Mr Daniel Malt MA

Photograph of Daniel Malt

Department of Linguistics and Communication
Teaching Fellow

Contact details

Frankland Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I work in the Department of Linguistics and Communication where I am responsible for teaching and administration on the MAs in TEFL/TESL and Applied Linguistics.

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  • BA (Hons) History and French University of Sussex
  • MA Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching, University of East Anglia


I have taught and lectured in English language in the UK, France, Spain, Japan and Belgium. I’ve also worked as a lexicographer, ELT materials writer, and translator.


I teach on the MA TESOL modules Teaching and Learning Grammar and Vocabulary and Language Teaching Observation and Practice . I also work as a tutor, marker and dissertation supervisor for on-campus and distance MAs.

Other activities

  • I recruit and support external markers, tutors and supervisors who work on English Language MA programmes.
  • I also write and edit course materials, promote English Language courses inside and outside the University, and assist students with academic, administrative and technical queries.