Dr Upen Patel BDS, AHEA, MFDS RCSEd, MJDF, FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEng, PhD

Dr Upen Patel

School of Dentistry
Associate Clinical Professor and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry
Head of Clinical Practice (Academic) and NHS Service Lead
Head of Prosthetic Dentistry (Academic)

Contact details

The School of Dentistry
5 Mill Pool Way
B5 7EG
United Kingdom

Upen is an Associate Clinical Professor and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry at Birmingham Dental Hospital & School of Dentistry, University of Birmingham. He leads the largest dental undergraduate teaching placement service, Clinical Practice, for Birmingham Community Healthcare Foundation Trust.

Externally, he represents the University of Birmingham at the:

  • Association for Dental Education in Europe: Executive Committee Member
  • Shaping the Future of Dental Education Global Initiative (ADEE & ADEA)
  • European Journal of Dental Education: Editorial Board Member
  • British Society of Prosthodontics: President (2025-6)

Upen’s commitment and contribution to clinical dentistry and dental education is recognised by the following accolades:

  • 2023: Learning from Excellence Award by the Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  • 2020: Nominated and Shortlisted for an Outstanding Teaching Award in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
  • 2019: Best Poster Award in the Research category at the British Society of Restorative Dentistry Conference
  • 2018: Nominated for an Outstanding Teaching Award in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
  • 2015: Teaching Academy Award for Educational Enhancement & Innovation in the Educational Innovation theme for work on the Clinical Assessment & Feedback System awarded by the University of Birmingham
  • 2015: Certificate of Merit for Poster Presentation in the Dental Education category awarded by the European Federation of Conservative Dentistry at the ConsEuro Conference
  • 2014: Early Career Educator Excellence in Dental Education Award by the Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2011: Best Poster Award at the Association for Dental Education in Europe Conference
  • 2010: Excellence in Teaching & Supporting Student Learning Award by the University of Birmingham, School of Dentistry
  • 2009: Rewarding Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award by the Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine of the Higher Education Academy
  • 2009: First Prize at the Graduate School Research Poster Competition awarded by the University of Birmingham
  • 2009: New Graduate Prize awarded by the British Society for the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry

His clinical interests are within the specialty of Restorative Dentistry and with a particular interest in the management of tooth loss and the rehabilitation of edentulous mouths with prostheses stabilised with titanium implants.

Upen takes great pride and enjoyment in the practice and teaching of Dentistry to those willing to learn with the goal of producing safe, responsible and efficient Dental Practitioners.

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  • FDS (Rest Dent) RCSEng, Fellowship of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (Restorative Dentistry), Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2022
  • PhD in Ultrasound Mediated Dental Tissue Regeneration, University of Birmingham, 2016.
  • MJDF RCSEng, Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties, Royal College of Surgeons of England, 2012.
  • MFDS RCSEd, Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, 2012.
  • AHEA, Associate Membership of the Higher Education Academy 2010.
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education (Part 1), University of Birmingham, 2010.
  • BDS (Clinical Distinction), University of Birmingham, 2006.


Dr Patel qualified as a dentist from the University of Birmingham in 2006 and after completing vocational training and a maxillofacial senior house officer job, returned to the University as a Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry.

Upen has since been actively involved in research completing his PhD studies in 2016 on the effects of ultrasound on dental regeneration and has presented his research at conferences nationally and internationally. He won first prize at the University of Birmingham Graduate School Research Poster Competition with his poster entitled ‘Ultrasound Induced Dental Regeneration’. Currently his research interest focuses on the application and the effects of therapeutic ultrasound on the repair mechanisms of the dental pulp; education, specifically assessment and feedback in clinical education and clinically, the rehabilitation of partially dentate and edentulous jaws using removable prostheses.

Upen teaches undergraduate dental students in all five years of the BDS degree programme. Since his appointment at the University of Birmingham he has been heavily involved in the delivery of both pre-clinical and clinical dental education. He was a module lead for the first year module ‘Professionalism and the Foundations of Dental Practice’ as well as organising and teaching the introductory clinical sessions ‘Clinical Photography and Impression Taking’ in the second year of the programme. He was responsible for organizing and delivering the ‘Simulated Skills in Prosthetic Dentistry’ course which prepares students for treating patients with removable dental prostheses. He introduced and developed the clinical competency in dental charting, ensuring dental students have the basic skills before they start treating patients and pioneered the concept of junior dental students actively learning from senior dental students during the degree programme.

