Dr Dexter Hunt MEng, PhD, PGCERT, FHEA, AMICE

Dexter Hunt

Department of Civil Engineering

Contact details

School of Civil Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Hunt obtained both his MEng (Hons) degree and PhD from Birmingham in 2000 and 2005 respectively. His globally cited PhD looked at improving predictive methods for ground movements associated with multiple tunnel construction.

From 2003 to 2012 Dr Hunt worked on a number of multi-million pound Interdisciplinary, Multi-disciplinary and Trans-disciplinary  grants progressing through the ranks of  research associate, research fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Research Investigator, Co-Investigator to Principal Investigator. In 2011 he secured a Marie Curie scholarship for visiting scholar Nikolai Bobylev.

In 2012 Dr Hunt was awarded a Birmingham Fellowship (equivalent to a Stewarts’ scholarship) allowing him to continue his research work for a further four years progressing to full-time Lecturer in 2016. He currently specialises in the areas of Underground and Sustainable Construction.

Dr Hunt has been active in the field of “Sustainability” and Underground’ (in their broadest sense) since 2003, having undertaken research within and published on a range of relevant themes including but not limited to: Energy, Water, Materials, Transportation, Asset Management, Utility Infrastructure, Sustainability Assessment, Tunnel Construction, Urban (and aspirational) Futures, Urban metabolism and Waste.

Dr Hunt has authored > 120 publications (>50 in refereed international journals – winning both the Trevithik and Asset Management Awards for best paper in journal), this includes a BRE publication on Designing Resilient Cities and a series of Little Books. His h-index is 23 with i-10 index of 44, with a number of papers amassing >100 citations each. This includes papers in high citation journals (e.g. Global Environmental Change – IF = 10.46) Altogether, he has been cited >1700 times (Google-Scholar) with 70% these occurring in the last five years, this is accompanied by >50,000 views of his research work on Research Gate and 45,000 views on Mendeley.

He is on the Editorial Board of two journals (Sustainability and Civil Engineering), and has organised and presented at national / international conferences and workshops. Additionally he has delivered invited Talks and is a regular referee for 14 international journals including but not limited to:

  • ICE- Water management;
  • ICE- Sustainable Engineering;
  • ICE- Urban Design and Planning;
  • ICE - Asset management;
  • Sustainability;
  • Water;
  • Local Environment;
  • Journal of Environmental Engineering;
  • Global Environmental Change;
  • Environment and Planning B;
  • Journal of Mountain science;
  • Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (TUST);
  • Canadian Geotechnical journal;
  • Geotechnique.

Dr Hunt was awarded ‘Outstanding Reviewer’ Status for TUST (top 10th percentile in terms of the number of reviews completed two years running) in 2015. Dexter is an excellent communicator having honed these skills over many years rearing his children, tutoring, teaching and from research interaction with and between many students, academics and stakeholder audiences from multiple disciplinary backgrounds. Dexter regularly presents and leads panels at national / international conferences and workshops.

Dr Hunt has a total of 18 (mostly externally funded) doctoral students (10 having completed) and has examined 20 higher degrees (2 as external at UK institutions and 18 as Internal). In addition he has five years of experience leading both BEng and MEng Final Year Research Modules.

Dr Hunt teaches on and has been module lead for a number of courses at UoB this includes: Underground Construction, Sustainable Construction, Geotechnics, Geotechnical Asset Management and Materials 1 and 2.  

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Lecturer in Sustainability and Underground Construction

  • Post Graduate Certificate if Education, University of Birmingham, 2017
  • Fellow of the HEA, 2017
  • Associate of the HEA, University of Birmingham, 2015
  • PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, 2005
  • MEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham, 2000

Other Qualifications

  • Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers
  • Member of the Eastside Advisory Group (2003 to 2008)
  • Member of the Tysely Demonstrator Steering Group (2015 onward)
  • Member of Tunneling Association (2003 onwards)


Dexter Hunt qualified with a MEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering from the University of Birmingham in 2000. He went on to study for an EPSRC-funded PhD (2000-3) on physical and numerical modelling of tunnelling soil-structure interaction.

Since this time Dexter has gained >15 years of highly multi-disciplinary EPSRC-funded PDRF experience on sustainable and resilient urban infrastructure systems.

Dexter was subsequently appointed to Lecturer in 2015 and has gained >10 years’ worth of teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Prizes and Awards:

Dexter has been awarded the following prizes for best paper(s):


Teaching Programmes

Dr Hunt is involved with teaching underground construction and sustainability at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

  • Sustainable Construction (MSc)
  • Underground Construction (MSc)
  • Infrastructure Development and Planning (MSc)
  • Geotechnical Engineering (Undergraduate)
  • Research Projects (MSc and Undergraduate)

Postgraduate supervision

Visiting academics (Research Theme):

  • Dr Yan-Guo (2014 – 2015) visiting academic from Ghuangshou University – Research on Chinese sojourners, their activities and liveability within Birmingham.

