Professor Asaad Faramarzi PhD, FHEA

Professor Asaad Faramarzi

Department of Civil Engineering
Head of Civil Engineering
Professor of Civil and Geotechnical Engineering

Contact details

School of Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Professor Faramarzi is a Professor of Civil and Geotechnical Engineering in the School of Engineering. His main research interests are application of computational modelling, and machine learning in geotechnical infrastructure modelling. He also has interest in geophysical sensing, ground engineering, experimental modelling and energy geotechnics. He has published over 100 research papers in prestigious journals and international conferences.

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  • FHEA, 2014
  • PGCert in HE, 2014
  • PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, 2011
  • MSc in Structural Engineering, 2006
  • BSc (Eng) in Civil Engineering, 2004


Professor Faramarzi leads the teaching on Numerical Approaches and Design in Geotechnics and contributes to Geotechnical Engineering 3. He is also involved in supervising final year projects and MSc dissertations.

Postgraduate supervision

Prof Asaad Faramarzi's main research interest is in computational modelling applied to geotechnical engineering problems. He is interested in developing novel numerical procedures for sensing techniques to capture buried infrastructure-ground interaction, and locating and condition assessment of underground features. He also has interest in poroelasticity, inter-particle interaction of granular assemblies and novel foundations to support offshore structures.

Prof Faramarzi's current research includes:

Inferring data from quantum technology sensors
Finite element modelling of geotechnical problems
Simulation and prediction of inter-particle interaction of granular assemblies
Application of machine learning in geotechnical and civil engineering problems
Offshore geotechnics


Research interests:

  • Computational Geotechnics
  • Application of machine learning in geotechnical and civil engineering problems
  • Condition assessment of buried infrastructure and their supporting ground
  • Inferring data from sensors
  • Quantum Technology (QT) gravity sensors


Most recent funded research projects:

  • Quantum Technology - Mapping and map integration for Buried Assets (QT-MIBA), PI - ISCF
  • Ground and Underground Infrastructure Damage Evaluation (GUIDE), PI - EPSRC
  • QVision2, PI - EPSRC
  • FRP Shear Strengthening of Damaged Concrete Beams Subjected to Fatigue Loading, CI - British Council
  • UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensing and Timing, CI - EPSRC
  • GUIDE  (Ground and Underground Infrastructure Damage Evaluation) - EPSRC

Other activities

  • Chair, 25th UKACM Conference on Computational Mechanics, University of Birmingham, April 2017
  • Guest Editor: Environmental Geotechnics (ICE), special issue: Reservoir engineering: geo-environmental issues
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the 22nd ACME Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2014.
  • Member of the British Geotechnical Association (BGA), UK.


Recent publications


Afrasiabi, A, Faramarzi, A, Chapman, D & Keshavarzi, A 2025, 'Optimising Ground Penetrating Radar data interpretation: A hybrid approach with AI-assisted Kalman Filter and Wavelet Transform for detecting and locating buried utilities', Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 232, 105567.

Chen, K, Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Thom, N & Faramarzi, A 2025, 'Physics-guided neural network for predicting international roughness index on flexible pavements considering accuracy, uncertainty and stability', Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 142, 109922.

Ye, Z, Lin, W, Faramarzi, A, Xie, X & Ninic, J 2025, 'SAM4Tun: No-training model for tunnel lining point cloud component segmentation', Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 158, 106401.

Chen, K, Eskandari Torbaghan, M, Thom, N, Garcia-Hernández, A, Faramarzi, A & Chapman, D 2024, 'A Machine Learning based approach to predict road rutting considering uncertainty', Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 20, e03186.

Pentassuglia, F, Kazantzi, AK, Faramarzi, A & Mitoulis, S-A 2024, 'Bridge assessment based on deflection as a measure of damage using Machine Learning-enhanced pattern identification', Procedia Structural Integrity, vol. 64, pp. 254-261.

Ye, Z, Lovell, L, Faramarzi, A & Ninic, J 2024, 'Sam-based instance segmentation models for the automation of structural damage detection', Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 62, no. Part C, 102826.

Tafreshi Moghaddas, SN, Sarabadani, A, Rahimi, M, Amiri, A, Dawson, A & Faramarzi, A 2023, 'Geocell-reinforced bed anchored with additional vertical elements under repeated loading', Transportation Geotechnics, vol. 42, 101089.

Mehravar, M, Harireche, O, Faramarzi, A, Rahimzadeh, F, Osman, A & Dirar, S 2023, 'Installation performance of structurally enhanced caissons in sand', Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 159, 105464.

Monzer, A, Faramarzi, A, Yerro, A & Chapman, D 2023, 'MPM Investigation of the Fluidization Initiation and Post-Fluidization Mechanism Around a Pressurized Leaking Pipe', Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering - ASCE, vol. 149, no. 11, 04023096.

Tafreshi Moghaddas, SN, Khanjani, A, Dawson, A & Faramarzi, A 2023, 'Performance of recycled waste aggregate mixed with crushed glass over a weak subgrade', Construction and Building Materials, vol. 402, 133002.

Conference article

Izonin, I, Tkachenko, R, Mitoulis, S, Faramarzi, A, Tsmots, I & Mashtalir, D 2024, 'Machine learning for predicting energy efficiency of buildings: a small data approach', Procedia Computer Science, vol. 231, pp. 72-77.

Conference contribution

Ye, Z, Faramarzi, A, Ninic, J & Lin, W 2025, Automated digital twin reconstruction for tunnel inspection and maintenance. in Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2025 (WTC 2025). CRC Press, World Tunnel Congress 2025, Sweden, 9/05/25.

Ye, Z, Lovell, L, Faramarzi, A & Ninic, J 2024, SAM-based Structural Surface Damage Detection. in B Riveiro & P Arias (eds), Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. University of Vigo, pp. 176-185, 31st International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Vigo, Spain, 1/07/24. <>


Faramarzi, A, Boddice, D, Castro, G, Cha, W, Soudmand-Niri, S, Rahimzadeh, F, Sgarabotto, A, Boszormenyi, E, Ardakani, F, Mehravar, M, Metje, N & Holynski, M, Going Underground, 2024, Exhibition.


Ye, Z, Lovell, L, Faramarzi, A & Ninić, J 2024 'Sam-Based Instance Segmentation Models for the Automation of Structural Damage Detection' SSRN.

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