Dr Soroosh Sharifi BSc, MSc, PhD

Dr Soroosh Sharifi

Department of Civil Engineering
Lecturer in Water Engineering
Head of Education

Contact details

Civil Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Sharifi is a Lecturer in Water Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Birmingham. In the last 10 years, he has worked on several research projects in the areas of Hydrology, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering.

Dr Sharifi’s primary research interests lie in the area of river and environmental hydraulics, rainfall-runoff modelling, multi-objective optimization and inverse modelling. He is particularly interested in how physical and data modeling can be coupled to better understand the underlying physics of hydro-environmental processes. A great deal of his research is focused on the application of machine learning and evolutionary computation methods in water sciences.

Dr Sharifi is also a part of the Birmingham Plastics Network, an interdisciplinary team of more than 40 academics working together to shape the fate and sustainable future of plastics.  This unique team brings together chemists, environmental scientists, engineers, philosophers, linguists, economists, artists, writers, lawyers, and experts in many other fields, to holistically address the global plastics problem.

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Lecturer in Water Engineering

  • PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, 2009
  • MSc in Hydraulic Structures, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 2006
  • BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 2003


Dr Sharifi holds a BSc in Civil and Environmental Engineering (2003) and an MSc in Hydraulic Structures (2003) from Ferdowsi University of Masshhad. His PhD in Civil Engineering was undertaken at the University of Birmingham researching Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Open Channel Flow (2009). After completing his PhD studies he moved to the United States. Between 2010-13, Dr Sharifi was a post-doctoral scholar at the Catholic University of America, where he was working on several water and environment-related research projects. In September 2013 he returned to the University of Birmingham as a Lecturer in Civil Engineering.

In the last 10 years, Dr Sharifi has been conducting research on various topics in the field of Water and Environmental Engineering. He is interested in the following topics:

  • Hydro-Informatics and Evolutionary Computation
  • Inverse modeling
  • Bayesian and Stochastic Modeling
  • Environmental and Computational Hydraulics
  • Experimental River Mechanics
  • Stormwater Contaminant Fate and Transport
  • Best Management Practice Spatial and Cost Optimization
  • Contaminant Source Identification
  • Computer Models of Watershed Hydrology


Current Teaching Programmes

  • Water Resources Technology and Management Masters/MSc
    • Hydrology
    • Flooding and Water Resource Management
    • Groundwater Engineering
  • Civil Engineering MEng/BSc
    • Civil Engineering research projects
    • Guided research
    • Industrial research


Dr Soroosh Sharifi is an academic researcher with a strong focus on the environmental implications of plastics and innovative approaches to addressing plastic-related challenges.

His research spans two critical areas:

  • the transition to a circular plastics economy
  • the removal of plastic pollutants from water systems

He has contributed significantly to research on the transition from linear to circular plastic economies, particularly in Africa. His work explores the role of digital innovations in creating sustainable plastic value chains. This includes investigating the impact of digital solutions in enhancing plastic waste collection, sorting, and recycling processes. His research highlights the importance of policy interventions, industry collaborations, and socio-economic factors in enabling the shift towards sustainable plastic management. Through cross-sectoral stakeholder engagement, Dr Sharifi has examined the barriers to circular economy adoption, including regulatory challenges, market dynamics, and corporate-state interactions. His findings stress the need for systemic changes, policy support, and technological integration to achieve a fully circular plastic economy, particularly in developing nations.

In addition to his work on circular plastics, Dr Sharifi has conducted pioneering research on the removal of microplastics from drinking water. His studies have assessed various filtration and treatment methods, including the use of ballasted flocculation techniques, to enhance microplastic removal efficiency. His work demonstrates that ballasted flocculation significantly outperforms conventional treatment methods, offering a promising solution for mitigating the impact of microplastics on human health and aquatic ecosystems. His research in this domain underscores the urgency of addressing microplastic pollution and the need for advancements in water treatment technologies.


Selected Journal Publications

dos Reis, A.G., Rodrigues Godoy, L.G., Moruzzi, R.B., Odjegba, E.E., Sharifi, S., 2025 Enhanced removal of microplastics from drinking water using ballasted flocculation: a comparative study with conventional methods using non-intrusive image analysis, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering.