PhD students (Research Theme):

  • Ismael Onungwe (started September 2020) Integrating Circular Economy For Sustainable Solid Waste Management Systems In Aba, Nigeria
  • Elisabeth Shrimpton (started 2020) – Governance models within the water sector https://pipebots.ac.uk/people/elisabeth-shrimpton/
  • Badir Alsaeed (started 2019) – Sustainable Water Resource Management in Semi-Arid Regions
  • Suleiman Otuoze (Started 2017) – Critical Infrastructure for Future Transportation in Megacities: A Case Study of Nigeria
  • Hasan Topal (Started 2017) – Urban Sustainability and Smartness Understanding (USSU)
  • Giovani Palafox-Alcantar (Started 2016) Game Theory and Waste management
  • Mohammad Almulhim (started 2016) - A Framework for Assessing the Environmentally Sustainable and Resilience Performance of Domestic Building Materials in Saudi Arabia
  • Mahsa (started 2012) – Integrating Lean Construction within the Riba Plan of Works
  • Akpan Dianabasi (Started 2015) – Infrastructure resilience: A framework for assessing critical oil and gas infrastructure
  • Jonathon Ward (started 2015) - incorporating social relations into city system models (including socio-physical connections, in relation to Smart Cities and future infrastructure models) http://liveablecities.org.uk/people/jonathan-ward
  • Aryan Hojatti (completed 2018) – Developing a methodology to assess the true total cost of utility streetworks in Cities. http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/civil/hojjati-aryan.aspx
  • Ms Marianna Cavada (Completed 2019) - Smart Cities http://liveablecities.org.uk/people/marianna-Cavada
  • Valeria de Laurentiis (Completed 2017) – Overcoming Food security Challenges using an Energy / Water / Food Nexus approach http://liveablecities.org.uk/people/valeria-de-laurentiis
  • Joanne Leach (Completed 2019) – Developing a city analysis Methodology
  • Martin Locret (Completed 2016) – Towards a user-oriented Redefinition of Public Spaces
  • Lewis Makana (completed 2015) – Sustainable and Resilience Evaluation of Underground Space Use in Urban Environments https://research.ncl.ac.uk/ibuild/ibuildteam/researchers/lewismakana.html
  • Janvhi Shah (completed 2015) – Resilient Geotechnical asset Management
  • Mehran Eskandari (completed 2016) – A risk based framework for assessing a pan-European Supergrid.
  • Roya Zargarian (completed 2015) USPeAR – Sustainability Framework for Urban Underground Space
  • Sara Zadeh (Graduated 2013) - Sustainability Evaluation of Sharing Greywater Recycling in Urban Mixed-use Regeneration Areas


Sustainable Materials and Waste Reduction:

  • City Analysis Methodologies including aspects of urban metabolic studies in a context of enhanced resource security, one planet-low carbon living with enhanced wellbeing.
  • Risk Analysis for a Pan-European Supergrid.
  • Integration of Sustainability and Resilience into urban development processes – this includes such aspects as urban regeneration processes, Rainwater Harvesting and Greywater recycling systems, Energy systems, Sustainability Assessment, Whole Life Costing.
  • The use of Future Urban Scenarios for Sustainable Resilient Infrastructure (and city) planning.
  • Underground Ground Movements associated with multiple tunnel constructions in soft soils. In particular physical and numerical modelling using Finite Element Analysis.

Previous Research Projects:

  • Liveable Cities
    University of Birmingham

This £6.3M programme Grant (2012-2017) looked to transform the engineering of cities to deliver global and societal wellbeing within the context of low carbon living and resource security through developing realistic and radical engineering that demonstrates the concept of an alternative future.

  • Sustainable Regeneration: from Evidence-based Urban Futures to Implementation
    (Senior Research Fellow)
    University of Birmingham

This £3.1 million project (2008-2012) established alternative future scenarios, and tested the sustainability impact of today's urban regeneration decisions. This culminated in A five-step tool http://designingresilientcities.co.uk/
accompanied by a practitioner guide titled ‘Designing Resilient Cities: A Guide to Good Practice’ (launched on the 18th April 2012)

  • Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Eastside
    (Research Fellow)
    University of Birmingham

This project explored how sustainability is addressed in the regeneration decision-making process and assessed the sustainability performance of development schemes in Birmingham Eastside against stated sustainability credentials and aspirations. During this project Dexter organised the SUE Vision into Action RF Conference in 2005, (rated as ‘Outstanding’ by its peers).



  1. Hunt, D. V. L. (2005) Predicting the ground movements above twin tunnels constructed in London Clay, PhD thesis, July 2005, University of Birmingham, UK. 

