Mrs Toni Taylor RN DipHe BSc (Hons) MSc PGCert

Toni Taylor

School of Nursing and Midwifery
Assistant Professor

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Toni Taylor is Assistant Professor in Continuing Professional Development and module lead for the First Contact module which is part of the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice. She also supports teaches on other postgraduate and undergraduate programmes.

Toni is a registered nurse with most of her clinical experience being in palliative care.

Toni is currently undertaking a PhD and is exploring the recruitment and retention of nurses within hospices.

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Assistant Professor in Continuing Professional Development:

  • MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice, Staffordshire University, 2018
  • PGCert for health, social care and allied professionals, University of Wolverhampton, 2016
  • BSc (Hons) Palliative Care, Birmingham City University, 2009
  • Diploma in Adult Nursing, University of Nottingham, 2003


Toni registered as an adult nurse in 2003 and initially worked in acute medicine and critical care.

Over the last 15 years Toni has worked predominantly in the field of Palliative Care in various roles across the acute and hospice sectors. Toni has extensive experience in developing, delivering and evaluating palliative care education and quality improvement projects.



Palliative Care

End of life care

Workforce challenges