Upen currently leads the academic unit of 'Clinical Practice', the largest clinical placement dental students undertake and operates longitudinally through the clinical years of the BDS degree programme. Additionally, he is the academic lead for 'Prosthetic Dentistry'. Upen undertook the role of the BDS Programme Director from 2021 to 2024 for the School of Dentistry.

Additional duties include the setting and marking of assessments within the Clinical Practice and Prosthetic Dentistry subject areas, pastoral care as a personal tutor to a group of dental students and has previously sat on the Admissions Executive Panel which manages the entry of new students to the BDS degree. Upen was the lead for elearning and the lead for assessment for the BDS programme, coordinating assessment with learning outcomes achieved by students and supports module leads with generating and standard setting their assessments. 

Upen has completed part of the post graduate certificate in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education qualifying him as an Associate of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) of the UK. He has attended conferences on Dental Education in Europe where he has presented his prize winning entry of the Rewarding Excellence in Learning and Teaching award offered by the Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine (MEDEV) of the HEA. Upen was also been awarded the Early Career Educator Excellence in Dental Education Award from the Association of Dental Education in Europe, one of the few opportunities for international recognition of excellence in dental education. Upen is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Association for Dental Education in Europe.

Upen is a founding member of the Clinical Assessment and Feedback System (CAFS) used by dental undergraduates nationally and internationally to record their clinical experience and assessment by teachers. As a member of the team he has presented CAFS nationally and internationally winning awards from the ConsEuro conference and the Teaching Academy Award from the University of Birmingham.


  • Dental Surgery BDS 
  • Dental Hygiene and Therapy BSc


Dr Upen Patel completed his PhD in 2016 titled “Kilohertz Ultrasound as a Potential Therapy for Dental Repair”. He investigated the ultrasonic output of an ultrasound therapy device mapping the field of exposure and developed a novel method for the application of ultrasound to biological cells in vitro culture. He investigated the behaviour of a model cell line (MDPC-23) and primary human dental pulp cells in vitro culture when exposed to kilohertz ultrasound of different therapeutic intensities. Dr Patel utilised gene expression analysis methods to determine the effects of ultrasound on primary human dental pulp cells and analysed mineral deposits produced by these cells in culture by staining and using micro-computed tomography, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry. Dr Patel will continue his research in this expanding field of regenerative medicine and will look to develop collaborations to further the research in this field and lead to successful research grant applications.

Dr Patel’s other interests include education, specifically assessment and feedback in clinical education and clinically, the rehabilitation of partially dentate and edentulous jaws using removable prostheses. Work is ongoing to develop these research fields at the School of Dentistry and is open to supervising PhD students.

Currently, Dr Patel is researching the use of saliva as a diagnostic tool for oral and dental disease.

Other activities

  • Head of the Clinical Practice academic department in Dentistry (2nd to 5th year BDS Programme), 2021 to present.
  • Head of the Prosthetic Dentistry academic department in Dentistry, 2023 to present.
  • Clinical supervision and teaching of dental students on the Prosthetic Dentistry (2nd and 3rd year BDS Programme) and Clinical Practice (2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year BDS Programme) modules and specialty areas, 2008 to present.
  • Programme Director of BDS Degree Programme, 2021-2024.
  • Lead for eLearning, 2012-2024.
  • Lead for Assessment for the BDS Degree Programme, 2016 to 2024.
  • Founding Member of CAFS (Clinical Assessment & Feedback System), 2012 to present.
  • Member of all Progression, Continuous Assessment and Examination boards / committees in the BDS Degree Programme.
  • Dentistry Undergraduate Admissions Examiner, 2008 to present.
  • Personal tutor to a group of undergraduate dental students providing pastoral care, 2008 to present.
  • Contact person for inoculation injuries responsible for following up dental student and source patient results.
  • University of Birmingham representative on the BCHCfT Dental Division Dental Audit Committee 2017 to present.
  • Support of junior dentists in training (DCT & StR grade) at Birmingham Dental Hospital.
  • Working with Health Education England and regions of the British Dental Association to plan, organise and deliver CPD qualifying hands-on and lecture-based study courses to all professional members of the dental team including newly graduated dentists (Dental Foundation Training).
  • Dental Schools Council Assessment Alliance
    • Chairperson, 2021-2023.
    • Vice Chairperson, 2019-2021.
    • Member representing Dentistry, University of Birmingham, 2016-2024.
  • Executive Committee Member of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, 2021-2025.
  • Editorial Board Member of the European Journal of Dental Education, 2019 to present.
  • Editorial Panel Member for the Oral Health for Dental School Knowledge Hub (Wiley), 2022-23.