Journal Papers

  1. Hunt, D. V. L. and Rogers, C. D. F. (2005) Barriers to sustainable infrastructure in urban regeneration, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability 158 (2), 67–81.
  2. Porter, E. J. and Hunt, D. V. L. (2005). Eastside: Making steps towards sustainability? Local Environment, Taylor and Francis Group 10 (5) October, 525-542.
  3. Hunt. D. V. L., Jefferson, I., Jankovic, l. J. and Hunot, K. P. H. (2006) Sustainable Energy?: A feasibility study for Eastside, Birmingham, UK. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability 159 (4), 155–168 (Shortlisted for prize)
  4. Chapman, D. N., Ahn, S. K. and Hunt, D. V. L (2007) Investigating ground movement caused by the construction of multiple tunnels in soft ground using laboratory model tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,44 (6), 631-643.
  5. Jefferson, I., Hunt, D.V.L., Birchal, C. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2007) Sustainable Indicators for Environmental Geotechnics. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability.  160 (2), 57-78.
  6. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D.R., Rogers C.D.F. and Jefferson, I. (2008). Application of Sustainability Indicators in Decision-Making Processes for Urban Regeneration Projects. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Engineering Sustainability, 161 (1) 77-92.
  7. Hunt. D.V.L., Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2009). Geotechnics the next 60 years. Discussion Article. Geotechnique, 59 (8)723-724.
  8. Thomas, A.M., Lombardi, D.R., Hunt, D.V.L, and Gaterell, M. (2009) "Estimating carbon dioxide emissions for aggregate use", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, 162 (3) 135-144. Trevithick Prize for best paper in Engineering Sustainability.
  9. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I., Gaterell, M. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2009) Planning for sustainable utility infrastructure. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Urban Design and Planning, 162 (4) 187-201.
  10. Glendinning S, Mok C.K, Kalumba D, Rogers C.D.F and Hunt D.V.L (2010) Design Framework for electrokinetically enhanced dewatering of sludge Journal of Environmental Engineering. April 2010. 136 (4), 417-426.
  11. Royal, A.C.D. Hunt, D.V.L. Rogers, C.D.F. and Chapman, D.N (2010) Numerical Analysis to Simulate the Creation and Performance of Extruded Concrete Linings in Microtunnelling. Tunnels and underground space technology. Special Issue ‘Buried infrastructure challenges and trenchless technology solutions’. June 2010. 25 (6) 745-753.
  12. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2011) Assessing the sustainability of underground space usage - A toolkit for testing possible urban futures. Journal of Mountain Science. 8 (2), 212-222.
  13. Lombardi, D.R., Caserio, M., Donovan, R., Hale, J., Hunt, D.V.L., Weingaertner, C., Barber, A., Bryson, J.R., Coles, R.,  Gaterell, M., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Sadler, J. and Rogers C.D.F. (2011)Elucidating Sustainability Sequencing Tensions and Tradeoffs in Development Decision-making. Environmental Planning B. 38(6), 1105 – 1121.
  14. Boyko,C. T., Gaterell, M. R., Barber, A. R. G., Brown, J., Bryson, J.R., Butler, D., Caputo, S. Caserio, M., Coles, R., Cooper, R., Davies, G., Farmani, R., Hale, J., Hales, A.C., Hewitt, N., Hunt, D. V. L, Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Leach, J.M., Lombardi, D.R., MacKenzie, R. A., Memon, F.A., Pugh, T. A. M., Sadler, J.P., Weingaertner, C., Whyatt, J.D., & Rogers, C.D.F. (2012) Benchmarking Sustainability in Cities: The role of indicators and future scenarios. Global Environmental Change. 22 (1), 245-254 12/04/2011)
  15. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D.R., Farmani, F., Jefferson, I., Memon, F.A., Butler, D. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2012) Urban Futures and the code for sustainable homes. Institution of Civil Engineers Engineering Sustainability. 165 (1), 37–58
  16. Farmani, R., Butler, D., Hunt, D.V.L., Memon,F.A., Abdelmeguid, H., Ward, S. and Rogers, C.D.F (2012). Scenario based sustainable water management for urban regeneration. Institution of Civil Engineers Engineering Sustainability. 165 (1), 89–98.
  17. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D. R., Jefferson, I. Rogers, C.D.F. Butler, D. and Memon, F.A. (2012) Appraising infrastructure for new towns in Ireland. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Urban Design and Planning,165 (2), 103–121 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/udap.9.00019.
  18. Hunt, D.V.L.; Lombardi, D.R.; Atkinson, S.; Barber, A.; Barnes, M.; Boyko, C.T.; Brown, J.; Bryson, J.; Butler, D.; Caputo, S.; Caserio, M.; Coles, R.; Farmani, R.; Gaterell, M.; Hale, J.; Hayes, C.; Hewitt, C.N.; Jankovic, L.; Jefferson, I.; Mackenzie, A.R.; Memon, F.A..; Whyatt, D.; Weingaertner, C.and  Rogers, C.D.F.;  (2012). Scenario Archetypes: Converging rather than Diverging Themes. In Sustainability 4 (4), 740-772; doi:10.3390/su4040 (>1600 full text views).
  19. Zadeh, S.M., Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D. R., and Rogers C.D.F. (2013). Shared Urban Greywater Recycling Systems: Water Resource Savings and Economic Investment. Sustainability, 5 5(7), 2887-2912; http://doi:10.3390/su5072887http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/5/7/2887 (250 full paper views 17/09/2013)
  20. Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers, C.D.F. and Jefferson, I. (2013). Scenarios analysis through a futures performance framework. Special themed issue of Earth Systems Engineering within Engineering Sustainability166 (5), 258-271.
  21. Hunt, D.V.L., Nash, D. and Rogers, C.D.F (2014). Sustainable utility placement via multi utility tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.39, 15-26 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tust.2012.02.001. 3rd most downloaded paper for TUST in 2014.
