Dr Jessica Heron BA, MA (Oxon), PhD.

Jessica Heron

Institute of Clinical Sciences
Senior Research Fellow in Perinatal Psychiatry

Contact details

Institute of Clinical Sciences
The Barberry National Centre for Mental Health,
University of Birmingham,
25 Vincent Drive,
Birmingham, B15 2SF
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  • PhD (Psychiatry)University of Birmingham 2006
  • MA (Oxon) 1998
  • BA Hons Experimental Psychology, Oxford University 1997

Other activities

Action on Postpartum Psychosis Website: www.app-network.org

Postpartum Psychosis support forum: http://app-network.healthunlocked.com/

Follow APP on Twitter: ActionOnPP

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ActionOnPP


Di Florio, A., Forty, L., Gordon-Smith, K., Heron, J., Jones L, Craddock N, Jones I. (2012) Perinatal Episodes Across the Mood Disorder Spectrum. Archives of General Psychiatry. 17:1-8

Doyle, K., Heron, J., Berrisford, G., Jones, L., Whitemore, G., Wainscott, F., &Oyebode, F. (2012). The management of bipolar disorder in the perinatal period and risk factors for postpartum relapse, European Psychiatry, 27: 563-569.

Heron, J., Gilbert, N., Dolmon, C., Shah, S., Beare, I., Dearden, S., Muckelroy, N., Jones, I., & Ives, J. (2012). Information and support needs during recovery from postpartum psychosis, Archives of Womens Mental Health, 15: 155-165.

Heron, J &Oyebode, F. (2011). Postnatal Hypomania: Future perspectives. Neuropsychiatry, Vol. 1: 55-60.

Tait L, Heron J. (2010) Management of postnatal depression in primary care: a window of opportunity,British Journal of General Practice, 60:801-2.

Whitmore J, Heron J, Wainscott G. (2010) Predictors of parenting concern in Mother and Baby Unit over a 10 Year period. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 57:455-461

Smith, S, Heron, J, Haque, S, Clarke, P, Oyebode, F & Jones, I. (2009). Measuring hypomania in the postpartum: a comparison of the Highs Scale and the Altman Mania Rating Scale. Archives of Womens Mental Health, 12: 323-327.

Heron J, Haque S, Oyebode F, Craddock N, Jones I. (2009) A longitudinal study of hypomania and depression in pregnancy and the postpartum. Bipolar Disorders, 11: 410-417.

Book Chapters-

Jones I, Heron J, Robertson Blackmore E. Book chapter: Puerperal Psychosis. In Oxford Textbook of Women’s Mental Health, Dora Kohen Ed, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Web Sites -

Heron, J, & APP. Action on Postpartum Psychosis: An Information Resource for those affected by Postpartum Psychosis. Available from http://www.app-network.org

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