During her career, Dr Poveda has been actively involved in research projects including the NIHR portfolio TRACTISS study, a Randomized Control trial that studied the effects of anti-B cell therapy for primary Sjögren’s syndrome.
She also collaborated with the LEONIDAS study: the aim of this pilot study was to study the effects of the use of electro-stimulator device to treat dry mouth in patients with Sjogren’s syndrome. This feed into the multi-center study SALRISE with the results due to be published.
She is involved in OASIS study: This study aims to enrol patients with primary Sjogren’s syndrome attending the multidisciplinary Sjogren’s clinic at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, (U.K) into a large, long-term observational study.
She is currently undertaking her Doctorate studies in autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases studying the phenotype of Behcet’s ulcers as well as the salivary proteomics and the senescent cells on Behcet’s disease patients.
Dr Poveda is a well published author, collaborating in numerous papers related to the oral medicine specialty field and is a peer reviewer in different journals and editorials.