  22. Zadeh, S.M., Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D. R., and Rogers C.D.F. (2014). Carbon costing for mixed-use greywater recycling systems.Proc. Institute of Civil Engineers: Water Management, 167 (8), 467-481 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/wama.12.00093
  23. Hunt, D.V.L. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2014) A Benchmarking system for Domestic Water Use.Sustainability, 6, 2993-3018; http://doi:10.3390/su6052993.
  24. Zadeh, S.M., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2014). Socio-Technological Influences on Future Water Demands. Water. 6 1961-1984; http://doi:10.3390/w6071961.
  25. Shah, J., Jefferson, I. and Hunt, D.V.L. (2014) Resilience Assessment for Geotechnical Infrastructure Assets. Proc. Institute of Civil Engineers: Asset Management 1 (4), 95-104 http://doi:10.1680/iasma.14.00007.
  26. Torbaghan, M.E, Hunt, D.V.L and Burrow, M (2014). Supergrid: projecting interconnection capacities for the UK. Proc. Institute of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability167 (6), 249-263.
  27. Torbaghan, M.E, Burrow, M, Hunt, D.V.L. (2015). Risk Assessment for a UK-Pan European Supergrid. International Journal of Energy Research. 39(11), 1564-1578.
  28. Hale, J; Pugh, T; Sadler J; Boyko C; Brown J; Caputo S; Caserio M; Coles R; Farmani R; Hales C; Horsey, R; Hunt D.V.L; Leach J.; Rogers C.D.F; MacKenzie R. (2015) Delivering a multi-functional and resilient urban forestry. Sustainability 7, 4600-4624.
  29. Kavada, M. X., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2016) Delivering Carbon Dioxide Reduction through Smart City Concepts. Proc. Institute of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability – Special Edition on Smart Cities for 2016. 16X (X), X-X.Ahead of printOnline DOI: 10.1680/jensu.15.00032 – Article featured in University news article http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/news/latest/2016/02/Smart-cities-better-defined-by-new-research-100216.aspx
  30. Hunt, D.V.L.,Makana, L.O., Jefferson, I., and Rogers C.D.F. (2016). Liveable Cities and Urban Underground Space. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology – Special Issue.55, 21 -31, doi:10.1016/j.tust.2015.11.015.
  31. Makana, L.O., Jefferson, I., Hunt, D.V.L.,and Rogers C.D.F. (2016) Assessment of the future resilience of sustainable urban sub-surface environments Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 55, 8 -20. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2015.11.016
  32. Leach, J.M., Braithwaite, P.A., Lee, S.E., Bouch, C.J., Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers, C.D.F. (2016) Measuring urban sustainability and liveability performance: the City Analysis Methodology (CAM). International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Technology (IJCAST)1(1):86-106
  33. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2016) Overcoming Food Security Challenges within an Energy/Water/Food Nexus (EWFN) Approach. Sustainability 8 (1), Article 95, doi:10.3390/su8010095
  34. Zargarian, R., Hunt, D.V.L,Braithwaite, P.,and Rogers, C.D.F. (2016). USPeAR: sustainability framework for Urban Underground Space. Proc. Institute of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability16X (X). Ahead of print http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/jensu.15.00013
  35. Lee, S.E., Leach, J.M., Hunt, D.V.L., Bouch, C.J., and Rogers, C.D.F. (2016). Urban resource flows and waste for Birmingham, UK. Resources, Conservation and Recycling Submitted and under review.
  36. Torbaghan, M.E, Burrow, M, Hunt, D.V.L. and Elcheikh, M. (2017). A Risk-based framework for a UK-Pan European Supergrid. Energy 124: 124-132
  37. Rogers, C.D.F., Hunt, D.V.L., Leach, J.M., Purnell, P. and Roelich, K.E. (2017) Briefing: Resource scarcity and resource security–a suppressed civil engineering challenge. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Waste and Resource Management Ahead of print. http://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/doi/abs/10.1680/jwarm.17.00008
  38. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2017). Contribution of school meals to climate change and water use in England. Energy Procedia123: 204-211.
  39. Leach, J.M., Lee, S.E., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2017) Improving city-scale measures of livable sustainability: a study of urban measurement and assessment through application to the city of Birmingham, UK Cities 71: 80-87
  40. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., Lee, S.E. and Rogers C.D.F. (2018) EATS: a life cycle based decision support tool for local authorities and school caterers. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1-17 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11367-018-1460-x
  41. Rogers C.D.F. and Hunt, D.V.L. (2018) Realising Visions for Future Cities: An Aspirational Futures Methodology. Institution of Civil Engineers - journal Urban Design and Planning 172 (4): 125-140
  42. Palafox-Alcantar, P.G., Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers C.D.F. (2020). The complementary use of game theory for the circular economy: A review of waste management decision-making methods in civil engineering. Waste Management102 598-612                       
  43. Topal, H.F., Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers C.D.F. (2020). Urban Sustainability and Smartness Understanding (USSU)—Identifying Influencing Factors: A Systematic Review. Sustainability 12 (11), 4682    
  44. Almulhim, M.S.M, Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers C.D.F. (2020). A Resilience and Environmentally Sustainable Assessment Framework (RESAF) for Domestic Building Materials in Saudi Arabia Sustainability 12 (8), 3092            
  45. Palafox-Alcantar, P.G. Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers C.D.F. (2020) A Hybrid Methodology to Study Stakeholder Cooperation in Circular Economy Waste Management of Cities. Energies 13 (7), 184

