Dr Dwaipayan Chakrabarti PhD

Dr Dwaipayan Chakrabarti

School of Chemistry
Associate Professor in Soft Matter

Contact details

School of Chemistry
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT


Dwaipayan Chakrabarti holds the position of Associate Professor in Soft Matter in the School of Chemistry and actively takes part in the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Topological Design.

The Chakrabarti group’s research is currently focused on optimally designing soft advanced materials for addressing sustainability issues and devising strategies for their scalable fabrication that exploits self-assembly routes for a range of building blocks, from molecular to microscale, with their expertise in computation and theory. The group is particularly interested in designing novel photonic, phononic, mechanical and opto-electronic materials, as well as developing fundamental understanding of experimentally observed phenomena in soft materials. In the pursuit of developing soft advanced materials by design, the Chakrabarti group develops, adapts and applies a variety of computational methods to investigate the structures, phase behaviour and properties of soft matter, especially colloids and liquid crystals.

For further details, please visit the group website.

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  • PhD in Chemical Science, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2006
  • MSc in Chemistry, University of Calcutta, 2001
  • BSc (Hons) in Chemistry, University of Calcutta, 1999


Dwaipayan Chakrabarti obtained a PhD from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2006 in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry.  A Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (2006-08) brought him to the University of Cambridge, where he subsequently held an Ernest Oppenheimer Early Career Research Fellowship (2008-11). He also held a Research Fellowship (2009-11) at Clare Hall, a graduate college in Cambridge, where he is now a Life Member.

Following a brief stint in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi as an Assistant Professor (2011-12), where he also held a Ramanujan Fellowship, he returned to Cambridge. He was initially appointed to a Birmingham Fellowship (2013-18) at the University of Birmingham, where he has most recently held a Royal Society Short Industry Fellowship (2021-22) in partnership with IBM. 

He is currently serving as secretary of the Colloids and Interface Science Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and on the Steering Committee of the British Liquid Crystal Society.


  • Soft Matter 
    Year 4 
  • Statistical Mechanics 
    Year 4 


For further details on the Chakrabarti group’s research on soft advanced materials by design, please visit the group website.


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