultural empathy in academic and societal contexts.