Refereed Conference Papers

  1. Chapman, D. N., Rogers, C. D. F. and Hunt, D. V. L. (2002). Prediction of settlement above closely spaced multiple tunnel constructions in soft ground. Proc. 3rd Int. Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Toulouse, 13-18.
  2. Chapman, D. N., Rogers, C. D. F and Hunt, D. V. L. (2003). Investigating the settlement above closely spaced multiple tunnel constructions in soft ground. Proc. of World Tunnel Congress 2003, Amsterdam, 2. 629-635. (Published in (Re) Claiming the Underground Space, eds. J saveur).
  3. Chapman, D. N., Rogers, C. D. F and Hunt, D. V. L., (2004). Predicting the settlements above twin tunnels constructed in soft ground Proc. 30th ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2004, Singapore, Paper C33, pp8. (Abstract and full version available online in Tunneling and Underground Space Technology,2004,19 (4/5), 378–380). http://www.ctta.org/fileupload/ita/2004/data/abs_c33.pdf (PDF)
  4. Chapman, D. N., Rogers, C. D. F. and Hunt, D. V. L. (2005). Predicting the settlements above closely spaced triple tunnels constructed in soft ground. Tunnel Congress 28, Amsterdam 2005. (Published in Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction, eds Klaas Jan Bakker, Adam Bezuijen, W. Broere. Taylor and Francis press. 219-224)
  5. Donovan, R. G, Hunt, D. V. L and Porter, E. J. (2005). Barriers to achieving Sustainability: Reflections from Eastside, Birmingham, SUE: Vision into Action conference proceedings, Eastside Birmingham, March 2005 (Conference DVD).
  6. Hunt, D. V. L. and Rogers, C. D. F. (2005) Barriers to sustainable infrastructure in urban regeneration, Birmingham, SUE: Vision into Action conference proceedings, Eastside Birmingham, March 2005 (Conference DVD, awarded 3rd place prize).
  7. Jefferson, I., Rogers, C. D. F. and Hunt, D. V. L. (2006), Achieving Sustainable Underground Construction in Birmingham Eastside?, The 10th International Congress of the IAEG, Nottingham, UK, , September 2006. (CD-ROM)
  8. Hunt, D.V.L. and Chapman, D.N. (2006) Rapourter paper. The 10th International Congress of the IAEG, Nottingham, UK, September 2006 (CD-ROM)
  9. Chapman, D. N., Ahn, S. K., Hunt, D. V. L., and Chan, A. H (2006). The use of model tests to investigate the ground displacements associated with Multiple tunnel construction in soil, In Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, CD-ROM, April, Soeul, South Korea, (Abstract and Full version available online in Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 21 (3), 2006, p.413)
  10. Hunt, D. V. L., Lombardi, D.R. and Jefferson, l. J. (2006) Sustainable Water?: A feasibility study for Birmingham Eastside 4th CIWEM Annual conference, CD-ROM, September, Newcastle, UK September 2006, Newcastle, UK. pp22.
  11. Rogers, C. D. F and Hunt, D. V. L. (2006). Sustainable Utility Infrastructure via Multi-Utility Tunnels, In proceedings of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineering 2006 conference, Towards a sustainable future, Calgary, May 23rd 2006, Paper CT-001.
  12. Ahn, S. K, Chapman, D. N., Chan, A. H and Hunt, D. V. L (2006). Model Tests for investigating ground movements cause by multiple tunnelling in soft ground. Proceedings of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics – 6th ICMG, Hong Kong, Ng, Zhang and Wang (eds), Taylor and Francis Group. London, 2, 1133 – 1137. 
  13. Chapman. D, N., Hunt, D.V.L. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2007). A method for predicting the settlements above closely spaced multiple tunnel constructions in soil. 86th TRB January 2007, Washington DC, pp26.
  14. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D.R., Rogers C.D.F. & Jefferson, I. (2007). Sustainability indicators and their application in decision-making processes. SUE MoT conference 2007, CD-ROM, June 2007, Glasgow, pp27. 
  15. Royal, A.C.D., Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers, C.D.F., Chapman, D.N. and Polak, M.A. (2007). Modelling of HDD pipeline frictional resistance and extruded microtunnelling linings for long-distance 'cable pipe' installations (In Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities, CD-ROM). No-Dig 2007, Rome, Italy 10-13 September 2007). pp13
  16. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, R.D. Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2008) The Development Timeline Framework: A tool for engendering sustainable use of underground space. Geotechnical Special Publication, 178, Proc. of Geocongress 2008, ASCE, New Orleans, USA, March 2008, 859-866
  17. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. Rogers, C.D.F. Butler, D. and Memon, F.A. (2009) Adamstown: A sustainable new town for Co. Dublin, Ireland? SUE-MoT Conference 2009: Second International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, Loughborough, UK 22-24 April 2009. (CD-ROM)
  18. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2009) A toolkit for testing sustainable use of underground space in future scenarios.  In: (R. Huang, N. Rengers, Z. Li & C. Tung, eds) Geological Engineering Problems in Major Construction Projects,  Proc. Of the, 7th Asian Regional Conference, Chengdu, China, Sept. 2009, 802-812.
  19. Zadeh, S.M, Lombardi, D.R, Hunt, D.V.L. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2010). Local Area Greywater Symbiosis Approach to More Sustainable Urban Water Management, 14-16 April 2010, A Coruna, Spain. The Sustainable City 2010, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability,
  20. Zadeh, S.M., Lombardi, D. R., Hunt, D.V.L. and Rogers C.D.F. (2010) Local area greywater symbiosis approach to More Sustainable Urban Water Management. In: (Brebbia eds) The Sustainable world, Ecology and the Environment. 142. 193-204. ISBN 978-1-84564-504-5
  21. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2010) Sustainability use of the underground space. In: (A.L.Williams, G.M. Pinches, C.Y. Chin, T.J. McMorran & C.I. Massey eds) Geologically Active, Proc. 11th Int. Congress, IAEG, Auckland, New Zealand, Sept. 2010, Theme 4, 235-244.
  22. Hunt, D. V. L., Farmani, R.,Lombardi, D. R., Butler, D. and Memon F.A. (2010) A Sustainability Toolkit for scenario based urban futures research into water provision: Part 1 – Methodology. In Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries – Challenges and Opportunities, UNESCO-DelPHE International Conference on Sustainable Water Management (SWM2010), Jamshoro, Pakistan , 15-17 September 2010, ISBN 0-9539140-4-6, 355-366