External Examining Appointments

  • University of Liverpool, School of Dentistry, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, BDS Y5, Programme and Award Level, 2024-2029
  • University of Bristol, Faculty of Health Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, 2023-2024
  • University of Aberdeen, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition, 2023-2027
  • University of Manchester, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health - School of Medical Sciences; DENT10340, DENT21040, DENT31000, 2019-2023
  • Cardiff University, School of Dentistry Year 1 and 2 (Primary Part 2C), 2018-2023.
  • University of Leeds, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Doctor of Philosophy, 2019-2020.

External Appointments

  • British Society of Prosthodontics
    • Immediate Past President, 2026-2027
    • President, 2025-2026
    • President-Elect, 2024-2025
    • Council Member, 2018-2021

Invited Conference Presentations

  • 2024 Successful Prosthodontics: Expectation to Satisfaction (invited oral presentation at the British Dental Conference & Dentistry Show), British Society of Prosthodontics
  • 2018 Implementing & Enhancing Dental Education with Technology (invited oral presentation) International Conference for Future Dentistry, Seoul National University School of Dentistry
  • 2014 Technology in Dental Education: eLearning @ Birmingham (invited oral presentation) American Dental Education Association International Workshop: A Global Perspective on Leading Change and Innovation in Dental Education
  • 2013 eLearning @ Birmingham (keynote oral presentation) Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2011 Smart Prosthetic Dentistry using e-Learning (keynote oral presentation) British Society of Prosthodontics

Conference Presentations

  • 2024 Slippy Skin and Lazy Bones: A 17-year follow-up of a prosthodontic rehabilitation (poster) H Khan*, D Attrill, A Parr, US Patel. British Society of Prosthodontics.
  • 2023 A multidisciplinary approach to the management of hyperplastic maxillary tuberosities(poster) A Parr*, L Zebic, H Anstey, US Patel. British Society of Prosthodontics.
  • 2020 An Audit into Metal Denture Frameworks That Require a Laboratory Remake at Birmingham Dental Hospital (poster) N Archer*, O Jones, K Butt, US Patel & DC Attrill. British Society of Restorative Dentistry
  • 2019 Volumetric Analysis of Wear Patterns on Implant Locator Abutments (poster) K Ayub*, US Patel, N Vyas & D Newsum. British Society of Restorative Dentistry
  • 2018 A national approach to collating assessment load information in United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland dental schools (oral). US Patel* & Dental Schools Council Assessment Alliance. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2016 Diligence indicators to measure the performance of clinical dental students (oral) US Patel*, J Kelly, DC Attrill, DA White & DG Perryer. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2015 CAFS - Managing large data sets for effective learner feedback and teacher calibration (poster) US Patel*, J Kelly, DC Attrill, DA White & DG Perryer. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2015 CAFS - Enhancing Teacher Feedback and Learner Reflection in Clinical Dental Education (poster) DOI 10.1007/s00784-015-1486-4 US Patel*, J Kelly, DC Attrill, DA White & DG Perryer. European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (ConsEuro)
  • 2014 CAFS – Enhancing Assessment and Feedback in Clinical Dental Education (oral) US Patel*, J Kelly, DC Attrill, DA White & DG Perryer. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2014 Development of a Mobile Clinical Assessment and Feedback System – CAFS (poster) US Patel*, J Kelly, DC Attrill, DA White & DG Perryer. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2013 Student Ownership and Usage of Mobile Computing Devices in Dental Education (poster) US Patel* & DG Perryer. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2011 Supporting Independent Learning with Dental Charting (poster) US Patel*, DA White & DG Perryer. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2011 Supporting students’ clinical transition with virtual learning materials (poster) DA White*, DG Perryer, L Mackenzie, L Coulson & US Patel. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2011 Contribution of GCF to the Saliva Proteome: Quantitative Proteomic Analysis (poster) AJ Creese*, MM Grant, US Patel, P Weston, M de Jager, ILC Chapple & HJ Cooper. International Association for Dental Research
  • 2011 An in vitro set-up to study low-frequency ultrasound effects on dental cells (oral) US Patel*, AD Walmsley & BA Scheven. Ultrasonics Industries Association
  • 2011 Mandibular two- implant-retained overdenture: pre-prosthetic surgery and denture design (poster) A Krstevska*, N Karir, US Patel, AD Walmsley. British Society of Prosthodontics
  • 2011 How do patients clean their dentures? (poster) A Patel*, DC Attrill, US Patel. British Society of Prosthodontics
  • 2010 Low-frequency Ultrasound Stimulates Proliferation of Odontoblast-like Cells in vitro (poster) US Patel*, AD Walmsley & BA Scheven. International Association for Dental Research
  • 2010 The Mandibular Implant Stabilised Removable Prosthesis …a recipe for success? (poster) P Patel*, US Patel, B Aghabeigi & AD Walmsley   . British Society of Prosthodontics
  • 2010 Travelling Ultrasound: Transference in Multiwell Plates (poster)
  • US Patel*, AD Walmsley & BA Scheven. College of Medical and Dental Sciences Research Gala, University of Birmingham
  • 2009 Reflections on the role of feedback in motivating student learning (poster) US Patel*. Association for Dental Education in Europe
  • 2009 Ultrasound Induced Dental Regeneration (poster) US Patel*, AD Walmsley & BA Scheven. Graduate School Poster Conference, University of Birmingham
  • 2009 Slippy Skin and Lazy Bones: A Prosthodontic Rehabilitation (poster) US Patel*, KK Sidhu, AJ Summerwill & DC Attrill. British Society of Prosthodontics