Oyinlola, M., Schröder, P., Whitehead, T., Kolade, O., Wakunuma, K., Sharifi, S., Rawn, B., Odumuyiwa, V., Lendelvo, S., Brighty, G. and Tijani, B., 2023. The environment for a digitally enabled circular plastics economy in Africa: Lessons from cross-sectional stakeholder engagementsJournal of Strategy and Management

Oyinlola, M., Schröder, P., Whitehead, T., Kolade, O., Wakunuma, K., Sharifi, S., Rawn, B., Odumuyiwa, V., Lendelvo, S., Brighty, G. and Tijani, B., 2022. A socio-technical perspective on transitioning to a circular plastic economy in AfricaSustainable Production and Consumption, 14(1), p.190. 

Oyinlola, M., Schröder, P., Whitehead, T., Kolade, O., Wakunuma, K., Sharifi, S., Rawn, B., Odumuyiwa, V., Lendelvo, S., Brighty, G. and Tijani, B., 2021. Digital innovations for transitioning to circular plastic value chains in AfricaAfrica Journal of Management, 8(1), pp.83-108. 

Sharifi, S., Murthy S., Takaks, I., Massoudieh, A. (2014) Probabilistic Parameter Estimation of Activated Sludge Processes using Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Water Research, 50:254-266.

Massoudieh, A., Visser, A., Sharifi, S. andBroers, H.P (2013) A Bayesian modeling approach for estimation of a shape-free groundwater age distribution using multiple tracers, Applied Geochemistry.

Sharifi, S. Haghshenas, M.M., Deksissa, T., Green, P and Massoudieh, A. (2013) Stormwater Pollution Source Identification in Washington DC using Bayesian Chemical Mass Balance Modeling, Journal of Environmental Engineering.

Razaz, M., Kawanisi, K., Nistor, I. and Sharifi, S. (2013)An acoustic travel time method for continuous velocity monitoring in shallow tidal streams, Water Resources Research, 49(8):4885-4899, doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20375.

Sharifi, S., Kayhanian, M. and Massoudieh, A. (2012) Fate and Transport Modeling of Urban Highway Contaminants by a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Method, ASCE, Urban Water Journal doi:10.1080/1573062X.2013.790979 (in-print).

Massudieh, A., Sharifi, S., Solomon, D.K. (2012) Bayesian Evaluation of Groundwater Age Distribution Using Radio-Active Tracers and Anthropogenic Chemicals, Water Resources Research , 48(9) doi:10.1029/2012WR01181.

Sharifi, S. Massoudieh, A. (2012) A Novel Hybrid Mechanistic-Data-Driven Model Identification Framework Using NSGA-II, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(3): 697-715, doi:10.2166/hydro.2012.026.

Sharifi, S., Hosseini, S.M. (2011) Methodology for identifying the best equations for estimating the time of concentration of watersheds in a particular region, ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,137(11): 712-719, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000373.

Sharifi, S., Sterling, M. and Knight, D.W. (2011) Prediction of end-depth ratio in open channels using genetic programming, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 13(1):36-48 doi:10.2166/hydro.2010.087.

Sharifi, S., Sterling, M. and Knight, D.W. (2011) Can the application of a multi objective evolutionary algorithm improve 2-D numerical modeling? CIWEM's Water and Environment Journal 25(2): 230-240 doi: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2010.00223.x.

Sharifi, S., Massoudieh, A., Kayhanian, M. (2011) A stochastic storm-water quality sizing method based on first flush characteristics. Journal of Water Environment Research, 83(11): 2025-2035 doi:10.2175/106143011X12989211.

Sterling, M., Sharifi, S. and Knight, D.W. (2010) The end depth ratio and principal component analysis? Proceedings of ICE, Water Management, 163(8): 425-430 doi: 10.1680/wama.900068.

Sharifi, S., Knight, D.W. and Sterling, M. (2009) A novel application of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm in open channel flow modelling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 11(1): 31-50 doi:10.2166/hydro.2009.033.

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