  23. Hunt, D. V. L., Farmani, R.,Lombardi, D. R., Butler, D. and Memon F.A. (2010) A Sustainability Toolkit for scenario based urban futures research into water provision: Part 2 – Toolkit. In Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries – Challenges and Opportunities, UNESCO-DelPHE International Conference on Sustainable Water Management (SWM2010), Jamshoro, Pakistan , 15-17 September 2010, ISBN 0-9539140-4-6, 366-377
  24. Hunt D V L, Jefferson I and Rogers C D F (2010), "Assessing the Sustainability of Underground Space Usage – A Toolkit for Testing Possible Urban Futures", Chapter in: Geological Engineering Problems in Major Construction Projects. International Association of Engineering Geologists.
  25. Hunt, D.V.L.; Lombardi, D.R.; Atkinson, S.; Barber, A.; Barnes, M.; Boyko, C.T.; Brown, J.; Bryson, J.; Butler, D.; Caputo, S.; Caserio, M.; Coles, R.; Farmani, R.; Gaterell, M.; Hale, J.; Hayes, C.; Hewitt, C.N.; Jankovic, L.; Jefferson, I.; Mackenzie, A.R.; Memon, F.A..; Pugh, T.A.M.; Rogers, C.; Whyatt, D.; Weingartner, C. Scenario Archetypes: Converging rather than Diverging Themes. In Proceedings of the 1st World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2011; Sciforum Electronic Conferences Series. (> 540 views on 15/10/2012) http://www.sciforum.net/conference/wsf/paper/720
  26. Memon, F.A., D Butler, R Farmani, H. Abdelmeguid, S. Atkinson, C.D.F. Rogers, and Hunt,D.V.L. (2011)Urban Futures – Sustainability (Resilience) Evaluation of Water Infrastructure. AEESP Education & Research Conference, University of South Florida, July 10-12.  
  27. A. Robert MacKenzie, Thomas A.M. Pugh, Matthew Barnes, James Hale Atkinson, S., Barber, A., Boyko, C., Brown, J. Bryson, J., Butler, D., Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R.,Farmani, R., Gaterell, M, Hales, C., Hewitt, N., Hunt, D.V.L., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., Lombardi, D.R., Memon, F.A., Rogers, C.D.F., Smith, D, Whyatt, D, and Weingaertner, C. (2011) Strategies for exploring urban futures in, and across, disciplines. Trees, People and the built environment. 192 – 201.
  28. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. Drinkwater, N.K. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2012) Sustainable Utility placement for University Campuses. Geotechnical Special Publication 225,Geocongress 2012: State of the Art and Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, (eds. Hryciw, R.D., Athanaopoulos-Kekkos, A. and Yesiller, N.) ASCE, USA, pp. 4309-4318. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/9780784412121.443.
  29. Hunt, D.V.L., Nash, D. and Rogers, C.D.F (2012). Sustainable utility placement via multi utility tunnels.TRS and Underground Infrastructure Research (UIR) conference. Niagara Falls, Canada. June 5 and 6, 2012. Article featured in ‘Advances in Engineering’ 2012.
  30. Zadeh, S.M., Lombardi, D. R., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2012). Reducing the sustainability trade-off in the performance of Greywater Reuse systems. Proc. Sustainable Water Management 2012. American Water works Association. Portland, Oregan, March 18 to 21 http://acumen-va-online.com/awwaSWM2012/contents.php?s=MON07
  31. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2012). Testing the Resilience of Underground Infrastructure Solutions through an Urban Futures Methodology. Proc. of REAL CORP 2012, 14th – 16th May, Vienna, 825-834. http://programm.corp.at/cdrom2012/papers2012/CORP2012_97.pdf (PDF)
  32. Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2012). Using an urban futures tool to analyse complex long-term interactions between technological, human and natural systems. ESE 2012: A technical symposium on systems engineering for sustainable adaption to global change, 3rd to 5th July 2012, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK. Pages 85-104.
  33. Zadeh, S.M., Lombardi, D. R., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2012). Greywater Recycling Systems in Urban Mixed-Use Regeneration Areas: Economic Analysis and Water Saving Potential. Proceedings of the 2nd World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2012; Sciforum Electronic Conferences Series. http://www.sciforum.net/conference/wsf2/paper/1021
  34. Zargarian, R., Hunt, D.V.Land Rogers, C.D.F. (2013). The Role Of Underground Space In A Sustainable UK Urban Environment. In: Advances in Underground Space Development – Zhou, Cai & Sterling (eds), Copyright 2013 by The Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology (Singapore). Published by Research Publishing. pp. 930-942. http://doi:10.3850/978-981-07-3757-3_RP-058-P358 Presented at ACUUS 2012, Singapore, November 7-9. http://rpsonline.com.sg/proceedings/9789810737573/html/RP-058-P358.xml
  35. Bobylev, N, Hunt, D.V.Land Jefferson, I and Rogers, C.D.F. (2013). Sustainable Infrastructure for Resilient Urban Environments. In: Advances in Underground Space Development – Zhou, Cai & Sterling (eds), Copyright 2013 by The Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology (Singapore). Published by Research Publishing. pp. 906 – 917. ISBN: 978-981-07-3757-3; http://doi:10.3850/978-981-07-3757-3 RP-107-P219 Presented at ACUUS 2012, Singapore, November 7-9 http://rpsonline.com.sg/proceedings/9789810737573/html/RP-107-P219.xml
  36. Lee, S.E., Leach, J.M., Hunt, D.V.L., Rose, K and Rogers, D.D.F. (2013). A City Analysis Methodology to elucidate Urban Challenges: Energy and material flows of Birmingham. Liveable Cities Conference, 21st October, Birmingham, UK. 6 pages.
  37. Leach JM, Braithwaite PA, Bouch CJ, Lee SE, Rogers CDF + Liveable Cities Team (2013) An update on the liveable cities City Description Framework (CDF) and City Analysis Methodology (CAM), October 2013. Liveable Cities Conference, 21st October. Birmingham, UK. 6 pages
  38. Lee, S.E., Leach, J.M., Hunt, D.V.L., Rose, K and Rogers, C.D.F. (2013) A City Design Framework to Elucidate Urban Challenges: Energy Flows of Birmingham at the BHP Billiton Sustainable Communities / UCL Grand Challenge Symposium, 5th November 2013.
  39. Zadeh, S.M., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2013). Future Water Demands: The Role of Technology and User Behavior. Proceedings of the 3rd World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2013. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 3, 2013 , i002; doi:10.3390/wsf3-i002 http://www.sciforum.net/conference/wsf3/paper/216
  40. Hunt, D.V.L., Braithwaite, P. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2013). A Band Rating System for Domestic Water Use: Influences of Supply and Demand Options. Proceedings of the 3rd World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2013. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 3, 2013 , e005; doi:10.3390/wsf3-e005 http://www.sciforum.net/conference/wsf3/paper/2173