Patel US, Hill K, Chapple I. et al. 150 years of dental education and research - University of Birmingham School of Dentistry. Br Dent J 233, 969–971 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41415-022-5256-9

Grant M, Taylor JJ, Creese A, Gowland C, Burke B, Doudin K, Patel US, Weston P, Milward M, Bissett SM, Cooper H, Kooijman G, Rmaile A, de Jager M, Preshaw PM & Chapple I. Discovery, validation and diagnostic ability of multiple protein-based biomarkers in saliva and GCF to distinguish between health and periodontal diseases. J Clin Perio. 2022 Apr 22. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13630

Pereira AC, Dias da Silva MA, Patel US, Tanday A, Hill KB, Walmsley AD. Using quizzes to provide an effective and more enjoyable dental education: a pilot study. J Dent Educ. 2021 Sep 12. doi: 10.1111/eje.12716

Patel US, Shapira L, Gallagher JE, Davis J, Garcia LT, Valachovic RW. Engaging with global networking to enable global oral health. J Dent Educ. 2020;84:117-122. doi: 10.1002/jdd.12026

Patel US, Tonni I, Gadbury-Amyot C, Van der Vleuten CPM, Escudier M. Assessment in a global context: An international perspective on dental education. Eur J Dent Educ. 2018;22(Suppl. 1):21-27. doi: 10.1111/eje.12343

Patel US, Ghorayeb SR, Yamashita Y, Atanda F, Walmsley AD & Scheven BA. Ultrasound field characterization and bioeffects in multiwell culture plates. Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound Jun 2015, 3(8). doi:10.1186/s40349-015-0028-5

Singhota S, Attrill DC, Patel US & Murphy P. A hinged two-part partial denture used in conjunction with severely tilted teeth – a case report. European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry Jun 2014, 22(2), 64-66.

Patel US & Walmsley AD. Implant retained mandibular denture: planning to delivery – case report. Dental Update Mar 2014, 41(2), 137-143.

Parmar S, Patel US, Karir N & Walmsley AD. Long and short term management of implant supported mandibular overdentures. Dental Update Dec 2013, 40(10), 830-835.

Ghorayeb SR, Patel US, Walmsley AD & Scheven BA. Biophysical characterization of low-frequency ultrasound interaction with dental pulp stem cells. Journal of Therapeutic Ultrasound Aug 2013, 1(12). doi:10.1186/2050-5736-1-12


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