Dr Imen Tebourbi

Dubai Campus
Senior Lecturer in Finance
Programme Director of MSc Financial Management (Dubai)

Contact details

University of Birmingham Dubai
Dubai International Academic City
PO Box 341799
Dubai, UAE

Dr. Tebourbi is an associate professor of Finance and Programme director of the MSc Financial Management at University of Birmingham, Dubai. She has an extensive international experience in teaching, research and academic leadership experience and has won awards for her research work and her leadership in the education sector.

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  • Associate Professor of Finance
  • PhD in Finance, University Paris Dauphine, France
  • MSc in Finance, HEC Montreal, Canada


Dr. Tebourbi is an associate professor of Finance and Programme director of the MSc Financial Management at University of Birmingham, Dubai. She holds a PhD in Finance from Paris Dauphine University, France and an MSc in Finance from HEC, Montreal, Canada. She has an extensive teaching, research and academic leadership experience.

Prior to joining University of Birmingham, Dr. Tebourbi served in administrative roles as Associate Dean and Head of the Undergraduate programs and held academic posts in the United States, Canada, France and the UAE. She has also served as a Researcher at the Institute for Corporate Governance of Private and Public Organizations, and the Centre for Research on E-Finance, Montreal, Canada, where she led research projects on governance and risk management issues.

She is a Member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, the International Journal of Economics, Finance and Trade and the Journal of Emerging Issues in Economics, Finance and Banking. She also acts as a reviewer for several ranked journals in finance, and has earned best papers and reviewer awards for her research and reviewer work.

Dr. Tebourbi’s research interests are in corporate governance, executive compensation, corporate finance, sustainability and risk management and has numerous research publications on these topics.   


Corporate Governance, Corporate finance, executive compensation, sustainability


  • Ahmad, N., Ting I.W.K., Tebourbi I, Kweh Q. L., (2022) Non Linearity between family Control and Firm Financial Sustainability: Moderating Effects of CEO Tenure and Education, Eurasian Business Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40821-021-00197-7
  • Mitchell Van der Zhan, Imen Tebourbi, (2022) Audit Quality and Abolition of Mandated Joint-Audits: Evidence from Kuwait, Journal of Applied Accounting Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/JAAR-08-2021-0228 
  • Tebourbi I., Nguyen A. T. T, Yuan S., Huang C., (2022) How do Social and Economic Factors Affect Carbon Emissions? 2022, New Evidence from Five Developing ASEAN Countries, Economic Research 
  • Qian Long Kweh, Imen Tebourbi, Huai-Chun Lo, Cheng-Tsu Huang, (2022) CEO compensation and firm performance: Evidence from financially constrained firms, Research in International Business and Finance, Volume 61, 2022, 101671, ISSN 0275-5319, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2022.101671 
  • Ting I. W. K., Tebourbi I., Lu W. M., Kweh Q. L, (2021) The Effects of Managerial Ability on Firm Performance and the Mediating Role of Capital Structure: Evidence from Taiwan, Financial Innovation, 7. 
  • Shamsabadi H. A., Tebourbi, I., Nourani, M., Min B., (2021) Corporate Governance and Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Insights from Imputation Tax in Australia, Finance Research Letters, 41 – article 101810. 
  • Chen F. C., Tebourbi I., (2021) The Relationship Between Business Performance, CSR and Innovation Capital: A Case Study of Taiwan, Managerial and Decision Economics, 42(2), 360-368.  
  • Tebourbi, I, Ting, I. W. K., Le, H. T. M. and Kweh, Q. L. (2020). R&D investments and future firm performance: The role of managerial overconfidence and government ownership. Managerial and Decision Economics, 41(7), 1269-1281. 
  • Hsieh P.H., Tebourbi I., Lu Wen-Min, Liu Nai-Yu. (2020), Mutual Fund Performance: The Decision Quality and Capital Magnet Efficiencies, Managerial Decision Economics, 41(5), pp.861-872.