  41. Mehran, Hunt, D.V.L and Burrow, M (2013). Projecting the UK’s Future Electricity Supply Mix: A Tool for Generating Sustainable Future Energy Scenarios. Proceedings of the 3rd World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2013. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 3, 2013 , d010; doi:10.3390/wsf3-d010 (400 full paper views since November 2013) http://www.sciforum.net/conference/wsf3/paper/2176
  42. Makana, L.O., Jefferson, I., Hunt, D.V.L.,and Rogers C.D.F. (2014). 3D Geospatial Visualization of Underground Space to Enhance Geo-governance. Geocongress 2014. pp. 3455-3464 http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/9780784413272.335
  43. Shah, J., Jefferson, I., Ghataora, G and Hunt, D.V.L., (2014). Resilient Geotechnical Asset Management. Geocongress 2014. pp. 3769-3778, http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/9780784413272.365
  44. Lee, S.E., Leach, J., Hunt, D.V.L, Bouch, C., Rogers, C.D.F (2014). Development of a Resource Secure City using the City Analysis Methodology: the Liveable Cities approach to addressing this challenge over the next 50 years. Simplifying Assumptions in Models of Complex Systems: Break, Make, Justify Workshop. Biosciences Building. Birmingham University. 7 May 2014
  45. Lee S.E., Hunt, D.V.L. Leach, J.M., and Rogers C.D.F. (2014) Material Flow Analysis: Outcome Focus (MFA:OF) for Elucidating the Role of Infrastructure in the Development of a Liveable City. International Symposium for next generation Infrastructure. 30th September - 1st October, Vienna. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/steapp/isngi/programme/materialflowanalysis
  46. Hunt, D.V.L., Lee S.E., Leach, J.M., Bouch, C.J. and Rogers C.D.F. (2014). Urban Metabolism Assessment of Liveable Future UK Cities. Proceedings of the 4th World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2014. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 4, 2014. DOI: 10.3390/wsf-4-f010
  47. Hunt D.V.L. and Rogers C.D.F. (2014) Rainwater harvesting: Trade-offs between pluvial flood risk alleviation and mains water resource savingsProceedings of the 4th World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2014. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 4, 2014. DOI: 10.3390/wsf-4-a006
  48. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2014) Food security challenges: influences of an energy/water/food nexus. Proceedings of the 4th World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2014. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 4, 2014. doi:10.3390/wsf-4-g003
  49. Kavada, M. X., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2014) Smart Cities: Contradicting Definitions and Unclear Measures. Proceedings of the 4th World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2014. Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 4, 2014. doi:10.3390/wsf-4-f004
  50. Hale, J., Hunt D.V.L., Pugh, T.A.M., MacKenzie R., Sadler J.P., Rogers C.D.F and the Urban Futures team (2014) Future proofing the benefits of urban tree planting. Trees, People and the Built Environment II (TPBEII) international conference (May 2014). http://www.charteredforesters.org/icf-events/national-conference/tpbeii-resources/
  51. Bouch, C.J., Wallace, T, Kenny, R. Rogers, C.D.F., Hunt, D.V.L., Lee, S. (2015) A Novel Methodology for the Application of Middle-Out, Model-Based Systems Engineering Techniques for City Waste Management Systems Development. 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium (IS2015) Seattle, July 13-16, 15 pages
  52. Lee S.E., Leach, J.M., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2015) Material Flow Analysis: Outcome Focus (MFA:OF) for Elucidating the Role of Infrastructure in the Development of a Liveable City. Page 47-51
  53. Hunt, D.V.L. and Rogers, C.D.F. (2015) Water awareness of Postgraduate Engineering students. Proceedings of the 5th World Sustain. Forum, Basel, Switzerland, 7-9 September.
  54. Leach, J.M., Bartle, I., Hale, J.D., Bouch, C.J., Boyko, C.T., Lee S.E., Laurentiis, V., Cavada, M, Locret-Collet, M., Hunt, D.V.L., Sadler, J.P. and Rogers C.D.F. (2015). Critical infrastructures and sharing: implications for UK centralised infrastructure systems. International Symposium for Next Generation Infrastructure, Washington D.C., United States of America. 8 pages.
  55. Hunt, D.V.L., Makana L.and Rogers C.D.F.(2016). Using MFA to estimate the performance of scenarios for a rainwater harvesting system in Tyseley, Birmingham, UK, 3rd International Conference on Design, Construction, Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems, Venice, Italy. 165: 119-129.
  56. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2016) Environmental Assessment of the Impact of School Meals in the United Kingdom. Proc. of 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016, Dublin. UCD, 939-951.
  57. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2017). Contribution of school meals to climate change and water use in England. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Resource Use in Food Chains, ICSEF 2017, 19-20 April, Berkshire, UK.
  58. Akpan, D.E., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F.  (2017). A Conceptual Hybrid Framework for Long-term Evaluation of Gas and Oil Energy Infrastructure Systems. ISNGI - International Symposia For Next Generation Infrastructure, 1-12
  59.  Cavada, M., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2017). The Role of Infrastructure in Smart Cities. ISNGI - International Symposia For Next Generation Infrastructure, 1-12
  60.  Suleiman, H.O., Hunt, D.V.L. and Jefferson I. (2018). Review of Trends in system resilience for sustainable transport in Megacities. Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) 5th Annual International Conference on Engineering, 25-26 June 2018, Athens, Greece. 21 pages.
  61.  Leach, J.M., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F. (2018). Sustainable, Resilient and Liveable Cities – Realising the Aspiration. Urban Transformations 2018 Conference
  62. Palafox-Alcantar, P.G., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2019). A Game Theory Approach to Encourage Stakeholder Cooperation Towards a Circular Economy Waste Management in Cities (June 22, 2019). Abstract Proceedings of 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability - Cities (icRS Cities), Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3408402
  63. Almulhim, M.S.M, Hunt, D.V.L., Rogers C.D.F. (2018). A Framework for Assessing the Environmentally Sustainable and Resilience Performance of Domestic Building Materials in Saudi Arabia. International Conference on Sustainability, Human Geography and the Environment. (December 2018) Krakow, Poland

Books / Book Chapters / Reports

  1. Lombardi DR, Leach JM, Rogers CDF, Barber A, Boyko CT, Brown J, Bryson J, Butler D, Caputo S, Caserio M, Coles R, Cooper R, Farmani R, Gaterell M, Hale J, Hales C, Hewitt CN, Hunt D.V.L, Jancovic L, Jefferson I, Mackenzie AR, Memon FA, Phenix-Walker R, Pugh TAM, Sadler JP, Weingaertner C, Whyatt JD. (2012) Designing Resilient Cities: A Guide to Good Practice: (EP103), IHS BRE Press
  2. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D.R., Atkinson, S., Barber, A., Barnes. M., Boyko, C., Brown, J. Bryson, J., Butler, D., Caputo, S., Caserio, M., Coles, R.,Farmani, R., Gaterell, M, J. Hale, J., Hales, C., Hewitt, N., Jankovic, L., Jefferson, I., MacKenzie, R., Memon, F.A., Pugh, T., Rogers, C.D.F., Smith, D, Whyatt, D, and Weingaertner, C. (2012). Using Scenarios to Explore Urban UK Futures: A review of the Literature 1998 to 2011 – Monograph. In Designing Resilient Cities: A Guide to Good Practice: (EP103 - supplement CD-ROM)
  3. Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2016a) Aspirational City Futures: A short review of Foresight Approaches. August. A report for the UK Government’s Foresight Future of Cities Project. Birmingham, UK, April, 41 pages. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/516022/aspirational-city-futures-1a.pdf (PDF)
  4. Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2016b) Aspirational City Futures: Three Models for City Living. August. A report for the UK Government’s Foresight Future of Cities Project Birmingham, UK, April, 16 pages. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/516031/aspirational-city-futures-1b.pdf (PDF)
  5. Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2016c) Aspirational City Futures: Three Models for City Living – workshops. A report for the UK Government’s Foresight Future of Cities Project Birmingham, UK, April, 45 pages. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/516091/aspirational-city-futures-1c.pdf (PDF)
  6. De Laurentiis, V., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2018) The Little Book of Low Carbon Eating. http://liveablecities.org.uk/sites/default/files/outcome_downloads/littlebookoflowcarboneatinginthecity.pdf (PDF)
  7. Cavada, M., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2018) The Little Book of Smart Cities. http://liveablecities.org.uk/sites/default/files/outcome_downloads/littlebookofsmartcities.pdf (PDF)
  8. Palafox-Alcantar, P.G., Lee S.E., Hunt, D.V.L., and Rogers C.D.F (2018) The Little Book of Circular Economies in Cities. http://liveablecities.org.uk/sites/default/files/outcome_downloads/littlebookofcirculareconomyincities.pdf (PDF)

Trade Articles / Working Papers / Online Articles

  1. Donovan, R. G., Evans, J. E., Bryson, J. R., Porter, E. J. & Hunt, D. V. L.  (2006). Large-scale Urban Regeneration and Sustainability: Reflections on the Barriers Typology. Working paper, www.cert.bham.ac.uk/workingpapers/WP05_01.pdf pp14
  2. Hunt, D.V.L., Lombardi, D.R., Rogers C.D.F. & Jefferson, I. (2007) Embedding Sustainable Development decision-making processes in Eastside, Birmingham. Accounting for Sustainability. www.sustainabilityatwork.org.uk/casestudies/view/25  10pp.
  3. Rogers, C.D.F., Royal, A., Chapman, D.N., Hunt, D.V.L., Jefferson, I., Lombardi, D., Metje, N., Thomas, A., (2008).  Mapping the Underworld.  Trenchless World, Issue 12, pp.16 – 18
  4. ACD Royal, DVL Hunt, CDF Rogers, DN Chapman, MA Polak. (2008). Inzynieria Bezwykopowa (Trenchless Engineering), Modelowanie sil tarcia w instalacjah metodami HDD oraz formowalnych wykladzin w mikrotunelowaniach na dhugich dystansach, 17, 3, 74-82.
  5. Metje, N and Hunt, D.V.L (2015) Exposing the Underworld. Building Service Engineering. June, 2015. CIBSE journal. Page 34 to 37. http://www.cibsejournal.com/archive/PDFs/CIBSE-Journal-2015-06.pdf (PDF)
  6. Hunt, D.V.L. (2016) Water in our Bioregion http://bioregionbirmingham.org/protecting-the-commons-water-availability-in-our-bioregion/
  7. Dirar, S, Hunt, D.V.L and Robery, P (2020) Stop Talking Rot. Concrete 2020, ME Construction News Page 10 to 14 https://meconstructionnews.com/emagazine/tbp_preview.php?issue=170&code=bigproject_concrete_report_2020&left_text=no

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